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I wiped a tear as I waited outside on the edge of the bridge. I looked down from the high ledge. I had picked a beautiful spot. The ledge was so high I knew I would pass out before I even hit the bright blue water. I took a deep breath and slowly began to let go.

"Mommy! Mommy!"I heard a child shouting.


I snatched back onto the silver railing quickly and spun around when I heard the sounds of little footsteps getting closer. I noticed a little boy running towards the ledge where I stood. That's when I also took notice of a bunch of terrifying men in black and white suits rushing after him. I suddenly reacted and raced to cover him. I faced my back to the men.

"Mommy! Was mommy gonna jump? Don't jump mommy! It's too high."He cried looking me in the eyes then buried his little head into my shoulder. The wind blew my thick brown curls across my light and slightly flushed face.

"Mommy?"I asked. Did he runaway or something?

I tried to look around behind me but all I could see what the men with weapons. I looked back out to the open clear lake where the sun was high in the sky. I remember only moments ago wanted to jump off the ledge. But at this moment I would be just fine ending it here if it meant protecting an innocent child.

The men shouted at me as I held onto the child. I couldn't understand them and just ignored them trying to calm down the child and his heavy crying.

"H-he's just a kid! Don't hurt him."I explained my heart beating out of my chest like it never had before. Soon enough I heard a calmer voice tell the men to put their weapons away.

"Pardon me, Miss. You speak English, yes?"He asked and I responded with just a quick nod.

The man in a professional black and white suit with short pushed back black hair strolled over and stood next to me. I turned my back to face him a bit in case he came to harm the boy crying in my arms.

"No need to be alarmed. I am unarmed."They gracefully opened up their blazer."However, I will need you to hand over the child."He placed his hands out.


"—NO! I stay wit mommy!"The boy argued wiping his tears with his tiny hands. The man sighed and strolled back over to the group of men. I had no clue what exactly to do at this point. All I knew was that I wasn't gonna let anything happen to this boy in my arms. Suddenly, a set of heavy footsteps approached and I became guarded once again.

Their presence was like a snake. Slithering its way closer and closer till it would finally strike. I fearfully glance behind me to see a man almost as tall as the trees. He wore a fitted black and white suit. He had an angular face with high cheekbones and his eyes were sharp like a cut and filled with solid black orbs. His jet black hair was pulled back into a neat traditional ponytail that fell behind him like a tail. He kept his hands in his suit pocket and spoke only after pushing out smoke from his nostrils.

"Koda it's time to go home now. Let's go."He explained calming is sharp black evil eyes for a moment.

I looked at the tall man and noticed how he and the boy didn't necessarily look like father and son. The boy had more of a caramel brown complexion were as his father was pale like porcelain.

"NO!"The little boy shook his head violently."I want my mommy!"

"Mommy is gone Takoda."He paused before glancing over to me."Hold on, Mommy?"From his head in the clouds, the giant glared down at me. He growled aggressively but still seemingly calm,

"Just what exactly have you been spouting to my son?"

"I didn't say anything about being his mom! I swear! H-he just ran up to me and those men started pointing guns at him!"I exclaimed still shook up from this whole situation. He blows out one last line of smoke and squashed the bud under his pointed black leather shoes.

"No. You are mistaken. They were pointing them at you."He sighed.

"It's just that I—."

"—Were you watching us? Hm?"He demanded. As I looked up at him with confusion I rubbed the boys back gently as he sniffed and played with my hair.

"W...what? No, I was..."I stopped myself and I knew he would take it the wrong way.

"You don't wanna talk now? Fine. Takoda, come with daddy, now."He pointed to his side. He shook his head and tears began to fall again.

"NO! I my want mommy. This is my mommy now!"He gripped onto my torso like a koala bear. The man sighed one last time.

"Koda."He paused and his eyes soften a little for only a moment.

"Mommy is not here. Shes gone remember? She's over there."He pointed past the bridge.

"This is my mommy."He whined through his puffy lips and refused to let me go. Maybe I looked like his mom?


The man sighed began to walk away then waved to his accomplices over to me. Suddenly I was rushed and dragged into a near by black car.

"Hey! What's going on?! W-where are you taking me?!"I shouted with fear as the strong men lifted me with ease while Takoda stayed on my chest with a glowing smile that made me melt even in this thrilling situation.

"Yeah! Mommy's coming back home!"The boy clapped.

"H...Home?"I whispered.


CRYBABY MAFIA: PART 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora