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After waking up from being sedated for an entire private plane flight I was taken into a semi-secluded large modern style home. They hauled me inside without a word and everything including the clothes on my back were taken from me. I was left in a black silk robe. It covered everything but still I had to hold it together a bit because of my wider hips and torso. I couldn't even keep a hair tie so my curls were left down in a mess. I felt so exposed and humiliated.

"Dahliah Conan. Age 22. Born in the United States."The man before the father of the child showed up earlier, came to interrogate me for security purposes. This man and the father of the child seemed to be around the same age.

"Can I have my clothes back? Please?"I spoke timidly. Still trying to keep my thin robe together over my thighs.

"Not yet Miss. Soon."He read off more from his black clipboard. Soon enough the boy's father stepped in along with other intimidating men in suits as well. The lights above him shadowed his angular face. Making him look like some sort of villain. His long black hair slithered from side to side behind him like he was a gorgon.

"Asashi."He dictated.

"はい."The man responded respectfully bowing.

"終わりましたか?"He hissed through his unusually red lips. I was extremely impressed he could speak two languages fluently without even a hint of an accent.

"はい. She has been successfully cleared."He clicked his black pen.

"Very well then..."He awaited my response.


"Dahliah, I'm not sure why my son is calling you his mommy. Nevertheless, my team and I have decided that for his mental health you will take on the role of his mother until he realizes you are, in fact, not."He explained bluntly.

"W-what? I can't-."

"You can and you will. You do not have a choice."He said without an emotional expression whatsoever. I was fearful of that. My eyes began to tear up and I tried to hide my face but to no avail.

"Are you...crying?"He asked almost disgusted. My face reddened a bit knowing everyone was just starring at me getting emotional.


I crossed my arms and thought about the boy. I suppose it wouldn't do any harm to stay a bit. I certainly don't have anywhere to be. I sighed and my ears reddened, even more, when I realized again I was almost completely naked under this robe and in front of all these men. The man looked me up and down pushed his thick brows together.

He waved one of his men over with a nod and whispered in his ear. The man had a slight look of fear in his eyes and grabbed two men to accompany him down the hall.

"We are getting you some proper clothing."He mentioned briefly as he was handed the clipboard from the man named Asashi. I had a feeling I wasn't gonna get the clothes I had before back. He sighed.

"Moving on, your accommodations will include the home and its resources so long as you do your job properly."He explained flipping through the clipboards papers. He continued after sighing once again,

"You will be spending most of your time with my son Takoda. So when he calls you mommy," He paused and looked me in the eyes,

"You answer as you should. Understood?"

"Yeah."I nodded keeping my arms crossed. Still unable to look at him. He was just so intense. I felt as though he would strike like a viper any second.

"Now then, Asashi show her the home." With that, he was gone just as fast as he came.

Later on, I was given black dress shirt and pants with a silver belt, as well as house shoes. I was informed I would be staying in Takoda's room since that is also where I'll be sleeping. There was another closet in the room so I was given that one. It was empty and only consisted of the color black. Luckily they also supplied me with hair, skincare, and products all in the bathroom down the hall. This environment was all so new to me but I knew that to get through this I just needed to focus on Takoda and his well-being.


It was finally dark out and I had just finished getting Takoda ready for bed. We were both given matching black silk pajamas. I had asked if someone could get me a silk scarf for my hair and Asashi made it happen. I was shocked they were being so polite to me, but I knew it was just because I was going to be taking care of their boss's son for now.

He was so happy his mommy was gonna sleep with him again. I sat next to Takoda on the bed as he rolled around playfully.

"Mommy,"He stopped and looked up at me.

"Yeah?"I smiled softly.

"I don't wanna go to sleep. I'm not sleepy."He explained. I sighed.

"Yeah, mommy's not sleepy either."I looked around the room and got an idea,

"How bout we go downstairs and get some snacks!"He cheered and hurried to the door patiently waiting for me. I pulled my silk shorts down a bit and then strolled over to picked him up. Then as quietly as I could, I headed down the hallway. I tried my best to be sneaky but Takoda kept giggling and that made me do the same. He's just so cute!

I let him stand next to me as I went through the large kitchen trying to find some food. However, the kitchen was just full of dishes and silverware. Where is the food?!

"And what exactly are you looking for?"


The light suddenly turned on and the two of us quickly spun around. Takoda waved and smiled at his father but I was not gonna take any chances with this man.

"Answer me."He demanded with his arms crossed.

"Well, Takoda wasn't tired and neither was I so I thought we could come stairs and have a little late-night snack."I shrugged.

"Mhm. Well your not gonna find anything in here because we don't do snacks."He made his way around the island to the two of us,

"We eat when it's mealtime and we have the chefs cook for us."

"I...I'm sorry. I tried to be quiet."I suggested looking away.

"Hehe! Mommy is scared of daddy."Takoda chuckled to himself. Well, you aren't exactly wrong.

"Koda isn't the partner in crime you want if you're trying to sneak around."He said giving the slightest grin to him then glared back at me,

"What is that on your head?"He asked and I lightly touched the fabric.

"Oh, it's a headscarf. It's for my hair. It keeps my curls defined overnight. Asashi got it for me."I explained. He just looked me up and down suspiciously.

"..Hm." He confirmed.

"We don't own any snacks anyways. Take Takoda back to bed. It's late."

"Oh, Yeah."I nodded and picked him up. I would have happily cooked something for Takoda if he was hungry, but I guess I should listen to his father and get him to bed. I picked him up and headed down the hallways. I smiled at him and whispered,

"You need to be quieter next time."I chuckled. He did the same and giggled covering his tiny mouth with both his hands. I couldn't help but smile again.


CRYBABY MAFIA: PART 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ