Chapter 1

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This is my first story on Wattpad. Please enjoy

It has been days of the same hunt. More death and yet no leads. All we know is that we're dealing with a full nest of vampires draining the lives of humans. The work of the vampires is getting messier and sloppy. Four deaths in this one week and yet nothing has helped Sam and I on where to go. We have our suspicions but can't be certain. It's a pissy little thing and I have no idea what I'm doing. Cass is trying to deal with controlling Clair while helping Sam and I. Scrolling through the computer with a bottle of whiskey helps the annoyance of the freaks out there. Same old news only comes up. I stop scrolling when I notice a date on a news article. It's recent. Mystic Falls missing girl. Except when I press on the website it won't allow me to enter it. Someone must've taken down the information. "Dean there's another one, brunette girl downtown" I take another sip of the whiskey and go prepare to become a fake FBI agent.

Sam's description of a brunette wasn't wrong except this sight of the girl isn't pleasant. Bite marks on both sides of the girl's neck but also on both wrists. "Looks as if they're getting desperate" Sam states making the obvious more obvious. I go over to the real investigators and talk them up revealing my fake badge. "The girl over there found the body. Kayla the victim has traces of being drugged and then bitten alive. What sicko does this?" The FBI have just given me more of a lead. Vampires are this sick, revolting to treat a woman like this. I look over to the shaken up female on the side of the footpath. While Sam is having a look at the victim I guess I'll have to talk to the witness.

The witness looks as if she has seen a ghost. "You're the one who found the victim" I confirm getting straight to the point. "Yes, I was coming out of a bar nearby and I stumbled upon the body," The way she speaks is as if she is lying. She is hiding something. Her eyes are stone cold scared and her hands are shaking. "Thank you, if you remember anything else or have any other information that can help us please report it" I work and leave the witness returning to Sam.

"The one that found Kayla is hiding something" I tell my brother wondering what the witness is hiding. "I spoke to the real detectives and they said they have a hunch that there will be another death in the next day or so. Let's head back we have nothing left here to do" I agree with Sam and start walking towards the car. I take a final glance back at the scene to feel as if we're missing an important part of the puzzle. There is something more to the deaths, but what? Could it relate to the missing girl in Mystic Falls?

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