Chapter 22

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Sam pov

Dean has been brooding for the 25 minutes and Elena has been awfully quiet. Too quiet. She's been in the bathroom for some time now. There is a strong smell. Blood smell. SHIT! "DEAN" I shout as I race to the bathroom. Dean comes running out of his room and to the bathroom.

Dean pov

"DEAN" The sound of Sam's yelling wakes me up. I hurry out to Sam's call and stop dead at the bathroom door. I kick the door down. "Oh god" Sam looks away for a moment. I rush to the side of the bath to now see what has taken place. The bath is filled less than a quarter with blood. I look down to the floor to see my blade from under my pillow. I lift Elena out of the bath and into my arms. "Call Cass, Call an ambulance" I order Sam. "Elena, come on wake up" I hold her close in my arms. I am now covered in blood that is Elena's. Her wrists are slit opens with two slashes. How could she do this to herself? I look up her right arm to see many cut scars. How long has this been going on for? "Cass isn't answering and the ambo is on their way" Sam informs. I have my hands tightly gripped around Elena's wrists to add pressure. She has lost so much blood. I check her pulse that is slowly dying out. The tears that formed in my eyes are spilling out. "MAKE THEM HURRY FASTER" I shout in rage and worry. "Dean," my brother's voice breaks with the sound of him in tears as well. The sound of sirens reach my ears. I pick Elena up and hold on her close to my body as I hurry out of the bathroom and to the front door.

"She has lost heaps of blood" I place Elena onto the carrier and follow Sam into the vicheil. The medics poke needles into her ams and try to pump a bag of blood into her. "Her pulse is fading, we need to get her to the hospital quickly" one of the female medics says. Covered in blood my hands clenched together while my knee bounces. "Is she going to survive?" Sam asks. "She cut pretty deep into the veins so it is fatal to tell. We're adding as much pressure as we can to the wounds to stop the bleeding. The blood loss we are trying to regain. Fatal! I can not look away from all that is going on. Is this my fault? When did it get to this option? How could I not have known?

They rush her into the hospital pushing Sam and I out of the way. I'm still covered in blood. Elena's blood. "Sam, Dean" I look up to see a frantic Cass rushing towards us. "You're supposed to be her guardian angel. Where were you Cass? I shout at him. "Dean it's not Cass's fault, it's none of ours" Sam tries to calm me down. It's no one's fault but I feel the blame. I had not seen the scars on Elena's arms until now, I had not seen her hurting. "I have two jobs Sam. To protect you and to protect Elena!" I exclaim. "Dean she is going to be okay, I can slip in and help her" I nod at Cass and watch as he goes over to the uniform rack and puts on one of the coats. Cass goes through the double doors and now I don't know when he will come out. "Call Jody, tell her what's going on." I request and sit down in the waiting room chairs. "And why you're at it, new change of clothes" I add on. The constant thought of Elena not waking up ramages through my head.

Cass's pov

She's pale and just laying there unresponsive. I lay my hand on her forehand to speed up the healing process. She will wake up for sure now. "Do we know if anything like this has happened before?" One of the nurses asks. "Incidents but it's been getting handled" I speak up. "These wounds are deep, she sure knew what she was doing" Should have I just said that? I look at Elena and walk away from her. I have failed my job! She has to wake up but when I touched her on the head something felt off. Is she already too far gone? As I open the doors to see Dean sitting in silence I hear the fast rappeding beeping of the machine. Could this be it for Elena?

"Is she going to be okay?" I look at Sam in the eye to not be able to answer. Dean looks up to me wanting the right answer. "It's deep, I think I've healed her but I'm not sure" I am so confused. "What do you mean you're not sure!" Dean loudly barks. "I can normally feel the healing being done but something was different" I sadly answer. "Well I don't care what you have to do to save her, go up to heaven now!" Dean shouts now even louder. I nod my head and blink away.

There is this door that wasn't here before. Elena Gilbert. Her birthdate is there but no death date. This means it still hasn't been decided if she is dying or not. "What are you doing here Castiel?" I turn around to see Marerial. "Why is Elena's door here?" I sternly question. "She is in the process of death" I can't let this happen. I won't let this happen. "I tried to heal her. Why isn't it working?" I get to the point. If I can't save Elena then Dean will want me dead. "Because she doesn't want to be saved. You may be her guardian angel but you failed to stop her from this unfortunate event. So now she needs something human to convince her to live'' something human. I failed but who won't? I take a minute to think of all possibilities. Jeremy.

"What do you mean she needs something human" Jeremy is confused which is understandable. "You're dead but still human. Look Jeremy you're the only way your sister may want to live" I forwardly answer. Jeremy nods his head so I send him into Elena's room. It's up to Jeremy now.

Elena Pov

I'm sitting in my own garden. It's filled with a whole rainbow of colours with beautiful scents. Is this my heaven? Wait why am I not alone. "Elena why are you here?" I look at my brother's sad face. "Because I want to be with you Jer, Dean and Sam don't need me" I'm not sure if that's true but that's okay. Jeremy crouches down to me and takes my hand. "No they do need you! So you're going to snap out of this and pick the right choice which is to live" if my brother is telling me what to do then it has to mean something. "Elena you still need to grow up, grow up for me and yourself" I take what he's saying but feel lost in thought. I can hear the sounds of my name getting called. I need more time to figure this all out.

Dean Pov

The docs told us that it's going to be a long night. Elena keeps slipping in and out. I was harsh on Cass but Elena isn't just some ordinary girl! "Oh boys" I'm the first to stand up as Jody comes over to us. "I'm too bloody to hug you" I state. Jody hands me a change of clothes which I take. "How is she doing?" If only I knew that answer for myself. "They don't know. The docs have said it's all up to Elena from here" I wish we could do more. This isn't fucking fair! I shrug off this pain and go to the closest bathroom.

I slam my fist onto the door once I'm done changing and walk back out to Sam and Jody. "They're letting people sit with her, I suggested Sam should go in first as you and I need to talk" I smile at Jody and sit beside her. Jody has an idea, and her ideas are normally good. "If she does wake up then you boys will have a lot of adjusting to. The hospital will recommend and want her seeing a therapist and might want her on medication. Instead of that all happening I have a proposal" I look at Jody and think of what this could be. "I can take care of her for a while, get her back on track. She may be in her early twenties but she's never properly learned how to live life well the hunter life. Claire and Alex would be okay with a new girl in the house and honestly I could use another adult in the house" the proposal makes sense. "Okay" I agree to. I don't need to overthink about this. I know Jody will be good for her. "Dean" I look over to the double entrance doors to see Cass. I get up from my chair and before he can say anything I hug him. "I'm sorry Cass" I apologise for my actions. "This is her fight. We can only just sit and wait but I'm hoping Jeremy can help her" whatever Cass did with Jeremy hopefully should work. If Elena doesn't wake up then I don't know anymore. "Hey Cass" I turn around now to see my brother. "Jody is going to take Elena with her for a while when she wakes up." I confirm. "Dean if Jody does take Elena you do understand she won't be with us for a couple of months possibly a year" Sam is right and I knew that already. "I know Sam, that is why it needs to be done this way. When Elena returns to us she will be more settled but you and I still have to keep on hunting" I plan out. Sam bites his lip but nods. "Okay", "okay" Sam and Cass both say. "You should go and sit with her," Jody suggests. "Cass you can go next" I deny the offer. Cass looks at me in confusion but I firmly nod. "I'm going to get us some coffee" I sit back in my chair and prepare for the conversation I'm about to have.

"I'll go in after Cass, and before you say anything about this not being my fault then know that; it's no one's fault. If we're blaming anyone then we can blame anyone who is after her" I put in. To be honest I don't want to sit beside her tonight. 

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