Chapter 23

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Sorry this is a shorter one 

Jody stayed with us for the rest of the night. None of us left the hospital for the whole night. Today came by slowly. I've counted the tiles in the ceiling and still haven't been into Elena. She's been out still and the docs are starting to worry. She should've woken up by now but apparently her pulse is still all over the place. I keep standing by the door and looking through them to watch her but never walk through them. I'm standing by the doors right now watching her just lay there. Fuck it! I push the door open and walk my way through.

I sit down in the armchair beside the bed with my hands in my lap. What do you say to someone who is trying to choose whether to live or die? "We're all waiting out there for you. Sam and I are slowly losing our patience of sitting around not having answers; while Cass and Jody are keeping a leash on us. I've sat in this position more than once and it never is the same. I hate hospitals Elena! Why did you make me have to be stuck in one? You've always known how to test my limits, it's the thing I like about you most. So I'm going to test yours. If you give up then you're going to have a huge amount of people who will grieve but if you wake up then we can figure this out together! If you really want to leave that's okay. Yeah it's going to suck not having my favourite annoying brunette around but if that is what you want then okay. I'm not going to force you to wake up but I want you to know that I promise you this isn't the end of your hell of a ride. If anyone is going to give hell hell it's going to be you!" I take a moment and wipe a single tear out of my eye. I wrap my hand in hers and take another breath. "I remember the days when dad would drop Sam off to stay with you and I would be jealous. Dean Winchester the toughest brother fell for the girl he was told he couldn't have. Dad used to tell me that you should never have a hunter life and that you should end up with a blond jock. You and Matt well he was your first love. I guess what I'm trying to say is that. I still need you, I love you Elena" I confess. I lean over and kiss her on the forehead. Still holding her hand I stand up and begin to walk away. "Dean".

Elena Pov

Jeremy is by my side as we watch the nature waterfall fall. It's like I have Jeremy and Dean right beside me. Dean is remamissing and talking to me. He's saying really sweet things. I think I know what I have to do. "If you don't go back now I swear Elena I will contact Damon or Bonnie and make them drag your ass back to earth this moment" my brother threatens. He doesn't need to do that now. Not after what Dean has just said, "I love you Elena" that's what I need to know. Out of all time Dean Winchester. Death's door and now you say that. When I was fourteen you admitted how much you liked me while I was in a hospital bed. "I'm going to wake up now Jer" I happily say and give my brother one real final hug. "Go kick some ass" I laugh one last laugh with my brother and walk out of my own door from heaven. I follow the white doors out until it reaches the entry to waking back up. "You made the right choice darlin" I smiled at the reaper Billy and entered the door of life.

"Dean" I whisper as I feel his hand slipping away... 

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