Chapter 10

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Dean and Sam managed to knock me down for at least three rounds but they got their asses handed to them. For how thin I am I still managed to pin down two highly trained and strong saving the world hunters. How many times have they saved the world again? Too many to count and yet they fall down at my hand. Pity honestly. I reach into the fridge and pull out a cold beer. Popping the lid off I take a sip and walk into my room. I flop onto my bed and put onto the tv knowing I will be interrupted by Dean. "Go away Dean" I muffle as the devil himself waltzes his way into my room and joins himself to lay next to me. Uncomfortable I am right now. I push Dean off the bed which causes a thump. "I'm still not comfortable to have another guy laying next to me just yet" I justify. "I need to make a call" I lie knowing he will leave to give me privacy.

"Just letting you know Sam just found a case, tomorrow you officially become a hunter" his announcement sends a shock through my veins as he walks away. A hunter huh? Elena Gilbert; the last surviving doppelganger and Gilbert that lives with the Winchester's and is a hunter. Interesting ring to it. I pull out my phone and decide the lie I told Dean isn't going to be a lie no more.

"Hello" His voice is still the same. "Seriously Damon get off the phone to one of your hook up girls" the bright sarcastic voice shouts on the other end. Caroline. God I miss her. I miss Damon. "Look if you want to kill me see me in person. I live at oops wrong number" The line goes dead and I start to laugh. My laughter starts to die that ends in tears. Damon sounds happy, Caroline does too. I wish I could see them. Just once. It wouldn't be the same. Jeremy's gone so I have no reason to go back to Mystic Falls. These tears I'm crying are just useless. Mystic Falls means nothing to me anymore, it can't. I can't let it mean anything to me anymore. I just need to focus on this case Sam found us. I pull myself together and kick myself off my bed and return the boys.

"So Sam what have you got" I slur out noticing I still have a hint of leftover crying in my voice. "You okay Elena?" Sam questions. "Yeah I'm good, I just kicked you asses why wouldn't I be?" I giggle. I just wish I could tell them more. Dean walks out from a back room with a fake ID badge and hands me a credit card. "First we need to get you some proper clothes then we can discuss the case itself" god Dean is so controlling and demanding at times. That still hasn't changed. Whatever is said around here I guess I'll obey for the time being. Or until I get sick of both of the brothers.

The roar of Baby's engine is loud and fiery every time and the feeling of actually being in the car as it drives never seems to bore me. I'm modeling in front of Dean and Sam pants suits, cotton wear, medical wear, the full lot of all sorts of jobs. Mainly it's pants suits and a few pencil skirts. Dean makes me stand up against the white wall with my "FBI" uniform on as he takes a picture of me. If Bonnie and Caroline could see me now they would laugh and think I am some sort of Bonnie with Sam and Dean as a double Clyde. In Mystic Falls when there were missing cases there was more death than saving. With Sam and Dean I know there is death but people get saved and the monster gets killed. If all the monsters were killed in Mystic Falls then goodbye population. Goodbye Caroline, Damon, Stefan, Tyler, Bonnie if witches are counted to and so on and on. Oh and I would be dead too if I count as a monster. I am a supernatural being of whatever that crap involves. The only thing I want to say goodbye to is my last name but at the same time I can't let go of it. It's the only thing I have left that holds me to Jeremy. Jeremy and Elena Gilbert children to Miranda and Grayson Gilbert. Even though I was adopted. But hey what isn't fun about a mixed up and strange family. "Are we done here?" I moan as Dean is fixing up my ID badge in the post office. "Yep, now how about we hit the bar down the street. I hear there is good food there" Dean suggests. "Dean as much as I love a good bar and good food I want to see what I can find in this case" Sam wines. Here we go. Brother bickering.

"I don't know about you both but I'm starving and I have been modeling my cute little ass off to you both for the last hour. I am calling the shots here so I say hit the bar and then the case" I aggressively hush out with annoyance. "Yes Ma'am" Dean and Sam say in a shocked but stern way. It's fun having a little control over two grown men.

Dean wasn't wrong when he said about good food. The smell of juicy rare stakes, fried chips and greasy burgers made my mouth drool as soon as I walked in. "Elena stop staring at the food and order" I jump out of my own reality at the sound of Sam's cranky voice. "One medium rare steak with a salad and chips with a coke zero too thanks" I order sweetly. "What?" I confusedly question at the sight of Sam and Dean's expression. "Dean is eating lighter than you, but then again you're as thin as a stick" Sam rambles.

"Come on Sam don't you remember when we were younger how I could outdo Dean in a pancake eating contest" I remind him. Dean sighs in shame of that fond memory. That day was not fun after all. I was spewing my guts out with one kind Sam holding my hair up as Dean laughed at me. "I bet I still could beat you, but I would rather not go through that again" I mock Dean. "You still have spite Gilbert but we all know who has all the charm at this table" I bite my lower lip trying not to laugh at Dean's sarcasm but only to burst out with laughter. "Keep on dreaming Dean" Sam teases his older brother.

Our food eventually comes and there are no hesitations on eating. I ate the whole steak and all of the chips. I even pinched Sam's salad. Sam is at the bar with Dean discussing "Guy business". Not asking if I can use it or not I grab Sam's laptop from under his jacket. I open up the screen to see it already open for access. I go into google and start searching up Mystic Falls news. Animal attacks with people going crazy. Ghosts. I click into the link to read the gruesome information. These deaths aren't animal attacks. They're not normal animal bites. Could the case Sam and Dean found be the same one I'm looking at now. If it is, that means I have to go back to Mystic Falls. I'm supposed to be dead so how am I going to return to my hometown. I click on other links and start to search up on the dead bodies. The deaths aren't pretty but what dead body is clean and pretty. After all this time Mystic Falls still has deaths of claimed "animal attacks". All I hope is that Stefan hasn't gone ripper again or his isn't Damon's doing. I flick through other websites to read something I wish wasn't true. This can't be true! It's a lie it has to be. The internet can be wrong so I don't have to believe this. Stefan can't be dead! "What you looking at" Sam slides right next to me and peers over my shoulder. "Is this the case?" I question hoping it's not. "Um Yeah" Sam answers in shame. Looks like I'm going back to Mystic Falls. "I'm apparently dead so how is this going to work?" I ask . "Don't ask me to dye my hair blonde because that isn't happening" I shriek. Dean and Sam just laugh. Dean tosses me my FBI badges and ID cards. On my personal ID badges my last name is different. Lydia Winchester. "The story is that Elena Gilbert had a twin but was taken away from birth and you have lived with us ever since, oh and you're our sister if you didn't notice the last name" I smile at Dean's explanation feeling good about this idea. I look at the FBI badges to see my fake names. Agent Shelly, Agent Jade, and more names. "Okay, well I already packed clothes for all of us and stored them in the backseat when you guys weren't looking so we don't have to return to the bunker"I fess up. Dean just rolls his eyes unlike Sam who praises me. I take the shot glass out of Dean's hand and hit it back. "Let's hit the road" Dean wines. This is going to be interesting.

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