Chapter 24

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Dean Pov

"Dean". I turn around with beaming eyes. The chocolate brown eyes dainty flutter open. "Elena" I gasp. I turn back to the doors to go and get Sam, Jody and Cass but my hand is tugged on. "Don't run away now Winchester" oh I'm not running. I sit back into the chair and lean forward to the girl I thought who had died. "I love you too Dean" those four words I didn't expect to hear. I give her a quick smile but now stand up and walk out of the room.

She's alive!

The three of them have this look on their face. Confusion, shock? "Looks like you're going to be looking after our girl Jody" I say with a good expression. Elena most likely isn't going to like the idea of living another home but Jody is the best for her. "Can we see her?" Sam asks, jumping out of his seat. "I'm yeah, hang on I have to take this" I say looking at my buzzing phone.

"Crowley what is it?" I demand a question. "I'm stuck in a pickle. It would seem Lucifer wants the doppelgänger you have possession of. Why didn't you tell me you are travelling with a doppelgänger?" How the fuck does Lucifer and Crowley know about this? What happened to Lucifer being in the cage? "I thought Lucifer was in the cage?" I assume. "Small problem, one of my demons was working against me and freed him. He doesn't know who the doppelgänger is; he just knows there is one alive and wants her to be the queen of hell and possibly procreate a mini him with her" I'm nearing this wrong. "Where am I meeting you?" There is no way I'm getting out of this. Lucifer is not having a child with Elena. "Have the next two days with your girl, then meet me in New Orleans" of course Crowley says the one place Damon told me to avoid. Maybe I'll meet these Originals after all. "See you in two days" I say. Before I press the end call button Crowley speaks. "Before you go, give the girl my kind regards of waking up" what a dick! I press the red button and enter the other room to join my brother.

"Jody was just telling me how I'm going to stay with her, and the doctors said I can be discharged tonight as long as I'm looked after in close observations" Elena babbles. "I'll go and get those discharge papers now" I try and not act tense but no matter how much I try and hide it my voice shows it. Sam comes over to the desk with me and he does the talking to the woman. "Alright what's going on?" I need to talk to them all together. "I have two days here with you guys but then I'm heading to New Orleans to take care of business to meet Crowley. Lucifer businesses" I sternly but sadly answer. Sam's face falls. "She deserves to know" well I'm not getting out of it now. "I know which is why I'm going to tell her tonight, tell all of you tonight" I confirm. The discharge papers are handed to me and I sign them off.

"Let's get you home," I say, taking Elena's hand.

The drive back to the bunker was quiet but not bad quiet, just quiet. "The drive was quiet so spill. What's going on?" She May still feel tired but she still has a demanding voice. God Elena really knows how to demand things. "Elena's right'' Jody adds on. Sam gets the beers as we sit down at the table. "Dean! Cass insists. "In two days I'm leaving to go to New Orleans to meet with Crowley. Lucifer is out of the cage as a demon was working against Crowley and freed the hell himself. Lucifer wants Elena for himself so Crowley and I are going to make sure that doesn't happen" I sum up. "Why and I am not surprised? You Winchester's always have to run to someone's call. Go because I don't even want to meet Lucifer let alone be his'' Elena hurts. She's trying to be reasonable but she's hurt. "Dean in a time like this do you think it's best to be leaving" Cass points out. Jody hasn't said anything which I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. "Especially after what just happened'' Sam adds on as well. "All of you stop rejecting what I did. I can see the shame in your eyes. I tried to kill my self but I woke up so do what you need to do'' Elena barks. Okay now she's just confusing me. "I'm going to be fine staying with Jody and her girls. Sam go with Dean and Cass just do what you do best. Be the Winchester's angle" Elena lays out for us. "Okay then, plans have been settled. Now that's out of the way Elena you should probably start packing but leave a few things out for the two days you're here" I lay the next thing on the table. Elena just nods and does as she is told.

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