Chapter 12

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I knock on the pale green door with Dean and Sam standing each side of me. I'm so short unlike Sam and Dean. Sam is a giant but really he is a moose. "Hi there, are you Laura Hanigan?" I softly but sweetly ask. "I am, what is this regarded?" The girl looks as if she doesn't even know what has taken place. "Miss Hanigan, it's regarding your daughter" I delicately persuade. The woman moves past to invite us into her home.

I take a seat with Sam and Dean on the large brown couch. "I'm very sorry to tell you ma'am that your daughter was killed last night on Wickery Bridge" I watch as the woman's face breaks into tears at Dean's upsetting news. "How" the woman's voice breaks as she speaks. "The police are saying it's an animal attack. We just want to know some few things though" Sam counters. Sam looks over to Dean as I don't know what questions to ask. "Were there any cold spots lately, did your daughter have any enemies or plans she had?" The mothers face puzzles together in confusion. "No sorry, she was going to see her friend Amy for a baby shower late tomorrow that's all just a warning if you go and see Amy you should know she's a psychic" wait does this woman know about the supernatural? "Thank you for your time, and we're sorry for your loss" I conclude and lead the boys away from the grieving woman.

"Tomorrow we are crashing a baby shower" Dean announces as we get into the car. "How are we going to do that Dean?" Sam says with a whole lot of attitude.

"We can cater the baby shower. I know the catering place in town she will be using so we just have to get Amy's address and we're set" I suggest. I look at the boys eye to eye. Are they embarrassed? "Come on Dean, you can go one day without eating the food we cater '' I joke in shock of Dean's worried face. "We should really find a motel to stay in'' Sam notes. My eyes drop at the thought of a place we could stay but is it still here. "Before we talk more case work let's talk about food" why is it always about food with Dean?

"We can go to the Grill" I perk. I wonder if Matt is still working at the Grill. Oh god if we go to the Grill then will everyone else that once knew me be there. Dean puts his foot on the pettle and drives towards the grill.

I stay frozen for a minute as we park outside the Mystic Grill. The whole time we drove here I couldn't stop thinking about my friends. Caroline and Bonnie, Matt and Tyler. Then there is Stefan and Damon or maybe just Damon. We shouldn't even be in Mystic Falls! I could've just ignored this case but I had to come. I don't look exactly like the Elena everyone used to know. I took off my blazer and out my leather jacket back on with my white shirt's first two buttons undone. My pants are just black jeans with my converses. Time to face the music. I swing Baby's car door open and stand by the Winchester's. "Now food" I say as I lead the way in.

It's still the same. A smile spreads across my face to witness the familiar face. I slide myself in a booth next to Sam. "It hasn't changed one bit" I express. I look at the menu in the table to see what's new. "The burgers here last I remembered were awesome" Dean talks about food with Sam while I'm off daydreaming. That name of the drink. Rippah red. I blink twice but to see the same name for the cocktail. Rippah red. Rippah as in vampire rippah. Stefan rippah. "Hey, what can I get you guys' ' I drop the menu from covering my face at the sound of the once a jock voice. Blonde hair, baby blue eyes. Matt. Matt's face goes ghost white blank. "Hi um Matt" I confusedly say looking at his name tag to seem dumb. "I'll have one of the Rippah reds and a small dancing pasta" I order sweetly. Matt jots down the order but still is ghost white. I watch Matt's face as Sam and Dean order but still stands in front of us once we are done ordering. "Is there something on my face?" I shyly ask, feeling awkward. "No sorry, you just look like a friend I had" I feel for Matt. He's so confused and so shocked. "What was your friend's name?" I question being polite. I look over to Dean and Sam who give me a smile for reliefs. "Elena, Elena Gilbert'' Matt chokes out.

"That's my twin sister. What a coincidence. I'm Lydia Winchester and these are my brothers Sam and Dean Winchester" I clarify. "Hey Matt, been a while," Dean greets. Matt blankly smiles at Dean but walks away from our booth. He's in schlock fair enough. "So far so good" I chirp. As soon as I spoke a bright chipper voice came walking through. Oh shit. I quickly grab my menu and hide my face. I can't face Caroline right now.Sam widens the menu and joins me. "Cut it out you two" Dean grumbles. Sam moves his head away but I don't. Dean snatches the menu out of my hands. "We saw why you're hiding but it's not like you didn't know you would see them" there's a them. I thought it was just Caroline. Dean must've seen the whole group. "I know but it still sucks" I say in a frustrated tone. I turn my head around a little to the back to see; Caroline, and Tyler. Are they still together? What's the deal there I wonder. "Shit" I mutter as more voices enter the building. Now it's not just Caroline and Tyler. It's now; Caroline, Tyler, Bonnie, Damon, and Ric. Great now the whole group is here. "I will say it again, I don't want to be here long" I repeat. I clench my hand into a fist. I can feel my nails digging into my palms which causes it to sting. If I wasn't in a public place then I would scream. I put on a fake smile for Matt as he stops at our table handing us our meals and drinks. "Hey Matt, why is my drink called a rippah red?" I question hoping it has nothing to do with Stefan. "Is it like a rippah vampire?" I curisoukt ask. Dean and Sam go wide at me. "Sorry our sister she is a little off her meds" Sam lies covering my ears but I can still hear. "Rippah red is named after a founding member of Mystic Falls that died half a year ago. His name was Stefan Salvatore," my heart sinks as Matt confirms the one thing I wish wouldn't be true. I hold back the tears in my eyes and continue to smile. "Thanks Matt" I acknowledge him and smile as he walks away. The tears start to rush as Matt is fully gone.

"He's dead. Stefan is dead! Stefan is well was Damon's brother. I fell in love with Stefan and was with him before Damon. Stefan saved me the night of my parents car accident, he pulled me out of the car," I cry. Sam pulls me into his chest and holds me. "I need to know how he died" I whimper. I pull away from Sam's grip and take a sip of the drink. Vodka and some sort of red cordial with something else. Bourbon and Vodka, Stefan did love them. I pick up my fork and twirl up my pasta. I take a bite of pasta to remember a sensation. More tears pour out of my eyes making it hard to see. "I'm going to the bathroom" I quickly murmur as I speed walk off to the ladies room.

I grip the sink as I look at myself in the mirror. I'm such an ugly crier. The sobs come more and more. While I was held by a bunch of vampires Stefan died. How did he die, why did he die? I need answers. "You weren't supposed to die, I needed to see you just one more time" I cry out to the unknown. Jeremy's dead now Stefan is dead. Everyone around me ends up dead. How is Damon coping? Has he flicked the switch? The sound of the sweet and soft voice of my once blonde best friend starts to pick up to only come louder and louder. "Oh I'm sorry, wait ELENA" I turn to look at Caroline and all part of me wants to hug her. Except I just stand there confused. "Sorry I'm a mess, hearing my sisters name in this town just makes me feel horrible for not knowing her" I tragically lie.

"Elena was my best friend, I never knew she had a sister" Caroline shrieks to high heavens. "I'm Lydia Winchester. My two brothers Dean and Sam are sitting out in a booth. Elena and I never met. We were taken away from each other at birth but it was different mothers' same fathers" I make up. Caroline puts her arms around me for a hug. "Lydia, your sister was one amazing girl, would you like to meet her friends and as for your brothers I do remember them as Elena was friends with them" Caroline talks so sweet and kindly of me even though I'm not being me right now. "That would be really nice, just let me check with Sam and Dean. They can be a little overprotective at times" I joke. I clean myself up and walk out with Caroline. Fuck I've missed her!

I walk back over to Sam and Dean and smile at Caroline who is waiting for me two tables away. "I'm going to meet Elena's friends" I act as if I'm really Lydia. Sam raises his brow while Dean just sister there is surprised. "Look I have missed them so much, so what if I can't be Elena they know I am Lydia Winchester and Winchester never gives up! Oh and bring my food and drink over to me in a few moments" I speech. I turn my back to the brothers without waiting for a confirmation from them and walk back over to Caroline. "I got the all good from Sam and Dean" I really am a good actor to be lying to Caroline. 

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