Chapter 30

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This is the last chapter. I hope you have all enjoyed this story and eventually the second book to this will come. I have plenty of other stories to upload to my account such as The Originals cross vampire diaries. Klenea, Kolena. If you are interested follow for more. Xoxo

Days later

Elena pov

I haven't left my room in days. I haven't touched my food. Nibbled here and there. Made my body bleed. Cried myself to sleep. I have failed that many things in my life but failing a child is the worst thing I have failed. Dean called Caroline and Bonnie to tell them about the child. They wanted to talk to me but I couldn't. I have nothing to live for. I'm going for a hunt tonight. Possibly a final hunt. I've slipped on my black jeans and black jacket. "You're ready to go" Sam calls out. I walk out without saying a word. A sharp knife in my hand and out the door I go.

The blood splatters everywhere. I manage to kill all the demons in front of me. I gut the demons until I know for sure they're dead. "DEAN" I scream as one tries to stab him from behind. I move as fast as I can and slice the demons head off. Sam and Dean are smiling at me. "Things can finally go back to normal now" I make clear and go to the car.

The next two nights were the same. The brothers thought I was completely fine but I knew Dean was suspicious of my behavior. In the last three days I have been planning things. Finalising things. I called Charlie, Bonnie, Caroline, and Damon to say my goodbyes, they don't need to know I'm leaving the brothers. They're better off without me. I place the envelopes on my bedside table and go downstairs. I need to go for a drive. A drive to clear my head.

I ran up to Dean and kissed him. "I love you" I smile and walk over to Sam and hug him. "I'm going for a drive" I shout out and get the keys.

I look back at the bunker one last time and start the engine.

Droplets start to trickle down. I look over to my rear vision. Then I look forward. There's a car on the wrong side of the road. I try to swerve around it but It's too late. The car hits me causing Baby to flip over more than once.. I try to get out of the car but I have blurry vision. "mum?" I mutter as what looks like my mother Miranda stands over me with a gun pointing directly at me. But Miranda is dead. She drowned, what is happening? Is this a shapeshifter?


I place my hand on the sharp but quick pain and look at my hand. Oh god. There is so much blood. "Now my darling, you couldn't give us a child so you're no use to us now" I'm trying to keep my eyes open but I'm losing too much blood. "Dean" I whisper and take out my photo in my pocket of Dean, Sam, and I. I take one final look as I feel my last breath be taken. "Goodbye" then it all goes black.

Dean pov

She's been gone too long. Something isn't right. "Anything yet?" I call out to Sam. Sam is sitting by all the phones we have, which is too many to count. "No, nothing yet" he answers in sadness. Elena left so suddenly but she is never gone this long. RING RING! I launch over to the ringing phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello, this is Dean Winchester speaking," my heart is pounding.

"Dean, Hi I'm officer O'donald" why is an officer calling me. How did they get my number?

"This phone call is regarding Miss Elena Gilbert. I'm very sorry to tell you this. Miss Gilbert has been found dead." NO, no,no. No tears pour. I just freeze. "We need you to come down to the morgue in the hospital to confirm it's Elena Gilbert. We can talk details there" I hang up the phone and look over to Sam. "We need to go to the hospital morb. It's Elena. She's dead" I can barely get out the words. This isn't happening. It can't be!

Giving Elena took Baby, we screamed down to the hospital in a spare car we had lying around. I step foot out of the car and slam the door. "Dean you're shaking" I look at my hands to realise I actually am. My brother takes hold of me and we walk into the hospital hestinalty.

I'm so lost, Sam leads the way towards the officer. Sam doesn't let go of me. He just stays gripping onto me. "How did it happen?" Sam starts the questioning. I can't speak. I'm in shock. "There was a car accident, from the tire tracks a car came at her causing her to tumble over more than once. Elena managed to get herself out of the car but still had serious injuries. We think Elena was alive for a few minutes until whoever did this shot her'' My heart breaks. The officer reaches his hand into his pocket and pulls out a photo. It's the photo of all three of us. "This is how we found you, she had your numbers on the back" The officer hands me the photo and I take it. There's blood on it. I shove it in my pocket. Still not speaking. "I understand this is going to be hard, but we need you to confirm her identity" I just nod and follow the path.

The smell of a morgue is always unpleasant. There on the metal table lays a covered body. Please just lift the blanket and it won't be her. Sam still stays beside as we step closer. The officer peels back the light blanket cover.

"No" I shake my head. "She's dead" the tears start to fall. I'm looking at Elena. She's pale and lifeless. I reach my hand over and stroke her hair. "I'm so sorry baby" I whimper. I let go of Sam and storm out of the building.

Sam drove us back to the bunker, I have been sitting in Elena's room ever since.

I found all these letters on Elena's bedside table. I read them all. She was going to leave. Start over. She thought she failed all of us. Now she's dead. I swear to god, whoever the hell is up there I will hunt down and kill whoever did this! I will not let Elena's death be in vain.

3rd pov

Dean started to hunt more aggressively, Sam too. Once the investigation came to a dead end Elena's body was released to Sam and Dean. Sam called Elena's loved ones from Mystic Falls to inform them. They came two days later. Flames went up, Elena's body was burned. The proper hunter funeral. When the Mystic Falls crew left Dean began to search for any possible way to bring Elen back. Sam tried to get on with life but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't. His Best friend was dead and they couldn't do anything about it. Cass even tried. Dean made it clear he wouldn't give up.

A year went by and even then Dean was still trying to find answers to Elena's murder. The two Winchester's found themselves broken. Dean just wanted his love back, Sam just wanted to see his brother smile again and for his best friend to return home. 

Lost and FoundOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora