Chapter 11

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Dean pov

Elena passed out in the car 20 minutes into the dive which I'm not surprised with. This case we are dealing with seems a bit vampire related but I'm hoping for Elena's sake it isn't. I just got her backI can't lose her again. I fucked up last time so I'm going to make it right. "Is it just me or is there something she is hiding from us?" I wonder not knowing if I'm right or just really over tired. "What do you expect Dean, yeah she is still hiding something from us but we knew it would take time for her to completely open up to us" Sam hushes out. What is Elena hiding though? "Let's just get this case done and go home" I sternly clarify. Mystic Falls is such a pony town. Hopefully Caroline is over her crush as it might be a bit weird otherwise. Caroline's hot but just not my type of girl I want to sleep with. Too winey, and is a bit of bitch sometimes. Oh god then there is that Jock Matt. This is going to be so much fun. I might as well be going to hell. I only ever came to Mystic Falls to see Elena not anyone else. I never liked Elena's friends except Bonnie. Sam liked Bonnie as well but found everyone else annoying. It just won't be the same for Elena without Jeremy there it won't feel like home to her. "She is going to be okay Dean" I nod at Sam's whisper and keep looking straight forward to the road.

Elena pov

I acted like I was asleep for some time while we were on the road because I wanted to listen in on Sam and Dean's conversations. There is this pit in my stomach about going back to the place I called home. Even though I'm Lydia Winchester, will my so-called family believe the story? The Elena Gilbert that everyone once knew died the day she was taken hostage by vampires. Thousands of thoughts are racing through my head about what I have missed these past years. Is Stefan really dead, if so how? "Dean turn the music up" I demand trying to reach into the front to turn to the nozzle. "Stay in the backseat Lena" Dean grumbles. The music goes up lowder and I start to sing the lyrics. "Just a small town girl, livin in a lonely world" and so on. I sing that verse until Dean comes blasting the chorus making Sam join in as well. "DON'T STOP BELIEVING" we sing on the tops of our lungs. Each lyric we sing is like another mile we drive. Closer and closer we are getting to Mystic Falls. "Can we stop at the next gas station; I really need to pee" I beg hoping Dean won't be mean and ignore my request. Luckily for me a gas station is just right around the corner.

I get out of the car and walk towards the bathroom.

The knot in my stomach doesn't unwine even after getting a few snacks from the station. I dial my phone before heading over to Dean and Sam. "HI this is Caroline speaking" Caroline's voice is still as sweet as ever. "Hello? Look whatever game you're playing I'm not interested" and still as bitchy as ever on the phone. The line goes dead making a single tear slip out of my eye. "You okay?" Sam notices the tear as I walk back over. "Sam how long do you think we will be in town for?" I ask hoping we won't be in town for long. "Depends on the case but hopefully not too long" he answers, giving me some sort of relief. I get back into the backseat of the car and rest my head on the ledge of the window. Dean slides back into the car and shuts his door close, sending me a jolt through my body. "Drive Dean" I order. No time waiting around.

It all looks the same. The clock tower. Mystic Grill. It's all the same. "Sheriff's Report posted a disturbing death just near Wickery Bridge'' my breath shudders at the name of the bridge Sam reports. I see Dean glare at Sam madly. "Shit, sorry Elena I forgot. You can out this one if you want" Sam apologies. "No it's fine, It was years ago anyways" I strongly reply. It's just a bridge. A bridge my parents died off. "Keep your eyes forward I need to change'' I directly speak more at Dean knowing Sam won't look but Dean might. I pull out my pants suit and slip off my jeans. I pull up my pants and quickly change over my shoes. I slip off my blue blouse and button up my whte shirt. Lastly I slide on the blazer and fix my hair by just looking in the front mirror. "Okay done" I announce. Dean and Sam both look at the now FBI me and give an approving look. My smile drops as the car stops. Sam and Dean are used to doing this every day unlike me who has never done this stuff before. Dean gets out first then Sam making me get out last. I follow behind the boys until they stop at the dead body. I pull out my badge from my pocket at the same time Sam and Dean do. I can't see the body as Dean is in the way. First familiar face. Liz. She's still the sheriff. "Elena is that you '' all part of me wants to scream yes back to Liz but I can't. I act confused and look at Dean. I pull away from looking at Liz and push past Dean to see the body. "Oh god" I let out a shaky breath feeling nausea in my stomach. I have to keep it together. I bend down to have a closer look at the female corpses. On her neck are bites not by animals. Vampire looking bites. Except this just doesn't feel like a vampire case. I feel a vibe. A vibe that isn't sitting well with me. I stand up and head over to Sam and Dean. "Looks like a vampire but it isn't, the bites are a little different" I explain my half.I look around to see who is standing around observing.At the end of the bridge looks like a make figure. Black clothing with ragged orange hair. His eyes are narrowed and staring right at me. So not creepy. I don't recognize him. Does he know me? He puts his index finger to his lip. Strange but probably nothing"Sheriff is just stating it as an animal attack but I was talking to the person who found the body and she seems shaken up and a little jealous too" Sam states.

"I say talk to the victims family and ask around town" Dean contributes. I look over Deans shoulder to see Liz walking over. "First person to tell the story to" I mutter to the brothers. I put on a smile as Liz approaches us but I stand close to Dean.

"Elena honey is that you?" Liz softly speaks. I look up to Dean and Sam and shake my head. "No sorry, I'm Lydia Winchester. I'm Elena Gilbert's twin" I lie to the person who was like another mother to me when Miranda died. "I'm Liz, it's nice to meet you Lydia but why are you with these two agents?" Liz is so gentle and kind. Lying is shit. "I'm working with my brothers on this case. You may remember Sam and Dean Winchester they were friends with Elena" I lie again and again. Liz looks at Dean and Sam but at Dean and again. "If I can insist you with anything let me know but I have to go, my daughter called" Liz leaves making me feel guilty.

"I hated doing that," I grit through my teeth. I don't say another word and go sit back in the car. I want to cry and scream but I can't.

A tiny tear slides out of my ear then another. I hate lying! Especially to people who looked after me and were in my life everyday. Shit stop crying Elena! "Hey are you okay?" I look up to a caring compassionate older Winchester hunching over on the car door. I turn my head away from him to rub my eyes to take away the tears. "Yep I'm fine" I perkily lie. In the corner of my eye I see another familiar face. Damon. His head starts to turn towards the Impala and at me. "Fuck, um" I murmur. I snatch Deans blazer and yank him down on top of me. I can see Damon trying to look further. God he is still so lurking. "Switch, now" I demanded of Dean with no explanation. Dean just obeys and basically covers me whole. "Is the guy with black hair and leather jacket gone?" I quickly babble out. Dean looks over to check for me and smile back. I push Dean back up and I sit up but duck. Dean sits beside me and tucks me under his arm. "What was all that about?" His question is casual but also with humour. "Sorry, that was a guy I used to know" I partly answer. Dean quirks an eyebrow so I guess I have to give in. "Fine you win. That was Damon; a vampire. Damon and I were together for a while before I left. I just want to avoid him as much as possible if that is okay" I inform with a touch of embarrassment. "We are in and out of here. And Elena anytime you want me on top all you have to do is ask" I roll my eyes at Dean's sarcastic humour and make myself more comfortable in the back.

"This black hair tall guy in the leather jacket just rocked up, he apparently is with the sheriff cases but he has this giant ring on his finger with the gem lapis lapuiz" Sam speaks of Damon in such an observant way. "His name is Damon who is a vampire who is or was Elena's boyfriend," my eyes go wide at Dean's explanation but can't help to smile. He hasn't judged me about Damon. Sam has this look on his face that is as blank as ever. "Come on Sam just get in the car and Dean go get in the front" I bark orders. I feel in command. The boys under my orders. The engine roars louder more than normal. The faces of the people at the crime scene jaws drop as Dean drives off the bridge. This is life!

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