Caren-Boo-Boo and Gemma-Gemma

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Caren-Boo-Boo P.O.V:

By the time I came to the front of the scrambling people, everybody started to sniff, and scramble down the drug.

Everybody froze for a full 7 seconds.

"Uh.. You okay Gemma-Gemma?" I asked her, I set my hand on her horse shoulder. Her neck snapped completely around, "AH WHAT THE FUCK?!" I dropped the baby taking a step back. Her body floated up, and turned around in the air so her body was normal again.

Her eyes started to bleed sparkles as her head started to ooze confetti. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I went to pick the baby back up but it melted into the ground. I started to run down the never ending hallway. Call Me Maybe started to slowly play, and clowns fell from the ceiling just giggling. THAT'S ALL THEY DID WAS LAUGH. GET ME OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE THAT I CALL A LIFE. OH GOD HELP ME. HELP ME SO THAT I CAN ONE DAY BE FREE.

The never ending hall way came to a door where it slowly opened to reveal a pink room with a long oval table right in the middle of it. The door slammed shut, and the room consumed me falling down a deep, dark, throat.

Gemma-Gemma's P.O.V:


Caren-Boo-Boo's P.O.V:

What the fuck? Did I jut read in Gemma-Gemma's P.O.V? Is this all my life is? A book with a dumb bitch writing this? Is thi-

Gemma-Gemma's P.O.V:

The whole class watched as Caren-Boo-Boo's body was having a jolting dance party. Turns out she had 18 cups of cocaine before she came to school. Drugs a bitch.

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