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When Taehyung did wake up it was because of Jia who snuck onto the bed and was hugging Taehyung who looked back to see Jia smiling. "Morning." She said with a smile as Taehyung then let his head fall back onto the pillow. "Morning," Taehyung mumbled as he then groaned and began to rub his eyes. "I feel like shit," Taehyung said as he moved onto his back slowly although his whole body hurt. "You and me both." Jia laid on her back too while looking at the ceiling. "Thanks for beating him though. I knew I should've stuck up for myself but." Jia shrugged and Taehyung shook his head. "He deserved it. The body aches are worth it."

Jia looked at Taehyung and laughed a bit. "Being bruised up is worth it?" Jia said with a scoff as Taehyung then looked at Jia and scoffed as well. "You're just as bruised up," Taehyung said lazily but eventually his laugh made it through. "What the fuck happened?" They both said while looking at the ceiling before breaking into a fit of laughter. "Well... Sungjae told me to remember that night and I think I will. For a very long time." Taehyung looked at his swollen hand as Jia laughed but felt bad as she kissed Taehyung's hand and then patted it a few times.

"How'd it go with him?" Jia asked and Taehyung shrugged. "It was nice. I had a lot of fun with him until everything happened. I don't know. I don't think he's the guy I'm willing to bring home to my parents though you know? or well— he's not a guy i'm willing to bring home at all." Taehyung told Jia who understood Taehyung completely but talking about that topic, Taehyung was reminded of his conversation with Jungkook as he quickly sat up to check the floor to see that the place was cleaned and no one was on the floor. "Where's Jungkook?" Taehyung asked since he swore Jungkook fell asleep on the floor.

"Huh?" Jia looked on the floor as she then looked at Taehyung. "Oh right! Yeah, he's downstairs cooking us some soup. I forgot that was the whole reason I came to wake you up." Jia said with a stifled laugh and got up to help Taehyung who at first fought against getting out of bed until Jia pulled him up. "Wait- your parents." Taehyung hugged himself since he was shirtless. Not actually sure where his shirt was. "Not home. I think they're at this bible thing for the weekend." Jia shrugged while walking out of the room. Taehyung following after Jia as he walked down the stairs. "Soup is on the stove," Jungkook called out as he looked for a show on Netflix.

Taehyung not wasting time to enter the kitchen and grab a bowl for himself. "Soup hits different when you're hungover." Taehyung talked to Jia who nodded and grabbed herself a bowl as well. The two sitting down and enjoying their soup as the movie in the background started playing. "Okay... okay Jungkook that is too fucking loud." Jia got up from her spot and walked to Jungkook who was complaining that it was not that loud. "It's at a hundred!" Jia grabbed the remote and Jungkook stared at Jia with a stink eye basically. "I cook you soup and you do this?"

Jia gave Jungkook a quick finger heart as she sat on the couch and ate the soup she had while watching the same movie Jungkook had on but he got up and left to the kitchen just to check on Taehyung who was peacefully eating the soup. "Good I hope?" Jungkook spoke as he grabbed a cup and filled it with water. Taehyung clearing his throat as he nodded. "It's tasty." Taehyung smiled and took another scoop. "I'm glad." Jungkook gave a smile as he then tried to walk out of the kitchen but Taehyung cleared his throat once again and spoke. "So I-" Taehyung started.

Jungkook looked towards the living room before he looked back at Taehyung and went towards the table to sit. "I... I said some things last night I assume and I just wanna apologize. I wasn't you know... in the right headspace." Taehyung explained to Jungkook who nodded while tipping his glass of water to take a small sip. "So you don't think I'm hot?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow and since Taehyung brought up the topic, Jungkook wanted to see how Taehyung would react to his own words and he knows he said he wasn't going to hold it over Taehyung and he wasn't but he just wanted to tease Taehyung. It was cute when the boy would blush over simple things.

"And you don't think my tattoos are nice? Or wait... what did you say about my lips?" Jungkook hummed while making a facial expression that made him look like he was thinking hard as Taehyung was red as ever from what Jungkook was saying since the memories started to flood in. "Kissable was it?" Jungkook said with a smile as he looked at Taehyung who looked down at his soup. "I- well you know- I... oh my god." Taehyung breathed out and Jungkook laughed but kept it down as he got up. "I'm teasing. It's all forgotten, don't worry. Even your little secret." Jungkook smiled at Taehyung who gulped as Jungkook walked back to the living room.

His little secret? So... wait... did Taehyung? Oh for fuck sake. Taehyung stood up and put the bowl in the sink as he then ran his fingers through his hair. It not that he's afraid of what he said it was the fact that he just openly admitted to Jungkook that he's in the closet after saying all those other things. Technically he wasn't really in the closet since Sungjae, Jia and a few others knew since he didn't have anything to hide at school but he had a lot to hide from his parents who thought Jia would be his 'future wife' and Taehyung told Jia that but they laughed it off cause that would never happen. Though their parents let them hang out a lot so that was a plus.

Speaking of his parents- if he didn't get home soon then they would probably think Taehyung's missing and so Taehyung went up to the bathroom upstairs after grabbing Jia's makeup and began to cover up the bruises. Let's just say it wasn't Taehyung's first time having to cover up his bruises and so he was pretty much pro at it. The only problem he had was the shirt thing. Where the fuck did he put his shirt? "I had my shirt in the bathroom... but not in the room? Okay, what the fuck." Taehyung left the bedroom he was looking in and went back to the bathroom though it was clean and nothing was laying around.

Deciding to finally go into the living room and ask if they knew where his shirt was, Jungkook answered, "In the dryer. I think." Jungkook scratched at his neck as he got up while Jia was laying on the couch with her eyes closed. The hangover was kicking her ass huh? Walking over to the laundry room, Jungkook grabbed out the shirt and gave it over to Taehyung who slipped it back on and sighed. Finally feeling comfortable as he thanked Jungkook who was looking at Taehyung's face for some while. "... Did you cover up the bruises?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung nodded. "Why? Can you still see them? I thought I covered them good." Taehyung was about to walk out to go double check but Jungkook stopped him. "Why?" He asked and Taehyung shrugged cause honestly he didn't know how to tell Jungkook that his parents would make a whole big thing out of this if they knew Taehyung had bruises. "I don't want to walk around with bruises. That's very unhot of me." Taehyung smiled as he turned but Jungkook hummed, walking passed Taehyung but not before leaning in.

"They're pretty hot on you." He nudged Taehyung as he then walked towards the stairs. "But good job. You almost convinced me they were gone." Jungkook finished off as he walked down the stairs leaving Taehyung a little baffled by what just happened but he knew at this point Jungkook just loved teasing him and so he brushed it off and huffed out as he hurried to the stairs and walked down. "Bye J- oh." Taehyung looked into the living room to see Jia fast asleep. "Goodnight." Taehyung whispered instead as he slipped on his shoes and left the house.

It wasn't a long walk or anything. He lived a block away from Jia's house but walking in that heat made Taehyung want to pass away in someone's lawn but of course that didn't happen and he jogged home at least half ways before he cursed himself out for running. Though by the time he got home his mom was waiting by the door which made Taehyung's mood drop as he sighed and did the 'walk of shame' as he likes to call it towards his mother who had a stern face. "I overslept." Is all Taehyung said as he walked in after his mother. He hated this so much.

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