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It's been a couple days since Taehyung last saw Jia and Jungkook since his parents didn't want Taehyung being around 'Jia's older brother' as they said. It didn't work the first time they told Taehyung to stay away so he wasn't sure why his parents were telling him the same thing. Did Taehyung completely stop talking to Jungkook though? Of course not. They played minecraft together a lot and Taehyung means a freaking lot. It was the only way they could communicate since Taehyung didn't have Jungkook's social or anything.

Taehyung was only able to join Jungkook's world because they were friends on the playstation. It's not like they were that desperate to talk to each other though. Usually Jungkook would invite Taehyung to the world and Taehyung would join... every single time but there was nothing to do so Taehyung blamed that on boredom. Now their world was coming along great. It was a good past time if you asked Taehyung but after several days of not seeing his best friend and Jungkook... he was going over to Jia's place but not by himself.

Jia's parents would have this bible thing once a month and Taehyung's family were invited to every single one. Bible thing is how he describes it since Taehyung doesn't pay attention nor does he care to pay attention? Though this time it was like a neighbourhood thing so a lot of other people were invited to join so Taehyung was getting dressed for that. "You're not wearing that." Sooyoung, Taehyung's mother came into the room. "What's wrong with this?" Taehyung asked while looking at his wardrobe. A shorts and a simple black shirt.

"No.. just... no." Sooyoung looked at her son then walked to his closet. Taehyung rolling his eyes as he sat on his bed as then watched his mother pull out 'fancier' clothing. A untucked black flannel shirt with jeans that Taehyung wasn't even sure he fit though they had rips in them which his mom didn't notice so he was fine with that choosing honestly but the flannel? he doesn't remember the last time he wore that shirt. As he was looking at the clothing, he laughed since he still had his mother choosing his clothes for him. Adult child? Maybe.

Before his parents started to complain though, Taehyung grabbed his clothes and changed and before he knew it, he was walking down the sidewalk with his parents who were in a conversation. Taehyung didn't like walking with his parents and joining in on their conversations due to their judgemental mindstate. They were never wrong, in their opinion so Taehyung just stopped communicating whenever it came to him having an opinion. So the walk for Taehyung was quite boring but the minute he reached the Jeon's house, Jia was already waiting for Taehyung.

"Finally." Jia approached Taehyung after waving at Taehyung's parents who greeted Jia then went on inside with the rest of the parents. "How many people came?" Taehyung asked since he was curious about how many people he would be sitting in a room with. "About six? families. Yeah." Jia sucked in a breath and Taehyung dragged out a sigh. "Why does this feel like church? I feel very... uncomfortable with the setting." Taehyung admitted to Jia who turned to face the house. Taking in the sight before she looked at Taehyung. "You're right. I hate our parents."

The words made Taehyung laugh. "And that is why we are best friends." Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jia and was about to walk in but before anyone could catch Taehyung with his arm around Jia, he removed his arm knowing damn well his parents would assume something was up when nothing was up, nothing at all but something about being friends with the opposite gender meant something was up. "Jungkook's not here?" Taehyung said after taking a look around at the guests inside. Jia shaking her head. "My parents had a fight with him last night. Hasn't came back." Jia nibbled on her lip as she looked around as well.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, "... What did they argue about?" Taehyung questioned and all Jia did was shrug since she didn't know. She was basically half asleep, her door shut and it was maybe one? in the morning when she heard her parents yelling or more specifically, her father and then the door slammed. Jia couldn't even go check because the moment she opened her door, her mother was upstairs and heading to her room telling Jia to go back into her room so she did. "I tried phoning him but he won't answer." Jia said with a sad expression. "He did this the last time he ran away so..." She shrugged.

Just then Jia's father had just finished bringing out some chairs and so everyone took their seat. Taehyung forced to sit next to another girl he didn't know but he knew she lived in the neighbourhood. The two caught eyes for a moment as she then bowed her head a little and Taehyung forced a smile as he did the same. Looking the other way before she would try start a conversation. Not that he wasn't interested in greeting this girl, he just wasn't good at first impressions and he wasn't about to mess this up in front of everyone.

Just before Jia's father could speak though, the door opened and shut. That made Taehyung and a few others including Jia look towards the entrance. There Jungkook stood with a long black sleeve that covered his tattoos and a dark gray joggers. The cap on his head hiding the newly dyed hair that was red? Well, the tips of his hair were red. "Sorry, traffic." Jungkook broke the silence as Jia's father looked rather... mad? but was supressing it as he held the book in his hands. There Jungkook walked in, pulled out a chair for himself and seated himself behind Taehyung who was feeling the heavy atmosphere in the room.

After a minute, Joochan, Jungkook and Jia's father started to preach? Or talk? anyway, he was opening up the bible and talking. "Turn on your airdrop." Was heard from the voice behind Taehyung although it was a whisper as Jungkook leaned in just enough for Taehyung to hear then leaned back on his chair with his phone hiding between his legs. The sudden voice and words made Taehyung gulp as he slowly started to take out his phone. Turning on his airdrop and not even a minute later Jungkook was airdropping Taehyung a message.

'Like the new look?' The message read and Taehyung smiled but had to purse his lips just so his parents wouldn't catch him smiling. 'Your dad gave you the nastiest look and you're worried about how I like you're new look?' Taehyung had one hell of a time typing that since he didn't want to get caught but he was trying to hide behind the person in front of him. 'So you don't like the new look?' is all Jungkook sent which made Taehyung want to drag out a sigh. Jungkook never liked talking about his parents and it was understandable, ish?

Taehyung still doesn't know why Jungkook ran away or anything about Jungkook and his parents relationship. It must be a really sensitive topic if Jungkook always avoided talking about his family. With Jia, Jungkook could go on and on about their siblings wars, pranks, teasing but when it came to his parents? he was quiet. 'It suits you. I like it.' Taehyung responded and their conversation just went up from there. It was mostly Jungkook fishing for compliments but Taehyung would play it off and then Jungkook started to make fun of his dad and well, everyone in the room. Even Jia and Taehyung had to hold back his laugh so many times.

Taehyung even had to look back at Jungkook who winked at him which made Taehyung turn away and shake his head with a blush that he couldn't control and so he had to sneak away for the bathroom. Who followed soon after though? Jeon Jungkook of course. Taehyung just leaving the bathroom the moment Jungkook got up the stairs. "You can't be doing that." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook who approached Taehyung. "Do what hm?" Jungkook stopped just mere inches away from Taehyung who scoffed. "Winking at me in the middle of bible study."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows as he looked towards the stairs and then back at Taehyung. "That's bible study? Huh... maybe that's why my skin itches whenever the old man speaks." Only Jungkook got what he was saying but he was quick to change the subject. "So should I wink at you after bible study?" Jungkook asked while taking a step closer. The sudden gay panic hitting Taehyung as he looked everywhere but Jungkook and backed up until his back hit the wall but his back also hit the painting that was ready to fall but Jungkook caught it by pressing his hand quickly against the wall. The painting making a small sound but not as loud as he held the swinging painting. "What's going on here?"

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