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Looking at Jungkook, Taehyung watched the male talk on the phone with his friend Yoongi. They've been on the phone for quite some bit now and Taehyung had no clue why but they were. Jungkook didn't even make sense on Taehyung's side of things. Who was Jimin anyway? Not able to fully listen though since Namjoon was also in the room with Taehyung. Bothering or distracting him, but it felt more like a distraction to Taehyung if he was being honest.

"And I get that. It's going to be hard yes but it's not impossible. I'll still be able to get in my work from here. I'll even send it to Jimin first to talk it over with you before submitting it in." Jungkook entered the washroom. "Yoongi. Please, I know i'm indecisive but I can't leave. Maybe in a year but not now." Jungkook explained to Yoongi who was heard sighing on the other side of the phone. "Then why did you agree to come if you weren't actually coming?"

"I was going to come. I swear I was but... then Taehyung happened. Yoongi.. he's the love of my life and I can't-" Jungkook stopped talking once he realized his words which made Jungkook stop everything that he was doing. Did he just fully say Taehyung is the love of his life? Gulping, Jungkook cleared his throat right after. "I understand if what Jimin and I offered can't be accepted but I can't go. I want to do this with Yoongi. Like I said I would but I can't leave Seoul."

Jungkook stopped talking yet again just to hear Yoongi's side but nothing came from Yoongi. "Jungkook... you're asking a lot right now you know that right? I fought countless times to get u a interview with the head boss but you repeatedly missed it. I finally got you a contract and you say you don't wanna go now? It's all so sudden and I can't just snap my fingers like that. I honestly wish I could but I can only do so much." Yoongi told Jungkook who sighed.

"So what are my options then?" Jungkook asked although he felt pretty hopeless right there. "Well since you didn't sign the contract, you can still back out but maybe if you went speak to the head boss then.. maybe you can propose your idea and talk it over with him." Yoongi suggested. "I'll text you his number. Don't text him, call him and set up a meeting if you're really serious about this."

Jungkook nodded immediately although he knew Yoongi couldn't see him. "Yes, okay thank you Yoongi. I'll let you know how it goes." Jungkook finished off and hung up without giving Yoongi time to speak only because he really wanted an answer to what he could do. Waiting for the text, Jungkook looked in the mirror and saw how stressed and tired he looked. All he wanted to do was go lay with Taehyung but that couldn't happen right now.

Feeling his phone vibrate, Jungkook grabbed it and looked at the number before he said it over and over until he was putting the digits in and pressing call. Waiting a couple rings before someone answered. "Jung Hoseok speaking." came through and that made Jungkook clear his throat. "Jung Hoseok as in.. the head..." Jungkook wasn't sure why he didn't want to say head boss but it didn't come out.

With a chuckle, Hoseok hummed. "Head boss? Only Yoongi calls me thats but sure. Also known as Jung Hoseok." Hoseok introduced himself through the phone which made Jungkook sigh in relief knowing that he wasn't one of those bosses there were assholes. "Right yes. I'm Jeon Jungkook, Yoongi's partner-" Jungkook stopped when Hoseok over spoke him. "Oh! Jungkook. Yes I remember your name coming up a lot. I gave Yoongi the contract to give to you. Did you sign it?"

Hearing pages flip over, Jungkook gulped and bit his lip. "Jungkook?" Hoseok repeated once he didn't hear Jungkook coming through. "Yeah? sorry. Actually about the contract... I was wanting to speak to you about something. When you have time I could come over and speak to you about what I have in mind." Jungkook suggested and it was quite for a second as on Hoseok's end, he was looking at his schedule for when he was free but he was pretty busy with meetings. "You know what? I'm free for the next hour so if you could come in right now that would be great." Hoseok suggested and Jungkook didn't think it would be that quick- but better than nothing.

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