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Taehyung stood in front of the door that he walked out of three years ago. Everything almost looked the same... but messier. Not too messy but his mom would have such a big fit over their house not being in tip-top shape, or three years ago his mom would care for that. Not sure about now though. Looking at the door, Taehyung made a fist and brought up his hand to knock at the door. The moment he did so, he felt his heart race as he looked away from the door and out to the yard.

Once he heard the door open, Taehyung looked at the door to see his father just half awake. Taeho's hair was messy and he was holding a cup of coffee, Taehyung assumed. "...Taehyung?" Taeho said out of disbelief. Having to quickly put his coffee down and rub his eyes before looking at Taehyung once more. "Tae-... son, you're here! You're-" Taeho looked so confused by it but he didn't bother saying anything as he stepped out of the house and hugged Taehyung tightly. "You're home," Taeho said with tears forming.

Taehyung didn't expect that from his dad but honestly, he didn't even know what to expect coming here. Though when his father wrapped his arms around him, Taehyung felt a lump in his throat as he hugged his father. "I'm home dad." Taehyung followed right after Taeho spoke. Pulling away, Taeho took a good long look at his son in front of him. Kissing him on his forehead, Taeho pulled away. "Come! I got the coffee going and your mother... she's away on a work trip." Taeho opened the door widely for Taehyung.

Nodding, Taehyung stepped into the house and the smell of how it used to be was still there. "The house is a bit messy. I've been busy with my own stuff and your mother is rarely home so it's just... a mess." Taeho grabbed a few of the items on the floor just to clean up a little tiny bit. "...Mom doesn't come home?" Taehyung asked as Taeho looked at Taehyung then sighed as he nodded. "We've been... rocky since you left." He said while putting the items away. "She occupies herself with her work and I..." Taeho stopped himself.

"... And you what dad?" Taehyung asked while taking off his shoes to show his dad that he was planning on staying a while. Taehyung then walked over to the living room and started to pick up a few things just to help his dad who was quiet. "... I quit working a few months after you left. Working and living with your mother felt like a full-time job and I already had a full-time job worrying about if you were okay." Taeho smiled sadly while picking up the dirty clothes.

"After you left... I couldn't forgive your mother for chasing away my only son and my pride and joy so... we had a few arguments and..." Taeho breathed in, not sure how to tell his son about what happened between his mother and him. "... How long has she been gone dad?" Taehyung asked after listening to his father who looked like a mess and even sounded like one. "... Six months now," Taeho said with a slight nod. "I told her I couldn't look at her anymore. Not after what happened to our family. So she said she was going on a work trip... and hasn't been back since." Taeho dropped the clothes into the basket.

Taehyung watched his father closely. "I'm sorry dad," Taehyung spoke up and as Taeho was about to tell Taehyung not to apologize, "For leaving you with mom. For... leaving you without a proper goodbye. I just... mom... she..." Taehyung choked up for a moment as he then cleared his throat. "Thank you." Is all Taehyung said as he went over to hug his dad tightly. This confused Taeho but he didn't stop himself from hugging Taehyung. "Why are you thanking me son?"

"For being one of the greatest dads out there." Taehyung breathed out shakily as he shut his eyes and just enjoyed the moment of feeling like a little kid. "I've been staying away because of mom and I just left you in the dark. I thought..." Taehyung started to tear up. "I thought once... you found out my sexuality and actually realized it you wouldn't want me. I just... I didn't want to see you disappointed in me. I... was scared." Taehyung cried while hugging his father.

Meanwhile, Taeho teared up but tried to hold it together. "Son." Taeho pulled Taehyung away to look him directly in the eyes. "You... could never, never ever disappoint me. As long as you are happy then I'm happy besides, there are much bigger problems in this world than boys liking boys." He said with a giggle although the tears fell. "I'm your father Taehyung. I'm here to love and support you no matter how old you are and no matter who you love, I'm always going to be your father." Taeho spoke to Taehyung who was full-on crying.

Now Taehyung's not sure why he was crying so hard but just being held by his dad made everything he held inside for so long... flow. All the emotions built up around his family problems. Not to forget he left his dad worrying for him every single day. He could only imagine the pain his father felt when he left home. Meanwhile, Taeho didn't care about anything but having his son under his roof and in his arms. It's been three years of worrying if Taehyung was okay or if he had enough to eat. If he was warm and loved. All that worrying though was gone and he was so happy to have Taehyung with him.

After their huge crying mess, Taehyung sat down with his dad for a good two hours just talking about how his life changed. Talking about Ilsan and everything that went down. Telling Taeho about how he got an apartment, a good job, and everything that just came with adulting made Taeho look at Taehyung with joy. He let his father know that he didn't need to worry because Taehyung knew how to take care of himself. Though of course, Taeho told Taehyung he's never going to stop worrying so he let that be. "Done, done and, done."

Putting in the last of the clothes, Taehyung look at his dad who looked around the house with his eyes. "It's been months since it looked this clean." He scoffed and then took a sip of his coffee. "You're welcome." Taehyung sat on the chair in the kitchen as his father laughed. "Thank you Taebear." he ruffled up Taehyung's hair before spilling his cold coffee into the sink. "So you and mom... are you two still together? Or talking?" Taehyung asked and Taeho breathed in and out slowly.

"No. The last I've seen and talked to her was when she left. She's okay though. Why wouldn't she be? She has a whole building and business to run now." Taeho sat down. "Even if she were to walk through those doors... she wouldn't be the woman I fell for. Your mother... she changed. A lot... and I don't have the energy to try to fall in love with the woman who... I don't know anymore." Taeho confessed as he then shrugged. "Besides, being a single dad? Way much better."

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh at that. "Single dad huh? You know what they call those people nowadays?" Taehyung asked his dad who gave a certain look then winked. "Ew! Dad!" Taehyung's eyes widened. Taeho laughed as he stood up. "I'm just joking! I'm a proper man Taehyung, you would know because you get everything from me and not your god-awful mother." Now seeing and hearing his father- Taehyung knew he was happy in the moment.

Saying jokes, laughing. Casually going to hug Taehyung every so often- it was perfect. This was not how Taehyung thought it would be. Anything but perfect he thought but seeing his dad again after three years brought happiness to him and seeing his dad happy made him happy. So Taehyung decided to stay longer once his dad suggested they watch the new horror movies that came out. Suggested they watch their old shows too and Taehyung couldn't say no to father and son time, as his dad said.

This was probably one of the best decisions Taehyung had made in a long time. Not to forget how healing this felt for Taehyung. How much happiness this brought to him. Although he knew his relationship with his mother was not going to be fixed, he had his dad. As long as he had one parent there to love and support him then he was okay with that. More than okay with that actually. Though being with his dad made him think of Jungkook a lot. This is what Jungkook always wanted... and Taehyung has it. It was bittersweet.

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