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Once Joochan realized what he did to Jungkook, he stepped back and looked at his wife who had widened eyes but Jungkook had tears in his eyes as he looked at his father. All these years he just wanted to feel some sort of love from his father and mother. Some sort of comfort in coming home but this wasn't home anymore. Hasn't been for a long time and his parents were... just people who raised him until they decided they didn't want him anymore and looking at his father, Jungkook felt so heartbroken by the fact his father hit him and didn't even look guilty.

"You... think it's embarassing? Having a son who is gay? Try being me! Try being in my shoes dad! Try getting sent to a conversion camp and running away just to figure out that no one is out to find you! Try being neglected by your parents! Try thinking of all those suicidal thoughts that run through my mind daily because my parents are so fucked up that they think having a gay son is the end of the fucking word! Try being me!! Try it! You wouldn't last one fucking day. Not one fucking day I went through... what you and mom put me through.."

Jungkook was in tears by the time he finished yelling at his father who stood his ground but kept quiet through the whole thing. Not bothering to look at Jungkook once as he yelled his thoughts and feelings. Making himself known to his father but the tears couldn't stop falling because everything he wanted to say, he was finally saying. "I tried..." Jungkook sniffled while looking at his father. "I tried being the normal son you wanted but the problem there is that I tried! I tried to please you because I'm your son and I love you to death but you didn't try! And that was the problem. When I came out, you shut me out. You made me feel like I was nothing."

"... And you still make me feel like nothing. I didn't come back for you, I didn't come back for mom. I came back for Jia and if I had a choice I would have never came back-" Jungkook tried to go on about his feelings but his father finally spoke up but it wasn't anything Jungkook wanted to hear. "The moment you came out was the moment you were dead to me." Joochan looked Jungkook dead in the eyes. The already red eyes filling with tears second by second as they fell. His own father... "Joochan...!" Jungkook's mother gasped lightly.

"I wouldn't dare think about being you. You're a disgrace to this family and If I was you, I'd be long gone from this earth." Joochan kept on with his words and Jungkook really couldn't believe who was in front of him. The man who used to love the freaking hell out of him. The man who used to carry him to bed, used to play cars with him and used to push him on the swing. Who used to play ball with him, used to drive him to practices, watch sports together... it was like it was all a dream and now he was living a nightmare, every single day.

"Dad..." Jia came down the stairs slowly after eavesdropping on their conversation that was getting heated before Jia came down. "Jia, go back to your room!" Jangmi, their mother told Jia but Jia shook her head while staring at her father. "You're just..." She looked at her mother, "You're just gonna let him say that to Jungkook?.. I... How... Why? Why would you, a parent ever say that to your own kid?" Jia asked with eyes full of confusion and hurt for Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at Jia before he forced a smile although he looked like shit from crying. A shrug coming from Jungkook. "That's what it's like to have homophobic parent's Jia. You're lucky in their terms, you came out normal. Can't say much about me." Jungkook sniffled. "Jungkook." Joochan warned. "Wanna know why I ran away Jia? Why big brother was gone all those years?" Jungkook said with yet another sniffle but his tears stopped. "Jeon Jungkook!"

"It's because the oh so loving parents you know sent me to a conversion camp. Sent me away because I like boys!" And again Jungkook saw it coming from when he opened his mouth but he didn't dodge the hit when his father grabbed him by the shirt, landed a punch and dragged him to the door. "Dad!" "Joochan!" Came from the ladies while Jungkook looked at his father who was looking at him with so much hate it made Jungkook want to laugh because he still just wanted to be accepted, to be loved.

"Get the hell away from my family. Don't... Don't you ever step foot in this house again!" Joochan said as he opened the door and pushed Jungkook out of the house. The male stumbling as he fell onto the deck just missing the stairs as he then watched the door shut in front of him. The tears he held back broke through while he wiped his nose with his sleeve, choking up his cries as he got himself on his two feet. Just as he walked to his vehicle though, he heard Jia.

"Jungkook! Jungkook please no, don't leave!" She yelled while running to Jungkook. "Jungkook!" She said while hugging Jungkook tightly. Jungkook crying more as he hugged Jia. "I just g-got you back." She cried to Jungkook who felt his heart break but he kept a smile as he looked at Jia. "You make me so proud Jia." Jungkook smiled and kissed her forehead. "But I can't. I can't stay here. I... I just can't. I need to leave, right now. I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry."

Making Jia let go of him, Jungkook approached his vehicle. Jia crying as she watched her big brother. Before getting into the vehicle though, he turned to Jia. "Tell Taehyung I'm sorry... and If you figure out how deep this really is, I'm sorry Jia." Jungkook gulped. Patting the hood of his roof lightly before he nodded and got into his vehicle. "Wh-What?! Ju-Jungkook?!" Jia sniffed.

Jia couldn't get her answers she wanted though since Jungkook drove off just seconds after getting into his vehicle. "Jia!" She heard behind her from her parents calling her. Say sorry to Taehyung? But... why would Jungkook need to apologize to Taehyung? It ran deeper? The reason for this fight? What was the reason? Why? Why was she always left in the dark?! "Jia.." Jangmi reached out for her daughter but she brushed past them both.

"No... don't 'Jia' me." Jia looked at her parents with tears. "If you knew anything about being good parents you wouldn't have let my big brother off like that! I hate all of you!" She yelled and that's when her father stepped in but Jia didn't hold back to hit Joochan right on the cheek. "Jeon Jia!" Her mother gasped. Jia's hand was numb from how hard she hit her father but she didn't regret it. "That's for fucking up this family dad. Jungkook didn't but you did so good job. Happy now?" She ran up the stairs. "You disgust me!" She yelled as she shut the door and locked herself in.

Jia held her head as she sat on her bed. Crying because her family was fucked up. Everything was fucked up right now and she just woke up. She literally watched her dad hit Jungkook and basically say Jungkook was better off dead?! For being gay?! Her parents sent Jungkook off and that meant Jungkook didn't run away. It went so much deeper though but Jia was left in the dark, again. And Taehyung?! Taehyung and Jungkook?! Why would Jungkook be sorry?

Wiping her tears, Jia got up and left her room just to go into Jungkook's room. There she started rummaging through everything to find anything that could tell her something. Something that would put the puzzle pieces together. Just anything to make sense of Jungkook's words and she did... ".. What the fuck?..." Jia pulled out the box from underneath the bed and saw the multiple polaroid pictures of Jungkook and Taehyung. Some being in the vehicle and some being on the bed with them laying down making faces.

Jia thought maybe Jungkook meant sorry because they became friends and now he was leaving but then she pulled out a certain polaroid picture. "... Oh my god." She sat back on the floor and let the polaroid picture fall onto her lap. The polaroid picture was of them cuddling. Easily could've been them just cuddling as friends but from the situation that just occurred? it was more. It was so much more and the pictures confirmed that. Taehyung laying on Jungkook's chest while Jungkook took the picture and that's when it made sense. Jungkook was sorry because... they were something and Jia didn't know.

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