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"First day here and you already have a date?" Taehyung parked the vehicle as Namjoon looked at his phone in awe. "Cmon, I couldn't say no to this cutie pie. Look!" Namjoon zoomed in on the photo and showed Taehyung the picture. "Kim Seokjin." He looked at the same first and then the picture with a smile. "Okay, fair enough. Even states in his bio that he's handsome, love that." Taehyung laughed and got out of the vehicle with Namjoon who followed behind. "I meet with him this evening and you're coming."

Taehyung stopped once he heard that. "No, I'm not." Taehyung scoffed as Namjoon wrapped his arm around Taehyung. "Yes, you are because If you don't, Sungjae will come looking for you and I don't want that," Namjoon stated as they walked into the hotel they were staying at for the next few weeks. "You make that sound scary. He'll look for me either way." Taehyung stated back to Namjoon who rolled his eyes and got out his wallet. "More of a reason to come with me."

Scrunching up his nose, Taehyung rolled his eyes and went with it. Besides so- being in Seoul gave him a different vibe. Like he was scared to be here? Although there were tons and tons of people here, he felt like he could bump into his family or Jia at any moment which was dumb, he knew it was but with his luck? He was sure of it. Then again... Taehyung did change quite some bit. Changes being Taehyung started to work out more. Not a lot but he did gain some muscle and some parts of his body were more defined. He changed up his hair to a blonde after having it dark his whole life.

His wardrobe? Changed a lot. He wore clothes that made him more comfortable. Baggy shirts and pants were his go-to fits but eventually, he started to look into new styles, and well, he finds himself pretty damn hot. Not to forget about the tattoo he got on his thigh just a year after he left Seoul. His parents would have gone against everything he decided to do for himself but honestly? he loved being his own person. The tattoo though... well, that was inspired by the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

No one else knew that but for Taehyung but it was the truth. He always admired the tattoo's on Jungkook's body although the truth behind them hurt. His tattoo consisted of flowers running across his upper thigh. Very pretty and shaded. Taehyung personally loved it. No real reason behind it but the fact that Jungkook loved tattoos... which made Taehyung love them too. Taehyung was more open now and not as shy as he used to be. He actually liked talking to new people which he never used to like but being back in Seoul- it made his old self crawl out.

"Alright, okay. Let's go get ready." Namjoon grabbed some of the bags once he got the keys for their room. Shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts, Taehyung followed Namjoon.

As for Jungkook... the morning he left Seoul, he was a wreck. Felt like a wreck, looked like one and he just overral really wanted to end his life. Throughout his drive he kept it in. Jungkook kept his emotions in but the moment he left Seoul and was on the highway, Jungkook let his guard down as he felt the tears building up and eventually they fell and just kept falling. Those words... those words his father said put a pang in Jungkook's chest. It hurt so fucking bad that Jungkook just wanted it all to end... so he drove faster. Tears dropping until eventually Jungkook drove off to the side and came to a harsh stop.

Parking the vehicle, Jungkook stepped out of the vehicle and gasped for a breath he didn't know he lacked. Feeling like his throat was closing up but it was from the emotions rushing through him. Feeling like his world was crashing as he sat beside his car and held his chest, trying to breath while he cried. Even after all those years, after what he told his father.... he still didn't love him. His own father wanted him dead... what the fuck? How was that not supposed to hurt?

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