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Getting close to each other

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Getting close to each other

Jimin's Pov-


I hurriedly slipped in my shoes while my mouth was stuffed with a toasted bread.

"This damn alarm," I incoherently grumbled. The alarm didn't ring out at time. Being left with only ten minutes before the university class started, I stumbled my way out of the apartment.

Reaching the pathway, I fastened my pace. The least I wanted to hear was the scoldings of the professors long hours. I lifted up my hand high after noticing a taxi.

The taxi came to a halt, few meters away from me.
I instantly jogged to the car with a relieved smile plastered on my face.

My smile faltered as soon as I saw another hand grabbing the door handle.
"Excuse me, I stopped the taxi," I informed her.

She looked up at me with knitted brows. Her face seemed quite familiar.

Isn't she the girl from nextdoor?

"My apology for disappointing you but this taxi was stopped by me, for me," she spoke in a sweet voice but sounded more like a sneer to me.
She pulled the handle of the door.

I slammed my hand on the door looking at her with a Stern look. "I ain't denying that you didn't try to stop the car. But the driver pulled the car after seeing me," I pronounced clearly, putting an end to this argument. I was already late and I couldn't afford to waste further time.

"Listen carefully Mr. Arrogant neighbour. I'm already late for my university and besides it's my first day. So, kindly excuse me and take another taxi," she folded her arms and glared at me.

I was quite amused at the chose of her words.
She wasn't going to give up any soon.
I looked at her with one raised eyebrow,"And is it my concern whether it's your first day or whatsoever? I ceased this taxi. Please move aside and let me seat. You're wasting my time."

"Can't you understand at one time! I. Stopped. The. Taxi",she said through her gritted teeth and added,"If you don't believe my words, then lets ask the driver. He'll say who ceased this car."
She was utterly frustrated by this time. So was I.
All my trials went in vain.

I sighed and agreed nonetheless. "Ajhussi, please tell us for whom you stopped the car?" she asked while giving me a side glare.

This girl is sure something.

The driver was silent all this time. Maybe our childish fight made him taken aback. He laughed,"I think the car is spacious enough for two persons. Why don't you just sit together? You both are going to be late if you keep fighting over this small thing."

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