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Jimin's Pov-


I moved in my sleep not caring about the noise coming from outside. I pulled the blanket upto my head and drifted to sleep again.

Rat-a-tat! Rat-a-tat!

"Jimin! You sleepyhead open the door!"

I shifted in my sleep but fell down from the bed being startled from the loud yell. "Oh-dear, that hurts," I massaged my butt that was throbbing in pain. Who dared to disturb my sleep!

"Jimin if you ain't going to open this damn door then I'm going to break this! Can't you open this freaking wooden door?!"

"Who's this now?" with half opened eyes I slowly made my way towards the door and clicked it open. By the time I became aware of the person, my eyes were left wide open. "What're you doing at this hour?"I blinked my eyes repeatedly to see whether it was a dream or not. But it was real. She was really standing at the entrance holding a pillow. "Finally you opened the door. I thought I've to spend the night outside your room," she came inside my room without seeking permission.
"That wasn't the answer to my question,"I followed her with an obvious confused look. She sat on the couch placed near the bed,"The boiler of my room where I and my roommate was staying has stopped working and one of the leg of my beloved bed is injured. We sought the professor for help. He said he couldn't find any doctor to cure the bed's injury and there isn't any vacant room to stay. So, he asked us to move in our friend's room for this night untill my lovely bed is healed. My roommate went to her friend's room but as you know I don't have any friends. I recalled about your assertion that you've got my back. I counted on your words. So, I came to sleep in your room and one more plus point you don't have any roomate," her remarks were inundated in sarcasm whilst she batted her eyelashes innocently. I sighed. This girl really knew how to trap people in her cage. "But what will people think about us? A girl came to sleep at a boy's room," the muscles of my body tensed at this thought. Rumors spread like the blow of dust, ruining the reputation of the victim. I didn't want to be the victim neither want Taehee to get involved in these shits. "Chill, dude. We're just friends. Nothing's gonna happen. Don't overthink about this stupid topic," she waved her hand in the air followed by a yawn. The word 'friends' caused a pang feeling in my heart. She kept me in friend zone. My heart dropped to my stomach while my eyes dropped to my feet. "I'm exhausted. The long journey was so tiring, though I had to sit all the time. I'm gonna sleep on the couch. Good night sleepyhead," she yawned again and plopped on the couch. I didn't reply her nor offered her to sleep on the bed. She might feel bothered to sleep with an arrogant friend.

I laid my head on the pillow staring at her sleeping form which was opposite to me. I pondered about the 'friend zone' thing. She didn't want to be my friend. To be precise I offered her to be my friend. Sometimes I wondered did she feel the same way about me? The emotions I felt for her couldn't be categorized as the love for a friend. Yet I hadn't done anything special to her. All I did was to bicker with her and act cold towards her. I hadn't done anything that'd express or at least give a hint of my feelings to her.

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