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His precious-pink box

Taehee's Pov-

"Finally, you feel the importance to call your little sister",I said sarcastically with the phone pressed against my cheek. The giggles from the other side of the call got louder and I sighed thinking that he wouldn't take anything seriously. "I'm serious, Oppa", I told in a whiny way and zipped up the zipper of my top.

"Aigoo, our angry bird is very angry", he said as if I was a child who was throwing a tantrum. But I was honestly throwing a tantrum, I guess. "Yes, I'm angry, no I'm veryyyyy angryyy upon you",I emphasised each word to make him know that I was really very upset.

"It's not like that,Bubba. I was busy with my new job that I didn't even get time to sleep",as usual he came up with that 'work' excuse of his. But sad fully his excuse couldn't calm my anger."Oh really, you didn't get time to sleep but got time to do clubbing,right?" I rested my free hand on my waist and twisted my lips.

"O-oh that. One friend of mine forced to go there since I was very stressed",he laughed while narrating his problem. I wasn't that stupid to agree with him."Anyways, I'm not gonna buy any of your excuses. You're gonna come, am I clear?" I demanded with audacity and was ready to throw another big tantrum if he was going to refuse.

"Yes,yes. I'll stop by your house for sure", he finally gave up and agreed to my demand.

"Good,that's like my Oppa",I smiled and was satisfied with his decision. "Now, I'll hang up, hm? Bye",he put an end to the call and hung up.

I placed the phone on the bed and went towards my vanity. I slowly took my moisturizer and squeezed the contents out. I gently rubbed it in a circular manner on my face. Now you'll think for what I'm getting ready?

Well nothing special but today was our last day for assignment. This implied today was the last day for Jimin to come. Unlike the first day, these following days weren't too awkward but that didn't convey that he didn't scold or nag me for once. Still the first day was unbelievably embarrassing. Apart from my funny attire, I was also looking like a burnt potato that day.
I didn't comb my hair which led to  the strands of my hair spiked on different directions making me look like a porcupine. I wondered how could he control his laugh after seeing my ugly getup? Gosh!!

Because of this reason, these days I was quite conscious about my look. I combed my hair and put it into a messy bun. I had a last glance on my look and was well appeased. I wasn't trying to impress him or something like that, rather I was trying not to be a laugh stock. There was still time left for Jimin to come,so, I decided to make some snacks for us.
"Let's make some quick cookies",I wore my apron and got ready along with the ingredients.

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