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Emma's P.O.V. Charlie 13, Sophia 4, Avery 1

"Mum? What's a condom?" I almost choke on my water when Charlie walks into my home office.

"What?" I turn around in my swivel chair.

"I saw this meme on Twitter, and I don't understand it," she shows me her phone. Harry and I were hesitant to allow Charlie on social media, but she's 13 and many of her friends have Instagram and Twitter accounts. All we requested was that her accounts are on private and we're allowed to follow her.

"Let's go to your room and talk," I turn off my computer monitor and shut my office door behind me. While Charlie walks into her room, I quickly grab a pad and tampon from my bathroom. Charlie and I have talked about periods before, but since the topic has sort of risen again, I think it's a good time to go into more detail. Plus, she'll probably be starting soon and I'm actually surprised that she hasn't already. I was only 12 when I had my first period.

Charlie's P.O.V. a few months later

"Does everyone have their shoes on?" Dad asks the three of us while making sure he has everything for Avery in the diaper bag.

"I do!" Soph says. She's very excited to go to the zoo with Auntie Gemma today. I was excited this morning, but now my stomach hurts a little and I'd rather stay in bed. Mum isn't coming because she's at work, otherwise I would ask to stay home with her.

"Charlie, are you ready to go?" Dad asks, slinging the bag over his shoulder and holding Avery on his other side.

"Yeah," I tell him, and we all walk into the garage.

"It would be very helpful if you would buckle your sister in for me," Dad asks as I'm about to get into the front seat. Instead, I go to the backseat where Soph is climbing in and I help her buckle her seatbelt while Dad puts Avery in his car seat.

"Have you listened to Niall's new album?" I ask my dad as he drives out of the garage.

"No, I haven't. Have you?" he answers.

"I did. It came out last night, can we listen to it?" I ask and he says, "sure," so I connect my phone to the car and start playing the album.

"It's good, isn't it?"

"I agree, and I'll have to tell him you said that."

We listen to about half the album before we're at the zoo. Sophia sees Auntie Gemma first and practically falls out of the car trying to get to her. I'm excited to see her too because it's been a while since we've been in London, but my stomachache is putting me in a really bad mood.

"Hey, Charlie!" Auntie Gemma walks up to me for a hug.

"Hi," I say back.

"You're oddly quiet, are you okay?"

"My stomach just hurts a little," I try to say quietly, but Dad overhears me.

"Charlie, you didn't tell me you weren't feeling well. Do you feel like you may throw up?" Dad asks.

"Charlie's gonna throw up? GROSS!" Sophia yells.

"No, I'm fine. It's not that bad," I tell Dad, but he puts the back of his hand on my forehead to check my temperature anyway.

"You don't feel like you have a fever," he says. "Just drink a lot of water and we'll get you something to eat inside. I'm sorry Bean," he says and kisses my forehead before putting Avery in the stroller, or pram as Dad and Auntie Gemma say.

I tell him it's okay, and then Soph takes Auntie Gemma's hand while I walk next to Dad who pushes Avery.

Once we get inside the zoo, Dad buys everyone waters, but I tell him I'm not hungry for anything else. He agreed that the greasy food they sell at the zoo wouldn't be good for my stomach anyway.

Charlie Robin Styles [Addition to We're Having Our Baby]Where stories live. Discover now