Chapter 5

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Natasha's POV 

She got a really great ride. We talk for a bit, she kinda wants to know about my job and of course I speak all the lies I trained myself to tell her. Then we really got into her life. 

"What did you do before you were a street fighter ?" I ask feigning confusion  

"I was in the army, french army of course. Basically I was doing the same jobs as The Marines do in your army. And when my contract stopped, I was recruited to be a spy, but I realized it was not for me." 

"Holy fuck ! What happened ? I mean, how did you become what you are today ?" 

Raven goes silent for a little bit, before asking me a question I really was not prepare to. 

"Now I'm interested, tell me, what am I today ?" 

Shit, think Natasha think. 

"Hum, I mean you fight in illegal undergrounds fights." 

I also think "You also race in illegal street races and you're an assassin.

"Is that so ?" She ask 

"Well I mean that's all I know." I lie 

"You sure ? You haven't heard anything else about me, did my stage name or real name now that you know it ever came from somewhere else ?" 

"I may found out." I say with cockiness in my voice 

I turn my head smiling a sexy way at her. She turn her head to look at me, giving back my smile and focus on the road again. 

"Then try and guess." 

"You drive manuals right ? You're engines got a really great sound, and you seem to like being in control of the road... oh my God I think I got it, you also race ?" 

"Got me ! Ever been to one ?" She ask with a smile 

"No, guess I just know people who race." I say

Good, she doesn't seems suspicious that I fine quite quickly. Should I bring up the fact that she's also an assassin ? Yeah I would blow my cover up.. well I'll just have to take her down in hand to hand fight... should not be too hard.  We stay quiet for minutes, just enjoying the music, I try to keep looking outside but I can feel her glancing at me. I'm about to ask her something but she pulls over telling me to wait in the car. She takes the boys and get in an apartment building leaving me alone. As soon as she enter the building I phone my boss. 

"How's it going " 

"I think I'm in. Did you know she had kids with her ? They're her nephews." 

"I was not aware of that. Did you get her family name ?" 

"No but wait, I'm in her car, there might be information about that. Yeah got it, her last name is... DeValdez." 

"Noted, her address ?"    

"205 1/2 7th St NW."

"Got it, do you know if you will return at her home ?"

"It's a possibility. I think I can try something today to get to be more... appreciated."

"Good, I will have a sniper around to make sure she's checked 24/7. And in case something bad happen."       

"Don't be soft on me boss, I know how to make things go my way, and I can defend myself. She's coming, I need to go." 

I end the call, but she noticed. 

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