Chapter 29 | Tension

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They spent the journey back to the hospital talking about what happened back at SHIELD, the super soldier being his natural safe, apologized for dragging the brunette in his mess. Luckily Raven was quick to reassure him, explaining how being on the run is nothing new and Pierce wanted to talk to her as well. Who knows, it could have been worse than for him. Steve was very surprised when she told him how the Secretary was against her recruitment into the agency, but then again he remembered after New York, Pierce wanted Raven to be incarcerated. The ex mercenary tried to get Steve to tell her what he left at the hospital but for once, he didn't budge and left her without anything, resulting in a pouting Raven.

The ex soldier is following Steve in the hallways of the hospital, keeping her head down, the hood from her sweater covering her face, same as Steve. Unfortunately his broad stature doesn't help him in blending in, and his wide clothes are not exactly very discreet either, but it'll do for now. Raven can't help but sweep the hallways with her eyes, looking for any cameras and making sure to keep her head down. She almost bump into the blond man when he stops in front of a vending machine, a frown on his face. Taking a look around, the ex soldier now realize they're back in the same hallway they were in a few hours ago. She look both ways, making sure no one else is wandering around as Steve is taking a real sudden interest in a vending machine, and less in covering is face.

The ex assassin let out a long sigh, ready to ask what is taking him so long and why he's so engrossed in a vending machine, when she feels a presence behind her, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. Her ears recognized the soft almost inaudible footsteps that stopped right behind her, her characteristic sweet soft perfume invading her nostrils. For some odd reason, Raven wants to turn around and wrap her arms around that person, seeking comfort in her embrace, burying her face in her neck. But it's soon enough replaced by anger, each words she said coming back, and if her heart skipped a beat from seeing Natasha, it soon enough start to beat again, and fast because of anger.

Steve seem to finally realize someone is waiting behind them, the redhead announcing her presence by poping a bubble from the gum she's chewing on. His gaze set upon the spy, before turning around to face a smug looking Natasha. It's a smug expression but also a bored one at the same time, betraying how actually proud of herself she is. Steve quickly and angrily grab Natasha's upper arms, pushing her into a storage room behind, the redhead barely keeping up with how fast the super soldier is almost dragging her.

Raven roll her eyes all this violence displayed in a hospital, making sure nobody saw that, since they're still standing in a hallway. Luckily no one is looking too busy doing their own thing and the ex mercenary follow the other two, entering the room just in time to see Steve roughly pushing Natasha against the wall, getting a grunt from the force he used. Raven's slightly taken aback, if Natasha grunted with this it might have been more powerful than she thought it would be, proving Steve's anger. She close the door for a little bit of privacy, looking around one last time to make sure nobody saw anything, before walking towards the duo.

Steve's angry and it shows a lot. All of his muscles are tense, his hands still gripping at the redhead's arms, trapping her against the wall. He also seem very tall all of sudden, probably trying to intimidate the ex assassin. But Natasha is not someone to be intimidated easily, her whole face and body showing it, her answers ready almost like she knew what he was gonna ask, as her eyes bore into his soul and her body tense ready for anything he might do, not that Raven would let him do anything to her.

The super soldier angrily yank his hood back, before demanding with a stern tone. "Where is it ?"

"Safe." Yeah okay, what now ? Clearly they're having their own argument about something and Raven clearly feels left out, and completely clueless.

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