Chapter 11 | The chase

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Third person's POV

The spy and the racer both look at each other, one without any emotion showing, the other, her eyes give it all.

"Raven, put the gun down..." Natasha try but Raven cut her off  "yeah nice try, it's not moving from your head sweetie." Natasha let out a long sigh. "Raven please, don't make it worst for yourself." Raven doesn't move an inch, the gun still pointed at Natasha's head.
"Tell me Natasha, what were your orders ?" Natasha don't answer straight away, looking at Raven's gun which is shaking slightly, proving a point. Raven don't want to do this, she won't be able to pull the trigger.

Seeing that Natasha's not going to answer Raven arm the gun trying to suppress her shaking hands. "When is SHIELD coming ?" She knows the agent will not answer but, who cares, at least she tried.

"Nice one but right now I can't let you go." Natasha try to take a step forward but Raven is quick to take three steps back moving slightly on her left, hoping it would pass the spy's eyes but, Natasha don't let it slip. "Why the side step Raven ?" she ask. Even if Raven had a good training, Natasha's better than her and catch the racer's eyes glimpsing at the window. She doesn't have the time to try and put some senses in that stubborn head of hers, before Raven know she understood what she's trying to do and run to the window, Natasha after her. "Raven don't !" But she did. Raven cover her face with her arms, elbows in front of her head diving straight through the window, cutting her forearm.

But Raven being Raven, she knew what she was doing. She lived for a year in that apartment and took the time to learn everything about the building, and she knew about the metal bar sticking out from the side and catch it before it's too late, looking back up at Natasha who's sticking her head out trying to see were she landed. They lock eyes, Raven smirking proud of her move and Natasha kinda piss about that.

Raven throw herself to the gutter, clenching to it for dear life praying it will hold 121 lbs, then start to quickly sliding down and reach the ground.

Natasha look at Raven throwing herself at the gutter before speaking in her earpiece. "She's going down for the street I'm in pursuit." "Copy that agent we're 3 minutes away." a voice answer. She runs down the stairs, arriving on the sidewalk, looking on her right, catching a dark figure turning around the corner. "She's heading to her garage, surround the block, I'm continuing the pursuit with my car." "Roger that we're surrounding now."

Raven get to her Dodge Charger, turning on the engines before opening the garage's doors, hearing something familiar to police sirens too close to her liking. She get out of the garage like a mad man, making some cars stop to not hit her, but a black car pass all of them and while doing a u turn to avoid SHIELD cars in her way, she makes out Natasha's face through the window. She chuckle slowly to herself "Son of bitch". She press on the gas pedal further, seeing SHIELD cars in her way, she just look far away aiming for the space in between the cars, trying to not get too much shoot at, and manage to pass not without damages but at least she passed.

Raven get her phone, pressing on Rebecca's contact, hearing her ex's voice after three rings.

Hey what's up ?

I need you're help, I'm being chase right now.

What did you do again ?

Not the time, you're at the factories ?

Yeah, why? what can I do ?

Good, make everyone go, I wanna see if they can catch me there, I'm gonna do what I do best.

I see, when are you here ?

How it really begun | Natasha RomanoffOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora