Chapter 34 | Bath and loving touches

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Raven manage to climb the stairs successfully, not without scaring Natasha a few times who had to keep her from falling, both women silently cheering once the brunette is seated on a bed. The temptation to just lay down and sleep all the soreness and ache of her body is so big, but Natasha see right through her, tapping her cheeks a few times to keep her awake as she take her shoes off for her. "Don't fall asleep on me now, you still need to take a shower, and I need to bandage your torso."

The ex racer groan loudly in annoyance, playfully glaring at the redhead. "How is it that you were the one out the longest but the one with the least injuries ?" Now it's Natasha's turn to glare though this one is not playful. "Because an idiot decided to use her body as a shield to protect me." Raven slightly shrink under the stare and tone the Russian used, closing her eyes as the events rush back in her mind. "Oooh yeah, and that idiot is me. It was worth it though." If Raven was not already injured, Natasha would've punched her right in the face.

Instead, she grab her by the arm and guide her in the bathroom, sitting her down on the toilet. "Get in the shower, call me when you're done."

The door, close with a semi loud noise, leaving Raven alone with her thoughts. Now sitting in a safe environment, the little boost of energy she had left wares off, her shoulders slumping down, and her face contort into a grimace of discomfort. Releasing a deep breath, she push herself up with the counter, biting her lip to prevent a scream of pain to escape, a sharp pain shooting all over her back, standing on unstable legs.

She take deep shaky breaths to help calm her heartbeat, her arms crossing in front of her torso to grip the edge of her shirt. Raven take another deep breath before trying to lift her shirt up, but her arms won't come up and her back arch with the pain shooting up her spine once again.

Raven silently slam her fist on the counter, her eyes watering in frustration. "Damn it." She take careful steps toward the sink, opening the tap to let the cold water out. Her gaze found her eyes in the mirror, taking in how bloody and dirty her face is. She collect water in her hands, splashing it on her face to cool it down, the water tainted with red and brown. She repeat this process until her face is clean, before taking a towel and drying her face.

The ex mercenary turn around, looking at the door knowing Natasha is waiting for her behind it. With a sigh, she walk to the door and open it, the red head perking up, a look of confusion and worry on her face. "Everything all right ?" Her voice is soft especially when she sees Raven's somber mood. Raven let out a sigh, almost tearing up once again, looking up at the woman helplessly. "I can't take off my clothes. It hurts." Raven's voice crack in the middle of her sentence, her tone barely above a whisper as if she's ashamed of herself.

Natasha nod in understanding, a soft comforting look replacing the worried one. "Okay. Come, I'll help you." The Russian take hold of Raven's arm, and guide her back to take a sit on the toilet. She carefully close the door, before kneeling down in front of the ex soldier who's got a very nervous look on her face, despite how hard she's trying to hide it. Natasha grip her shaking hands in her own, rubbing soothing circles with her thumbs, planting her emerald eyes in Raven's golden ones. "I know how you feel, and I promise you, I will look as little as I can, and you will feel no judgment nor pity from me."

Too nervous to say anything, Raven just nod her head, grateful for the small pep talk and reassurance from the woman. Natasha bend down a bit more to help Raven take off her socks, one after the other, starting with simple clothing to let the ex racer process. Next step unfortunately is the t-shirt. Natasha give her bit more time to process, opening the tap for the bath at a good temperature. She knows Raven always take cold showers, so she's being careful to put the faucet at a warm almost cool temperature, worried that even that might be too hot for her skin which is now used to only cold water. 

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