Chapter 6

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Raven's POV 

I try to hide my best but I know she saw my face when I looked at my phone. For a year and a half now, my mom has been trying to call me or face time me everyday. I don't wanna talk to her, not after last time. I know she just want to apologies but, something's telling me not to pick up. 

We're almost finish eating, but once again my phone ring, just a message and I swear to God if it's my mother I'm blocking her. I look at the screen. 

Messages :

William : "There's one of my clients who wants to talk to you" 

Me : "William I told you no race against Russian Mafia" 

William "It's not the Russian, it's one of your old... client he need your services again... well not really yours but he needs 'The Huntress' "

Me "Which one ?"

William "Hum, 'The Empresses' you know the three women... Barbara, Tahra and their little pet Claire " 

Me "Yeah thanks I remember them... When ?" 

William "I don't know they want you to go to their club like in an hour or so" 

Me " 'Kay, tell them I'll try and be there" 

William "Wait, can I have your lovely red hair companion phone number ? Please !" 

Me "...William you're gay... WTF ?" 

William "Oh yeah I forgot about that... Well, you're BI so keep her she's hot !" 

Me "Shut up !"

I put down my phone, a little smile on the lips, which is soon wiped out when I remember that I once again need to go to 'The Empresses', the fuck they want. 

"Who was it ?" Natasha ask curious 

"Oh hum, William, there's something I need to do. Is it okay if we go to a.. friend club after that ? I need to deal with something." I ask carefully 

"Yeah sure... is everything okay ?" She ask back 

I furrow my eyebrows, thinking if it's wise to take her with me... I kind of just met her and I'm dragging her into something, even I wish not to be part of.

"Yeah everything is fine... just when we get there could you wait in the car ?" I ask again 

She looks at me with concern and just nod her head. 

"Cool, hum by the way, what's your family name ? You gave me your name earlier but not your family one so... just curious." 

"It's Blake, Natasha Blake. And you ? Same question for you." 

She ask with a seductive smile.

"DeValdez, Raven DeValdez."

We finish eating and once again take the road. 

"You know you didn't need to pay for my lunch. I'm a grown woman." Natasha complain 

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