Prologue : The Kims

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The room stayed quiet. They are exchanging looks with each other around the big round table. Some wear capes and some don't. Whatever they're talking about, it must have been something so important.

"Minseol leader had been testing my patience lately"

The blonde hair male said while crossing his hands. He raises his legs and rest them on the table receiving some not so pleasant looks from the elders around him.

"That is not how a leader should sit, Jongseong"

Jay furrowed his eyebrows looking at one of the elders in front of him. He chuckles as his eyes glowed red. He put his legs down and leans closer as his hands are both on the table supporting his weight.

"Did I asked for your opinion, Elder Jung?"

Those words of Jay's sent shivers inside Elder Jung's spine. Jay clicks his tongue in annoyance. He rolls his eyes before sitting back down.

"Anyways, we need to find Minseol's true heir and destroy him immediately"

He announced. All of the elders started muttering and whispering to each other. Although Jay can't hear their words clearly, but he senses that they must've thought of him as a crazy person.

"But Yeonjun have killed their heir didn't he, Yeonjun?"

Elder Jeon asked. The blonde male sighs. He glances at a certain scarlet hair male beside him. Yeonjun was glaring hard at Elder Jeon without even realising it. The red hair male feels anger, betrayed and the urge of him killing someone right now is getting higher.


He muttered. Jay chuckles. He focuses back to Elder Jeon who has this confused look on his face.

"Yeonjun killed the decoy not the real heir"

A voice explained. Everyone turn their head to a certain black hair male who was standing and leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Yeonjun grunts with frustration.

"Beomgyu was right, Yeonjun killed the decoy not the real heir. Should I send both of the Choi brothers to kill the real heir?"

"But he's in the human world. How are we supposed to find him if we can't even stand outside the sun for more than one hour? Plus, he must've been dead by now"

"Elder Shin. You really has a small brain don't you?"

Jay added. He stands up and walks around the table clicking his tongue in annoyance. First of all, he has zero patience for someone who is as dumb as Elder Shin. His footsteps echoed around the dark room. He stops walking and stands still behind Elder Shin's chair. His eyes are glowing red as if he's looking at his prey. He wraps his right arm around Elder Shin, and the latter shudder under his cold touch. Jay smirks and leans closer to his ears.

"You must've forgotten that the Choi brothers are capable of standing outside the sun for more than one hour. Plus, the vampires from Minseol has this special skills to disguise themselves perfectly as humans. They can hide their eye colors, fangs and nails perfectly under the sun. And you also must've forgotten that only the Chois can kill one of the Kims. I'm not one of the Chois, but I'm one of the Parks, who had been ruling Weolhwa for centuries"

Jay added. He chokes Elder Shin on his throat, gently but then started getting tighter as he enjoys the sight of Elder Shin struggling to get his hand off his throat.

"Beomgyu and Yeonjun are the last heirs of the Chois. And the Chois family have many special abilities like the Kims. Including disguise, flying, protecting themselves against the sun and even manipulate their victims. We, vampires from Weolhwa only drink normal blood from humans and animals, but vampires from Minseol drink blood that are corrupted with drugs and marijuana to upgrade their strengths. Not only drugs could corrupt humans blood, but drinking another vampire's corrupted blood will boost your strength too"

Jay explained.

"If they drink corrupted blood, they will become stronger and eventually losing their minds killing everyone around them.."

He added. Tightening his grip around Elder Shin's neck.

"....including their family"

And with one snap, Elder Shin is already dead. Elder Jeon immediately stands up slamming against the table.

"This is nonsense, Jongseong!"

He exclaimed, pointing at the blonde hair male. Jay giggles while wiping his hand on the table cloth, face full of disgust.

"What is nonsense, Elder Jeon? That I've killed Elder Shin?"

He questioned. Elder Jeon was about to snap back until someone holds his shoulder telling him to stop. He turns around and met eyes with Beomgyu. The raven hair male is shaking his head slowly. Elder Jeon grunts in frustration and sit back down.

"Anyways, Beomgyu and Yeonjun. Both of you need to go outside of Weolhwa and kill the real heir of the Kim's family"

Jay walks back to his seat and sit back down on his chair, resting both of his legs on the table.

"In other words.."

He paused. Beomgyu stands beside the scarlet hair male.

"...both of you need to go to the human world"

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