Chapter 40 : Cold night

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"Who's Yeonjun?"

Beomgyu froze. His heart increases its speed as he stare straight into the younger's eyes, looking for the sincerity in his words. Taehyun looks clueless as his eyes are sparkling hoping that Beomgyu would answer him.

"My brother"

Beomgyu replied. Taehyun tilts his head in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed and lips pouting.

"You never told me you have a brother"

The younger added.

"Whㅡ what?"

Beomgyu couldn't belive what came out from Taehyun's mouth. How can he forgot about Yeonjun? They were friends for more than a few weeks.

"Is he the one with the red hair that tailing us earlier?"

Beomgyu gulps, the tip of his nose going red in just split seconds. He looks around him, eyes searching for a certain redhead that has been missing. He spins around, walking everywhere, chest going up and down in a fast pace as he could feel his eyes getting teary.

Yeonjun wouldn't left them and surrendered, didn't he? No, he wouldn't do that. Right? If he did, but why? It is such a bullshit reason if he surrendered himself to the cops and vampire hunters to protect Beomgyu. Yeonjun is the only family he had left. The one who had been raising him after their parents died. There's no other thing that's occupying his mind right now, other than Yeonjun.

The cold breeze in the night hitting his naked skin making Taehyun shivers a bit.


A soft voice called. Beomgyu turns around, his red teary eyes meeting with Taehyun's brown ones. His breath hitching and the younger walks closer to him, cupping his cheeks gently.

"Why are you crying? Are you sad because your brother, Yeon...jun? Is not here?"

Taehyun questioned innocently as Beomgyu leans into his subtle touch, sniffing. He nods a bit, lips quivering hardly as his tears streaming down endlessly from his eyes, to his rosy cheeks. Taehyun understood and pulls the older into his embrace before caressing Beomgyu's back gently, and having to tiptoes doing so.

"My Beomie hyung, please don't cry"

Taehyun comforted. And it only makes Beomgyu sobs harder. He buries his head to the crook of Taehyun's neck while gripping on the younger's shirt. Then, silence. Only the faint sound of Beomgyu's sobs mixing with the singing crickets could be heard. The older pulls out from the hug first before looking at Taehyun, as his slim fingers reaching for the younger's silver strands, ruffling them.

The younger's brown orbs are captivating to look at. They are always sparkling with excitement, not once had failed to make Beomgyu's heart pumping faster against his ribs. He just wanted to look at them forever. Yeah, forever.

He wants to save Yeonjun. And that plan will remain as a secret between he and himself. He doesn't want to worry Taehyun. He had been such a burden ever since he drank Taehyun's blood, and now, because of Yeonjun one of Taehyun's closest friends died. And that means, after saving his brother and kills the Kims they would also disappear like faint ghosts.

Nevertheless, he still needs to enjoy every seconds he spent with Taehyun so he wouldn't regret anything after.

First, he needs to send Taehyun to a safer surroundings first.

"Let's go"

Taehyun furrows his eyebrows.

"Where? Our room is a crime scenㅡ"

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