Chapter 23 : IT

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He's in deep thought. Yeonjun is sitting inside his room, absent from school all day. It's currently nightime and he haven't come out from his room at all. His roomate had been calling for his names countless times but he just shoved the latter away. There's something else that is occupying his head at the moment. The unknown vampire's words from the other day keep ringing in his head.

"That silver hair friend of yours is manipulating your brother"

Yeonjun grunts in frustration before tossing his pillow to the other side of the room. At first, he didn't want to believe it, but after he saw Beomgyu kissing Taehyun the other day, he started to think otherwise. He followed them, actually. The moment he saw both males going out from the dorm, he followed them outside, wanting to make sure wether the unknown vampire's words are true.

Beomgyu is not the type to abandon his mission or any tasks given, but after meeting Taehyun, the ravenette vampire starting to forget about the real reason why they are there. Yeonjun is the only one who keeps searching and looking for Sunoo and his brother, Taehyung. Beomgyu? Well, you could say that Yeonjun was pissed at Beomgyu's now attitude. The ravenette focus is only on Taehyun.

Everything had changed after meeting
Taehyun. That, Kang Taehyun. This could be a selfish goal for him but, he wanted to get rid of the silvernette. Because of him, because of Taehyun, Beomgyu had changed. And Yeonjun wanted his old younger brother back. The one who doesn't abandon his tasks, the one who always favors him first.

Sighing, he glance outside the window. The moon is shinning brightly that its light could be seen through Yeonjun's window curtain.

"Kang Taehyun"

The same name he had been saying the whole day. Does he hates the  younger? No. Does he likes the younger? Also, no. Yeonjun is known for not trusting any humans and mortals while Beomgyu is the total opposite. Yeonjun is cold, ruthless and straightforward. Beomgyu is friendly, soft and a cheerful person. With each other's presence side by side, they are the most powerful duo in Weolhwa. Afterall, its royal blood that is flowing in their veins.

The scarlet hair male lay flat on the mattress, positioning himself like a starfish, eyes staring at the empty ceilings. He doesn't want to believe that Taehyun is manipulating his little brother, but at the same time, the way Beomgyu acts differently after meeting Taehyun made him think twice. Hearing a loud thud, Yeonjun adverts his gaze to the window.

"Who's there?"

Yeonjun immediately get up and is already in his fight mode. His red fiery eyes glaring at the window.

"Show yourself"

He snapped. Heart beating in a fast pace, he walks to the window and peeks outside. No one was there. But what he didn't notice was a figure on top of the window, upside down, smirking wickedly as its mouth reaching its ears and before Yeonjun could even react, the same figure dragged Yeonjun with it making both of them fall from the building.


Yeonjun saw the figure and as they landed on the ground, the same figure quickly runs away from the scarlet hair male before Yeonjun could ever reach it. The scarlet hair vampire grunts and tailing the same dark figure from behind.

"HEY!! STOP!!"

He yelled. People around him were giving him looks because they could see Yeonjun pointing at something while yelling 'stop' but what they couldn't see was the dark black figure in front of Yeonjun, running away from the male. Although Yeonjun uses his vampire speed running following the unknown figure but he's still left behind.

And what shocked him more is when the figure suddenly climbs on one of the house's rooftop running from other rooftop to another.


He scoffed. Nonetheless, he still follows the same figure. He wanted to know what it was. Is it a vampire? Or something else? Most importantly, why was it there? To spy on him? But from who? Who's the master of that thing? He flew and landed a kick on the same dark figure, more like creature like thing but it has more faster reflex than Yeonjun. Yeonjun's eyes shoot wide as the creature suddenly vanished and appear again on the other side of the roof. The scarlet hair male manage fo control his landing and keeps on chasing it.

That is until he saw the beach not very far away from his sight from the rooftop, the creature suddenly disappeared from his sight. Yeonjun abruptly stopped, looking around him. He's panting for oxygen due to the long catch of him and the unknown creature.

Just then he adverts his gaze to the beach, two figures laying beside each other and Yeonjun couldn't see them clearly, so he gets off the roof, sprinting his way to the beach, hiding at the nearby trees. He still couldn't see the two figures very clearly, but what caught his attention was the other male's hair. It was silver colored. And of course, the first person that comes inti his mind after he saw the hair color was..

Kang Taehyun.

If Taehyun is there that means, the other male is Beomgyu.

Yeonjun sees everything. The way Beomgyu comforted the silvernette, the way Taehyun snuggled closer into Beomgyu's chest, although Yeonjun doesn't know what they are talking about, but he could feel that it is a serious talk. A few seconds after, it started raining. Yeonjun glance at the sky and the moon is still brightly shinning but the light had dimmed a bit. Yeonjun could feel his clothes are soaked because of the rain but he didn't care.

The scarlet hair male once again adverts his gaze to the two males in front of him. He saw that Beomgyu offered a hand to Taehyun and the silvernette took it, before both of them started dancing under the rain, soaked.

He unconsciously smile, staring at the happy and giggly Beomgyu with Taehyun dancing in each other's arms. That is when Yeonjun snapped out from his thoughts. He had never seen Beomgyu smiling in that loving way before. The way his eyes glow while looking at Taehyun and although Yeonjun couldn't see it clearly, he's positive that, Beomgyu is in love. With a mere human. And they are now hugging each other. Beomgyu facing Taehyun as Taehyun's back is facing Yeonjun. But Beomgyu couldn't see his brother. It was a very beautiful view for Yeonjun to see.

But what Yeonjun didn't expect was the same figure appears again in front of him. Yeonjun's eyes shoot wide. Waving with the back of its hand before glancing sideways, smirking at the scarlet hair vampire, the same creature runs towards Beomgyu and Taehyun that was hugging each other. Yeonjun panics, and immediately got up from his hiding place, as his nails grow long, his fiery red eyes glow and his fangs showed.

Beomgyu saw the creature but not Yeonjun that was approaching he and Taehyun at the same time.

"I'm sorry"

Was all he muttered before tossing Taehyun to the side not very far away from him.

Just a few inches from launching an attack to the creature's back, it suddenly vanished, Yeonjun's eyes widen as he couldn't stop his movements and buried his nails deep into Beomgyu's abdomen. Beomgyu's eyes shoot wide, mouth panting heavily as he looks at Yeonjun's hand that was dugged deep into his lower abdomen. Half of Yeonjun's hand goes through Beomgyu's abdomen.


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