Chapter 22 : I know I love you

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As time goes by, the sky had been painted with black canvas all over it as bilions of stars surround it. The silvernette and Beomgyu are currently laying on the sand, enjoying the beautiful view above them. Everything is perfect. The sound of the calming waves hitting the shores, the sound if crickets singing in the night and their heart beating in a fast pace due to each other's presence.

Taehyun is enjoying this. He enjoys Beomgyu's company. It makes him feel safe. He turns his head to the other side, staring at Beomgyu who is extending his hand forward, counting the stars. The bright moonlight shined perfectly above them showing all Beomgyu's perfect features.

The older has it all. Pale skin, slightly cracked pale lips, sharp jawline and what attracts him the most, Beomgyu's pair of crimson eyes. He doesn't know why, but everytime he looks into those eyes, he feels a mysterious aura. They make his heart beats faster too. Taehyun giggles out of the blue, earning Beomgyu's attention. The ravenette vampire turns his head towards the younger.

"Why are you laughing?"

He asked, confused. Taehyun shakes his head, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Beomgyu is even more confused. Why is Taehyun laughing at him? Is there something on his face? The poor vampire quickly touches his face searching if something must had been stucked there. But nothing was there at all. And the silvernette won't stop laughing.

"Okay, sunhsine, I get it, now what's so funny?"

"Nothing, actually"

Beomgyu scrunches his nose. He knew Taehyun was lying. Afterall, the silvernette is not good in lying.


He called. This time his voice goes lower than before and Taehyun eventually stopped laughing, but his little giggles could be hear. He scooted closer to the ravenette vampire, burying his head into the latter's broad chest.

"You know, I used to not believing in love"

Beomgyu answers with a hum as his fingers trail on the younger's silver lock, twirling and playing with them. Taehyun's hair feel softer than his although it was dyed. A soft smile appeared on his lips.

"Before my parents got divorced, they had swore an oath to stay with each other until the end, to protect each other, and to love each other no matter what"

Taehyun continued. Taehyun blinks, and tears are prickling in his eyes. Unwated memories wash over his mind as he took a sharp inhale before exhaling it again. But Beomgyu couldn't see it. Beomgyu couldn't see the tears in Taehyun's eyes, because the younger is burying his face into his chest.

"But thirteen years later, when I was eleven, they got a divorced. Dad married another woman and mom married another man. While me?"

The silvernette added. Hearing that, Beomgyu's heart sank as he pulls the younger tight into his arms. And the moment he does that, Taehyun broke down. Tears falling like waterfalls from his eyes, as he's sniffing for life.

"Iㅡ I had to stand up for myself, living alone inside a dorm. Mom sent me my allowances that I didn't even asked for and talked to me that I should fill my fridge with some food so that I will not starve. I lied to her and said yes but I only used the money to buy ramens, fast foods and even delivered food. I couldn't tell her that I can't cook. I don't want to worry her. My stepfather is nice. Butㅡ I favor my own father's love. But he betrayed me and my mom"

Taehyun said it all in one go. Beomgyu rubs circles on the younger's back, whispering sweet things into his ears as his other hand is caressing Taehyun's head, comforting the younger in as many ways as possible.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here, with you"

He whispered, before placing a kiss on the younger's forehead.

"I would never betray you, sunshine. I would never. I promise that I will stay with you forever, protect you, love you, accompany you, showers you with loves and I rather take my own life if I had to"

Beomgyu blurted out. He meant it. He meant every single words that he just said. Although he forgot the real motive he was sent to the human world, falling in love with a mere human, like Taehyun himself, isn't bad at all.

Taehyun was hurt. By his own past. He used to not believing in love because of his parent's divorce. He despised love since then. He doesn't believe in it, and swore to himself that he would not fall in love with someone. But, look at him now. Crying into someone's chest opening up about his past that he had never told anyone before except his bestfriends, Soobin and Hueningkai.

"You don't mean those words.."

Taehyun mumbled but Beomgyu managed to catch what was the younger saying.

"I love you so much, my sunshine"

The vampire confessed. Taehyun sniffs. His cries is getting quieter every second and it's enough for Beomgyu to confirm that he had successfully comforted the younger. He smiles. Placing a long kiss on Taehyun's head, inhaling Taehyun's sweet strawberry scent. While the silvernette is still contemplating with his thoughts wether to say or not to say 'I love you too' to the older.

"It's okay, sunshine. If you can't say it now, I'll wait until you're ready"

Beomgyu said as if he knew what was going inside the younger's head.  Taehyun nods. Then it suddenly rains, it was just a not so rainy one. Both males look to the sky before laughing together.

"Look, the sky is crying because you were crying"

Beomgyu giggled. Taehyun slaps his arm playfully.

Just then, Beomgyu separates himself from the younger and got up on his feet, before extending his hand to Taehyun which got a questionable look in return. The younger sits, staring at Beomgyu's hand and face back and forth.

"Dance with me"

The older suddenly blurted out. Taehyun tilts his head in confusion. Nevertheless, he takes the older's hand, getting up. Beomgyu smiles sweetly at him, showing his dimple on the left side of his cheek which only Taehyun giggles to. The older wraps his right arm on Taehyun's waist and the other one holding Taehyun's hand half in the air, while Taehyun put his right hand on Beomgyu's shoulder and his left hand holding Beomgyu's.

Staring into each other's eyes for a few seconds, their soaked bodies pressed against each other. Beomgyu starts off moving his feet to the left and Taehyun follows the older's pace. It was waltz they were dancing too. No music, only the sound of the rain accompany them. Both dancing elegantly as Beomgyu twirls Taehyun before the younger arched his back, his head going upside down, his thigh being held up by Beomgyu.

Stopping for a moment, Beomgyu kisses Taehyun's exposed belly button earning giggles from the younger. He pulls the silvernette back into his arms, once again dancing without music. Beomgyu is the lead and Taehyun is just following the older's pace.

Taehyun raised his head, meeting Beomgyu's brown contacts. The older was smiling at him fondly. It warms his heart. Beomgyu make him feels all kind of things. And he loves it. He loves the older. But he couldn't admit it. He can't.

They both stopped dancing as Taehyun immediately snuggles into Beomgyu's shoulder, wrapping his arms around Beomgyu's neck while having to tiptoes doing so.

"I'm glad that I met you"

He blurted out. Beomgyu chuckles at the sudden affection. He returns the hug, wrapping his arms around Taehyun's tiny waist, resting his chin on the younger's shoulder as a soft smile appeared on his lips.

"Me too, sunshine"

Taehyun smiles. Just then Beomgyu unwrapped his arms around Taehyun, one hand resting on the silvernette's waist, as his other hand reaching for Taehyun's cheek, caressing it.

"I'm sorry"

Was all he muttered, before Taehyun could even react, he had been tossed to the side far away from Beomgyu by Beomgyu himself. Taehyun winced in pain, getting up slowly using his elbows to support his weight. Then he heard something going through someone's flesh. His eyes went wide at the sight in front of him.


Lovebite [Taegyu] ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon