Chapter 16 : Mastermind

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⚠️ a slight gore ⚠️

It's currently over 8pm and Yeonjun is just chilling inside the convenience store for some ice creams. Well, actually he and his roomate has a big container of vanilla ice cream inside their dorm, but Yeonjun, being the mint chocolate lover he is, goes outside and decided to buy a mint choco ice cream for himself. Plus, his roomate is a mint chocolate anti. Yeonjun scoffs at the thought of people hating mint chocolate ice creams and tell him that it tasted like toothpaste.

(a/n: i am one of those people)

For him, mint chocolate is the best flavour that had ever been made in the ice cream industry. At least, for him. In Weolhwa, he would always sneak out to buy mint chocolate ice creams and eat them by himself because his little brother, Beomgyu is the biggest mint chocolate anti. And let me tell you, that boy is willing to sacrifice anything except eating mint chocolate and tomatoes.

The scarlet hair male is currently in the ice cream section, pouting his lips, eyes searching for the ice cream of his desire. He's taking the time of his life there, because their dorm curfew is 12am and he's positive that he'll be not late going back to his dorm. He smiles when he saw a mint chocolate ice cream in the corner inside the freezer, Yeonjun immediately fishes it out and giggles happily.

"Look at you darling~~"

He said in a singing way. He brought the ice cream container close to his face and immediately regrets it after the cold surface touches his bare skin. He yelps, rubbing his cheek glaring at the container. Only to be smiling happily again at the thought he'll be eating mint chocolate ice cream for the night.

He skips his way to the cashier, and pays for it before living the store in a delightful mood. His eyes lighten up at the sight of the mint chocolate ice cream container inside the black plastic bag.

"Wait until we gets home, darling~"

He said once again. Yeonjun is like that. Even the smallest thing like eating his favourite ice cream, or winning a game in the arcade could lighten up his mood in a flash. That's because he's a happy kid. He had never been the unhappy one. Everyone in Weolhwa would say something about his weight or his chubby cheeks, accusing him of being a gourmet and during all those times, it was always Beomgyu who defended him. Yeonjun would just stay quiet, and puts the biggest smile on his face.

Yeonjun is grateful to have an angel like little brother like Beomgyu. Just because Yeonjun didn't comment anything about their insults and put a big smile on his face, that doesn't mean he isn't hurt. And sometimes, Beomgyu would annoy the fuck outta him, but he would just laughs and plays with the younger along. Seeing his little brother all happy and bright is enough to bring the light in his life back. Beomgyu, his only little brother. His only family that had left.

Yeonjun exhales, looking up the sky and fixing the red scarf on his neck. It was chilly and windy outside so that explains why he was wearing a long brown coat under his black shirt, black tight jeans and a red scarf and top it all off with a black beanie. He looks expensive. He inhales the fresh air until his nose caught an unpleasant smell.

Yeonjun abruptly stops on his track and glancing here and there, looking for the original place of the smell. Yeonjun scrunches his nose. Just then his eyes caught a dark alley that was only eight steps away from him. As he walks closer, the smell is getting stronger and stronger. It smells like a rotten corpse and Yeonjun is not enjoying it at all.

As soon as he turns to the dark alley, his eyes widen in an instant. Two vampires were feeding off a mortal's flesh, gouging the mortal's intestines, ripping out the fresh flesh as dark crimson blood splattering everywhere all around the walls and ground. The two vampires sensed Yeonjun's presence, and they immediately turn their head towards the scarlet hair male. Yeonjun flinches. His grip on the plastic bag is getting tighter. And what makes it more eerie is, their eyes weren't red colored. They were yellow yet orangeish colored.

"Oh, it's just another vampire"

The one with the longer hair said. Beside the long hair vampire, there was another foreigner looking vampire, glaring at Yeonjun. The scarlet hair male was about to turn his way running away but the long hair one is already behind him in a flash. Yeonjun yelps and falls to the ground. The smell of blood and a rotten corpse enter his nostrils and he feels like throwing up.

"You want some?"

The one with the long hair said, showing the ripped out heart in front of Yeonjun. The redhead shakes his head vigorously.

"We'reㅡ *coughs* not supposed *coughs* to eat *coughs*"

The long hair vampire laughs mockingly at Yeonjun's words. And it made Yeonjun more confused that he already has.

"Vernon! He said we shouldn't eat this!"

He exclaimed, showing the still beating slowly heart to the other vampire, Vernon.

"Shut it, Minghao. I can hear him"

Vernon said, licking off the blood from his fingers one by one before walking to Yeonjun. Yeonjun trembles. He is known to be one of the strongest vampires in Weolhwa but these two give him a totally different auras from all the vampires he had met. Their smell is stronger too. He gets up and landed a kick on Minghao's leg but the long hair vampire manage to dodge it and fly to the other side before giving a kick on Yeonjun's back, making the poor male stumbles and falls to the ground on his face.

The plastic bag that he has been holding flew to the other side of the road and destroyed in just a few seconds as it was ran over by a car. Minghao walks to the scarlet hair male and kicks him to the wall while keeping his hands inside his pockets, Yeonjun couldn't even react, Minghao was just too fast for him. Vernon just watches everything, smirking.

Once again, Minghao runs to Yeonjun in just a flash of light and crouches down in front of the scarlet hair male. Yeonjun whines.

"That is not how you greet someone fromㅡ"

"Oi, that's enough"

A familiar voice said. Minghao and Vernon both turn their heads to the owner of the voice and bow down in respect. Yeonjun looks up and saw a male wearing a full black outfit, and a mask covering his face. He was wearing a cape too.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

He walks to the scarlet hair male and crouches down, before grabbing a lock of Yeonjun's red strands.

"Yeonjun.. Beomgyu.. The last two chois of Weolhwa eh?"

He said mockingly. Yeonjun is glaring into the male's pair of red eyes. The voice was oddly familiar. He recognises the voice so much. But he couldn't recall who's the owner.

"Weak. Pathetic. Useless"

The other vampire spat. Yeonjun spits his saliva to his face and the other vampire immediately let go of his hair as Yeonjun tries to run away, but Minghao is already behind him along with Vernon blocking his path.

"You little shit"

The unknown vampire blurted out, wiping Yeonjun's saliva that was on his face. He chuckles before standing on his feet walking to the scarlet hair male. He taps Yeonjun's shoulder and due to Yeonjun's fast reflex, the scarlet hair vampire immediately attacks him without any warning. Although Yeonjun is fast, but the unknown vampire keeps dodging them all. He blocks both of Yeonjun's hands, smirking.

"You are looking for the Minseol's next heir, you found him a few weeks ago, but you couldn't catch him. Because his whereabouts is unknown. TSK TSK TSK"

He mocks.

"Just a reminder, little friend..."

The same familiar voice said.

"I know who you are"

Yeonjun spat. He had enough of this little game.

"...that silver hair friend of yours, is manipulating your brother"

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