Chapter 06 : What?

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Two weeks went by just like that and the two males get along well. Beomgyu hasn't told Taehyun about his real identity yet, and he wears contacts everywhere he goes. That's why in the middle of the nights, he would sneak out to the kitchen and brings a bottle of animal blood with him into his room.

Weirdly, Taehyun also stopped bringing his flings into his dorm ever since Beomgyu became his roomate. Taehyun had introduced the raven hair male to Hueningkai and Soobin and the couple seem to get along with him as well. Beomgyu also introduced Yeonjun to them. But the scarlet hair male seems to be not trusting the mortals that much but he befriended them anyway.

Taehyun also had explained about the history pair work to the older. At first, Beomgyu seems to be taken aback at the subject for their pair work which is 'vampires'. Why would he be researching for his own kinds? I mean, he's one of the vampires and of course he knows more about them than Taehyun does.

It took Taehyun a couple of days for him to convince the older about it and Beomgyu finally gave up and decided to cooperate with the younger. That also explains why they're currently in the school cafeteria discussing about their project. Taehyun and Beomgyu sitting beside each other, Soobin and Hueningkai sitting side by side Yeonjun sitting in the middle.

Taehyun is talking and circling the words on the paper and the gap between him and Beomgyu is so close that Beomgyu's nose could pick the sweet scent from the younger. Beomgyu couldn't help but stare at Taehyun's neck behind the collar. When Taehyun looks at him, he would adverts his gaze to the paper in front of them.

Yeonjun looks at his little brother and knew exactly what Beomgyu was thinking. Because his nose could pick up the sweet smell from Taehyun as well. Hueningkai and Soobin who are sitting next to each other are puzzled watching the other two males focusing and discussing about the pair work seriously.

"You guys look like discussing some kind of wedding planning there"

Hueningkai blurted out of the blue. Both Taehyun and Beomgyu turn their head to a munching penguin-like human in front of them at the same time.

"Excuse me, but whatㅡ"

"ㅡthe fuck"

They said at the same time. Hueningkai giggles while slurping his smoothie. Soobin snorts. Yeonjun doesn't give a fuck about whatever they're talking about and keeps on munching his taco.

"He's not wrong tho, it's just a pair project, why so serious?"

Soobin added. Taehyun rolls his eyes before clicking his tongue.

"Well, have you both started working on your project?"

He deadpanned, slurping his smoothie. Beomgyu smirks. Hueningkai stopped munching, looking at Soobin before bursting into laughter along with the older.

"Our sheets are still clean"

He answered. Taehyun shakes his head.


He deadpanned.

"Relax, we still have one more week until deadline"

Hueningkai said. Again, Taehyun sighs. Taehyun is the opposite of procrastination. He likes getting things done as soon as possible so he can enjoy his times afterwards. Beomgyu could only shakes his head watching his friends behaviour.

"That reminds me, Yeonjun hyung, who's your pair in this project?"

He asked. Yeonjun looks at the raven hair male.

"I don't know.. His name was.. "

Beomgyu snorts.

"You can't even remember your partner's name?"

Lovebite [Taegyu] ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang