Chapter 43 : Ghosting

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Beomgyu opens his eyelids, feeling the warmth coming from Taehyun who is in his arms. He glances at the digital clock on the wall. It was almost 4am. Staring back at Taehyun, he softly caress the younger's silver strands ; placing a deep loving kiss on the back of Taehyun's head. He smiles, tears unconsciously streaming down his cheeks. He pulls back, eyes still not taking off the younger in his arms.

"The sunshine is indeed breathtaking, but in the end the sunset had always been the merrier"

He whispered to the younger although he is positive that Taehyun couldn't hear him in his sleep.

"I love you, my Taehyun"

He takes his phone, typing something into the notes before placing it back on the desk beside the bed. Beomgyu pecks Taehyun's forehead gently inhaling the sweet intoxicating strawberry scent from the younger.

This is it. This is the moment he's afraid of. The moment where he has to leave the love of his live. He needs to find the Kims and kill them soon since his brother, Yeonjun is nowhere to be found. There are only two places that could answer the scarlet hair male's whereabouts ; the police station or a vampire's cell inside a vampire hunter's house.

He looks outside the window and its still dark outside. Carefully, he swiftly removes himself from the younger so he wouldn't be awake from his peaceful sleep. He walks to the window only to turn back on his toes, glancing at the younger for the last time. Smiling sadly, as he motions his fingers in front of him grabbing Taehyun's hands. But he can't. He needs to end all of this.

He feels every bit of him being swallowed into a huge black hole. Every bit of regrets started eating up his mind, but a part of him wants to end this. It is okay to not be okay. Sometimes, letting go of someone because you don't want them to approach danger is the only way to keep things as it is. Protecting their lives, so they will live because you love them.

Beomgyu put his shoes on. He slowly opens the window of Taehyun's bedroom and climbs out quietly, closing the window shut. He leaps towards the tree grabbing on a steady branch before landing on the grass.

Beomgyu dashes away from the house, sometimes glancing back at Taehyun's house that seems to be getting smaller and smaller from his view. He runs through the darkness engulfing around him, only the flickering streetlights accompanying him through his way.

He unconsciously runs to a telephone booth and enters it. He grabs the telephone and presses some familiar numbers. 112, are the numbers he had entered. Sweats covering his face as he waited for a few moments for the other line to answer the call.

"This is Seoul Police Stationㅡ"

"Officer, I'm a vampire"

Silent. His heart started to pick up it's pace as he could feel his hands trembling depsite the phone call.

"Sir, it is not nice of you to joke something like that. Especially during the nights"

"No, I'm not joking. I'm calling you to capture me. Send some vampire hunters to me, I'm at xxx-xx-xxx Magic Street"

Hearing no answers from the other line, he figures out that the cops there are panicking. Then the line got disconnected. He slowly put the telephone back to its place, sighing. He hung his head low, tears dropping to his shoes, from his eyes. He sobs quietly to himself, clasping his palm to his mouth.

It hurts him.

It's painful.

It's like his soul is being dragged and forced to enter hell although he did zero wrongs. Taehyun is his everything. His sunhsine. His darling. His one and only. Too bad, they were destined to meet but not together forever.

Just then he heard the police cars sirens behind him, and more than three cops coming out from the cars, pointing their guns to him.

"Hands up!! Don't try anything funny, bloodsucker!!"

One of them said. Beomgyu sniffs, wiping off his tears before plastering the fakest grin ever on his face. Turning around slowly, he did as he told ; raising his hands behind his head maintaining the grin on his face. They flinch when Beomgyu's red eyes suddenly glow out while exchanging glances with each other hesitating wether to shoot or not.

"Handcuff him! Later, we will let the Jung to handle him"

One of the police officers approaches Beomgyu, grabbing his hands harshly before handcuffing him. But, Beomgyu on the other hand, expressions remained unfazed.

"Get inside!"

The police officer said, pushing Beomgyu inside the car. The vampire did as he told, and the door shuts. As the car started to move, Beomgyu looks back as his lover's image ; smiling, dimples showing from his right cheek, the little fangs flashed out from his mouth, waving his hands at Beomgyu popping up in mind. Beomgyu unconsciously smiles, waving back to nothingness.

"Too bad the sun had shine and has to set soon"

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