Epilogue : Present

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Two years later, Weolhwa.

Beomgyu is walking through the town, as his people are bowing at him in respect. Although he is now the one rulling the Weolhwa realm, no one was by his side except Yeonjun. Beomgyu stops in front of the big fountain just in the middle of the town. His mind drifts to the memories just two years ago.

Every vampires in the Weolhwa realm were shocked at Jay's sudden death news. And Beomgyu, explained it to them. Luckily, they all believed it ; and the throne automatically goes to Beomgyu. Since his family is a royal. Beomgyu is also doing a great job in rulling the realm well ; except that he's not the same Beomgyu he used to be.

What about Yeonjun? Well, the older is going back and forth to the realm and the human world, reason? No one knows. He said he has work there, but Beomgyu doesn't believe him.

Just then Beomgyu feels someone wrapping their arm around his shoulder and he looks to the side to see his brother, Yeonjun. He gives a small smile to the older. Yeonjun's hair is no longer red. His hair is now plain black, just like Beomgyu's.

"Human world? Again?"

Beomgyu asked. Yeonjun clicks his tongue, nodding.

"I need to meet someone. Plus, today is a special day"

Yeonjun replied.

"You want me to deliver something?"

The older said as he saw his brother's face turned sullen. Beomgyu chuckles dryly.

"To who? And deliver what thing?"

He asked, eyes looking at the fountain in front of them as if it was the most interesting thing in the realm.


Yeonjun simply answered. Beomgyu gulps, looking at his feet.

"He doesn't remember me, hyung. What's the point?"

Yeonjun scoffs.

"Then go visit him. He had moved back into your shared dorm room y'know"


"Nah, I'm not talking to stubborn people. Bye"

Yeonjun walks away leaving Beomgyu. The younger bites his lips, playing with the hem of his shirt. Turning around, he catches up on Yeonjun who isn't very far away from him.


Two years had passed.

Taehyun had moved back to his dorm, and he would always feel someone's presence there. He remembers the time where he moves back inside his dorm room, he saw a book written ; Choi Beomgyu on it. His mind immediately clicks and it's very familiar to his ears. He heard that name before. But he doesn't know where. And he realised that, on his right wrist was a piece of someone's clothing that he only takes off and wash it before putting it back on. It was from someone. But that someone he doesn't know.

During the weekends, he, Soobin, Yeonjun, Lea and Hiyyih would visit Hueningkai's grave ; leaving flowers on the latter's grave as a memorial.

Things got more even confusing when his bestfriend, Soobin would randomly says 'Beomgyu' in the middle of their conversations. When he asks the older, who is Beomgyu, Soobin would simply replies ;


While smiling.

More to add, he also noticed a contact named "Beomie hyung 🥺❤️" inside his phone. He is positive that the owner of the contact number is the same person ; Choi Beomgyu.

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