Confusing Dreams

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"I would find you in any lifetime."
-Kanye West

"Kawa, you should calm down." Mattsun said. Makki nodded, agreeing with his fiancé.

"I CAN'T!" Oikawa let out as he ran around the Palace's library.

"OIKAWA YOU HAVE BEEN LIKE THIS SINCE MORNING!" Mattsun said, trying to get Oikawa to calm down.

"I CAN'T! I HAVE TO FIND OUT-" Oikawa was about to finish until he lost his balance and dropped the 11 books on his hands.
"SH'T!" Oikawa cursed. Oikawa sighed and started grabbing the 11 books. After he gathered all of them, he walked to the table where Mattsun and Makki were sat at. He placed the books on the table and sighed and sat on a chair.

Mattsun looked at him with worry and Makki sighed at Oikawa.

"Oikawa, you have to take a break. YOU HAVE READ 20 BOOKS IN THE LAST 4 F'CKING HOURS!" Makki said in annoyance and worries. Oikawa looked at the two of them and sighed once again.

"Sorry guys." Oikawa said as he sat up on his chair properly. Makki internally facepalmed himself at Oikawa.

"Oikawa. You literally woke up me and Mattsun at 4 f'cking am in the morning to look for books about dreams." Makki said with obvious annoyance in his voice. Oikawa pouted

"Calm down darling." Mattsun said as he leaned towards Makki's forehead to leave a soft kiss on it. After that, Makki softened a bit.
Makki sighed.

"Oikawa." Makki called out to this friend. Oikawa slowly looked at Makki. Makki's face softened up as he saw his friend's soft expression on his face.
"I'm sorry." Makki said almost whispering. Oikawa's eyes lit up and smiled softly. Makki then smiled back at Oikawa.

Mattsun smiled at his fiancé and friend. Mattsun then had a thought.

"Hey Oikawa." Mattsun let out. Oikawa then looked at Mattsun in confusion.

"What?" Oikawa asked.

"Why are you looking for dream books?" Mattsun asked. Oikawa then tensed up. Makki noticed.

"Oikawa, you don't need to tell us if you don't want to-" Makki said before being interrupted by Oikawa.

"No.. you guys deserve to know." Oikawa said to the two of them. Makki and Mattsun now became a bit curious.

Oikawa explained to Makki and Mattsun about the dreams that he's been having. Explaining every detail that he could remember.

"And then I saw.. I think the same person in the grass looking at me then I woke up." Oikawa explained. Makki and Mattsun then got more curious and confused.

"Wait, so you're telling me that, you woke up in a field filled with flowers, and was holding a crown with a half heart and saw a blurred figure there to and they also had a crown with a half heart and you guys tried to connect the hearts but then you woke up. And the other dream you has was, you woke up at the field again but you were now leaning on a tree then you saw another figure which you think is the same person you saw in the last dream looking at you and you looked back at them and you guys were staring at each other for a while then woke up?" Makki said, trying to piece Oikawa's explanation. Oikawa nodded at Makki's statement.

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