Hanging out & a Connection

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"If I know what love is, it is because of you."
-Hermann Hesse

Iwaizumi and Oikawa have been talking for a bit now. Talking about themselves and just random topics. As they talk more, they slowly get more drunk with the drinks they have. Oikawa and Iwaizumi were a bit out of it.

"I don't get *hiccup* why people *hiccup* h-hate the color *hiccup* gree- *hiccup*" Iwaizumi said with a very drunken voice. Oikawa then nodded agreeing with Iwaizumi.

"R-Right! *hiccup* It deserves some- *hiccup* love too." Oikawa said. And Iwaizumi agreed.

The two then started to have a twenty minute conversation about the color green. Talking about the pros and cons. Yeah, they were out of it.

The two just talked about random, and I mean very random things. Like 'how did books become a thing?' or 'who decided to name penis, penis?'. The two were kinda bonding over it. It's strange but it was kinda helping their friendship blossom.

"You knoww.." Oikawa said before continuing.
"I've always thought *hiccup* that you look soooOo pretty!" Oikawa said as he then chuckled.

"rEAlly?" Iwaizumi said.
"I think- *hiccup* you look good toO!" Iwaizumi said as he took a sip of alcohol.

"Hahahaa!" Oikawa was just laughing like an idiot while Iwaizumi was just looking at him.

"Stop laughing! Oh my *hiccup* gOd.." Iwaizumi said as he slapped Oikawa's arm.

"OooWwiee!?" Oikawa complained.

The two were now really out of it. Oikawa and Iwaizumi both finished a huge bottle of alcohol and are now just talking while their minds are all over the place. It was already 10:47 pm. The two were still talking about things that should probably not be talked about.

"Hehee.. I find you soOo- *hiccup* amusing, you know?" Oikawa said as he looked at Iwaizumi beside him laughing. Oikawa admired Iwaizumi's face like he did at the sweets shop. Admiring how beautiful his brown eyes were and how long his eyelashes are.

Iwaizumi noticed someone looking at him so he looked beside him and saw Oikawa looking at him with such bright eyes. Iwaizumi let out a chuckle.

"The hell- *hiccup* you looking at?" Iwaizumi asked. Oikawa stopped zoning out for a bit and responded to Iwaizumi.

"I just think you- *hiccup* look pretty.." Oikawa said bluntly. Iwaizumi's eyes then widen a bit. Iwaizumi turned away from Oikawa to hide his flustered face.

"HEy? Why did you- *hiccup* look a- *hiccup* way?" Oikawa said. Iwaizumi just shock his head and turned his body. Oikawa was confused so he got a bit more closer to Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi after a few seconds felt warmth so he turned his head and saw that Oikawa was inches away from him. This made Iwaizumi a bit more flustered.

"W-why *hiccup* are you so cloose?" Iwaizumi said nervously.

"I'm just wondering why you went away from me." Oikawa said in all seriousness.

"O-oh.." Iwaizumi said.

The two sat in silence as they were inches away from each other. They stayed in silence for a bit until Oikawa spoke up.

Finding True Love  || Oiiwa || Haikyuu || (Royal AU) ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant