Will you be my one and only?

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Pls get ready, this is gonna be a very long chapter!

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
-Dr. Seuss

T i m e s k i p

It had been a few weeks since Oikawa was crowned. He is king now. Oikawa isn't fully King yet though. He still hasn't gotten together with Hajime yet. Toru had promised himself to marry Iwazumi soon after the crowning, but.. he's been stressing over it. I mean, he had already asked the permission of Hajime's mom. She happily said yes and threatened him to make the proposal perfect. He even asked Tobio. Kageyama obviously agreed and asked if he and Daichi could help with the planning.

And the present,

Toru, Makki, Mattsun, Daichi and little Tobio are in the Palace's library, trying to think of what to do for the proposal. They have been planning for a few days. Daichi and Tobio were able to make excuses to Iwaizumi and Iwaizumi didn't bother asking Toru since he thought that Oikawa would be busy with King work and all that.

"I keep telling you guys to not make the proposal too extra." Daichi said with a annoyed tone. Makki dramatically gasped.

"What are you talking about!? This proposal has to been amazing and extravagant!!" Makki shout at his face.

"Iwaizumi doesn't like extra things!" Daichi shouted back. Tobio nodded.

"Yup. Iwaizumi is too humble." Tobio said, agreeing with Daichi. Makki groaned and banged his head on the table.

"ahh! Dear, don't bang your head so hard!" Mattsun said as he lift up Makki's head and started kissing with forehead. Toru internally facepalmed himself. The five of them have been brainstorming but haven't thought of anything good.

Someone then entered the library.

"Hello everyone! How's the planning going?" Hinata asked as he walked in with maids and butlers who were holding their lunches. They looked at him.

"Ehh.. could be better." Tobio said. Hinata chuckled.

"Of course you would say that." Hinata said as he then sat next to Tobio. The butlers and maids placed the foods on the table and went out of the room. They then agreed to take a small break and eat.

Even as they were eating, they kept discussing even though, they said they would relax first.

"God. It's been like 5 days and we haven't even thought of a decent plan." Makki complained. Toru nodded sadly.

"Yeah.." Oikawa said as he got gloomy. Mattsun noticed the sudden mood change.

"Kawa. It's gonna be fine. I'm sure we'll think of something soon." Mattsun said looking at Oikawa with his smile. Toru slowly smiled back.

"Yeah. Hopefully soon." He said as he took a bite of his food. Mattsun pouted. Daichi and Tobio looked at them with pity.

"Well, I guess we can't just think of anything that's really special for the both of you guys." Tobio blurted out. As Tobio said that, Toru had a realization. Toru finally thought of something with his last remaining braincells. Toru got up from his chair. The others looked at him in surprise.

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