- ꜱᴀɪᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏɴᴇ.

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— ꜱᴀɪᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏɴᴇ

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ꜱᴀɪᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴏɴᴇ.

"Start to set in the descend! We will arrive in Storybrooke minutes from now," Captain Hook orders, his hand and his hook resting on the helm of the Jolly Roger. Presley and Wendy look up from their conversation, which had now changed subject to a much more light topic, and stare at the leather clad captain. "We're almost there. I can't express how excited I am to be able to see my brothers again," Wendy exclaims giddily. "It's been so long since I last saw them." Presley couldn't push down the grin that was showing on her face from seeing the girl so happy and she wasn't quite sure she actually wanted to. It was nice to be able to smile that much again.

Captain Hook was right that it was only minutes later when they landed on the water outside of Storybrooke. The pirate sails them into the harbor and docks the Jolly Roger by an awaiting crowd of people. They were all looking forward to seeing their heroes return home again. First Henry and his family leave the ship, soon followed by the Lost Boys. Presley was standing hesitantly by the gangway, but Wendy reaches out to take her hand in hers and squeezes it gently. "Why are you waiting?"

"I-I don't want to face them. I.." "-You don't want them to think you're evil, because it is what Pan said you were," Wendy asks, filling in the blanks for the other girl. Over the course of the journey back to Storybrooke the Darling girl learned a lot of nuances when it comes to Presley Swan. The frizzy haired girl pulls on Presley's hand and drags her off the ship. "If you don't set the first step, you will only grow more hesitant until you eventually never will. Come on!"

Wendy's dragging and the fact that her words gave Presley comfort manages to get her off the deck and onto the docks. Hand in hand the girls walk down onto the docks when Wendy suddenly tightens her grip. Her entire face lights up and she glances quickly at Presley. "My brothers.." She let go of their entwined hands. A cold breeze was now hitting the warm skin of her hand. It leaves Presley with a weird feeling, but she literally shakes it off by waving her hand and she hurries after her new friend.

"Wendy!" Someone called out from the crowd. The frizzy haired girl notices her two older brothers in the mass of people and runs towards them. She embraces both the boys tightly, calling out their names relieved. "Is it really you," she questions. She had been captive for so long, passing by days that seemed to be endless. She couldn't quite believe she was now actually free and be able to hug her brothers again. "You have no idea how long we've been waiting to see you," John Darling remarks.

The older man named Neal, or Baelfire as Wendy knows him, joins their side and they seem to be very happy to be reunited. Presley was standing a little to the side. She had nobody on the docks that was waiting for or or that was happy to see her, except perhaps Felix. But she meant what she said earlier to him on the Jolly Roger. She needed time. However, she didn't know how much yet. Presley throws a glance over her shoulder at the isolated Felix who was watching everything, but seemingly especially her, from a distance. Before he would notice she was watching him too she removes her gaze.

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