Meeting Daddy. (slight TW)

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"Mummmmmmy," was the chorus that woke me up this morning. I smiled, stretched in my bed and looked at the baby monitor. My little baby was sprawled, spread eagle, in her 'big girl' bed- revealing her very full nappy. Her hand clutched her pink dinosaur which was held close to her face and I could see the glittery paci shining through.

"Mummmmy," she whined again, kicking her legs a little. I giggled, climbed out of my own bed then checked the time- 8:54. She'd slept well. I was proud. I pulled on a t-shirt and walked through the house to get to my little girl's room. I opened the baby gate and she gasped, hearing me, and sat up.

"Mummmy," she cried, reaching her hands out instantly.

"Good morning little one," I smiled and pulled down the bars on the side of her bed so I could sit next to her.

"Mummy," she whimpered again and scrambled away from the covers then reached for me again.

"Hey, it's alright princess," I cooed and pulled her close to me. She still shuffled closer and then buried her head in my chest. "Are you alright my lovely?" I asked, sadly and ran my hand through her ebony hair. She shook her head.

"I had sad dweam mama," she whispered and sniffled.

"About what sweetheart?" I asked.

"Bwout Paige mummy," she whispered, keeping her head down. I sighed. Paige was her toxic ex, she was horrible, manipulative, abusive and just down right not good for my little girl- at all. They were together when I met Jess and I remember her coming into work with a tear stained face one day and then getting a phone call from her saying how much of a failure she is. At my company, all of our calls are tracked and I just happened to be doing a routine check on my employees calls when I came across that one from Paige to Jess. Jess wasn't my little at that point but I had a huge crush on her. Instantly, I ran to Jess' office and took her in my arms, I cradled her and rocked her as she explained everything to me. It hurt my heart hearing the horrible things that she went through on the daily. After that, I insisted that they break up and Jess moved in with me- our relationship bloomed from there.

We had an open relationship. She was the submissive/ my little and I was the dominant/ mummy. As I was a bisexual, I've tried introducing a couple of females to the dynamic too but none of them really clicked with my little girl and due to her 'difficult' behaviour sometimes, they struggled. Therefore, it had just been Jess and I for the last few months. However, I'd met a guy recently. Jess had never had a daddy before, she a lesbian but she's expressed to me that she doesn't mind me being with him and her too but she will stay platonic with him. Which is perfect in my eyes! I get two beautiful people to love me and so does Jess. We were actually meeting him today. Well Jess was meeting him for the first time, I'd been with him a while now.

"You're so much better without her my darling. You're so much happier and my little ray of sunshine. I love you lots and lots, never forget that," I explained and kissed my baby's head, over and over. She giggled a little then leaned her head back to look at me. I smiled at her. She had a red line down her cheek from her pillow- she had obviously been sleeping well. I pulled her paci away from her lips, kissed her softly and then put it back in. Pink creeped up her cheeks and she snuggled straight back into my chest.

"You'll never get used to mummy's kisses will you?" I teased and played with her hair more. She mumbled something I didn't understand- as always- and I just giggled. She often speaks in her own special language.

"Well then misses, we've had cuddles. It's bath then breakfast and then we're off out!" I announced, tapping her swollen nappy. She groaned and slid back down the bed.

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