Happy Birthday Daddy!

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I looked over at the most handsome man I'd ever met and my heart filled with joy. It was his birthday today and I wanted to make it so frickin special. Ever since I met him, he had brought nothing but joy and sweetness to my life. He was such a caring guy, he wore his heart on his sleeve and he always put other people's needs before his own. He loved me wholeheartedly. He adored Jess and he took Ellie in with open arms and I could never, ever be more grateful. 
Today, I forced him to take it off work. He told me at first, he never really celebrated his birthday because he worked it but I had different ideas. He loved his job and I loved that he loved his job but he had one of the best families now and I wanted to use that for his advantage. 
We'd all bought him gifts and we were planning on giving him presents and a chill morning then crazy golf and lazer quest this afternoon and then out for dinner this evening! 
I didn't mind if Jess or Ellie were in headspaces today. Ellie probbaly won't be because hers was often voluntary and she had a lot more control but I think, knowing Jess, she'll slip more to her middle age this afternoon but possibly be okay for the dinner. I really didn't know but I had it all planned anyway- in case. I knew Carter wouldn't mind as he loved Jess big or little, any headspace but Jess would be conscious of it. 

I leaned over, kissed Carter's cheek before climbing out of bed. I went to the toilet before going and checking on my two girls. They both went to bed in their headspaces last night so both were in their shared little room. We were in the process of moving Jess and I's things from our own house. We'd managed to get Ellie's from Alex a few weeks ago and that was all hanging in the spare room. Originally, we wanted to get Ellie her own room but Carter is now, for some crazy reason, looking for a new house altogether for the four of us. I obviously didn't mind- neither did Ellie. Jess however was a whole different story. 

"Goooood morning mama!" Jess screeched as I opened her bedroom door. I giggled and said goodmorning back before looking over at Ellie. She was still fast asleep, legs and arms spread wide. 
"We wake her up mama? She lazzzzyyyy," Jess giggled and I shook my head. 
"No baby girl, we'll leave her to sleep for a bit longer! Shall we go get you cleaned up and fed?" I went over to her bed and helped her get out of her crib. It was a convertiable one so the bars could easily come on and off if you knew how to do it- Jess didn't. 
"I has boobie milk for breakfast?" She asked me sweetly. I giggled and laughed before turning her around and leading her out of the bedroom quietly. 
"Maybe baby, we have to clean you up first." 
"I dreamt about you boobie milk last night mama, I did." she explained and began rambling to me about her dream as we walked through the house and to the bathroom. Instantly she lay down on her changing mat, still chatting. I listened to her and nodded and agreed where I had to as I got her cleaned up. She really was too cute. 
"Mama, it daddy's birthday today!" She giggled at me. 
"It is indeed. Are you going to be super good for him?" 
"Mama, I always good!" She giggled and I just gasped. She giggled more as she sat up and moved closer to me. "I boobie milk nowwww?" She asked, looking at me with her puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes. 
"Let's at least get downstairs first, you greedy guts!" 

Ellie woke up and joined us half way through Jess's breakfast and curled up beside us on the sofa. I cuddled her back as much as I could and put the telly on. Once Jess had finished nursing I went to make them both some fruit and they contiuned watching cartoons. Ellie wasn't fully in headspace but she also wasn't fully out of it. 
Once they had their fruit, I got to making Carter's breakfast and laid out his presents for him. I really wanted to make this day super, duper special for him.  Just when I went to wake him up, or at least check on him, I heard the whine from the living room. 
"Noo, it's mine. Off." I rolled my eyes. Jess woke up with too much energy this morning and if I didn't channel it well, it would turn out disastrous. 
I walked through and saw her and Ellie pulling on a toy- a dinosaur toy. These were Jess' but we obviously didn't have any of Ellie's little toys. She didn't have many of her own and often, Jess didn't mind sharing. 
"What's going on?" I said. Both of them stopped their tug of war and looked at me. 
"She no share," Ellie mumbled, dropping the tail end of the dinosaur and pouting. 
"It my toy!" Jess replied with attitude. 
"Jess, Ellie doesn't have many toys you have to share yours with her so you can play nicely," I tried to explain. 
"No mama because they mine an-and she no play with mine." 
I sighed and walked over. "How about Ellie plays with 5 of them and you play with 5 of them?" I suggested but she shook her head and grabbed them all. 
"Alright, then you can't play with them at all!" I said, beginning to put them away. 
"NOO!" She shouted suddenly and I looked at her with my warning eyes. She growled at me but sat back on her bottom. She crossed her arms stubbornly and glared at the floor. 
"Ellie, babes, why don't you go see if daddy is awake?" I suggested to her. She was sitting there, awkwardly fiddling with her socks. 
She said okay and scurried off upstairs. Jess whined and went to go to. 
"No lovely, you're going to sit in time out for a few minutes," I said and took hold of her hand. 
"Noooo, I no naughty." 
"You know you're not allowed to scream inside the house and it was over some silly toys. You can sit in timeout for two minutes," I held two fingers up at her and she huffed but sat on the timeout stool. 
"I'd also like you to think about sharing your toys. You're usually so super good at it- especially with Ellie because she's your best friend, isn't she?" 
"She my sister mama," she mumbled back. 
"Exactly sweetheart so we need to make sure you're sharing super well with your sister. Mummy will come and get you in two minutes." I stood up and left her in the stool and headed upstairs quickly. 

Carter was awake with Ellie in his arms. They were both laying down and Ellie was playing with his t-shirt and he had his arm wrapped around her. 
"Ooh, good morning birthday boy!" I giggled and leaned down to kiss him. Ellie giggled and covered her eyes quickly. 
"Thank you baby," Carter replied to me. "Is the monkey okay?" 
"She's all good. She's just in timeout for a few minutes. Did she wake you up?" 
"Yeah but I don't really mind. I want to get my perfect birthday day started!" He cheered and sat up. Ellie and I both giggled and I gave her a quick kiss on the head. Hopefully once Carter is up properly, we can channel Jess's energy and littleness into making her day a lot more enjoyable. 
Sometimes, she struggles with birthdays. It's not a bratty thing, at least I don't think so, more so a trauma response. She often doesn't know how to handle it because she wan never brought up celebrating them.

But, I knew that Carter will still love Jess with all of his heart by the time the day is over.

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