Busy busy

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I sighed when mummy came through the front door and charged straight to her office. Something had happened at work in the last week- I had no idea what as I didn't work there anymore- but in basic terms, the company was on the cusp of breaking down. Mummy, being high up, now has the responsibility to sort it out. She used to be at home all the time but this week, I've been by myself every day and even when she's been home, she's been in her office which she doesn't like me in. Carter had been jam-packed with work too so we weren't even at his house. Mine and mummy's house was smaller than Carter's but it was still nice. I loved how cosy and welcoming it was- not only that but it was full of personality. We had pictures on the walls, toys and blankets everywhere. Our cutlery and supplies weren't your basic white but decorated with Winnie the Pooh characters and we had children's things for when I'm small! I just loved the vibe of our house and I hope that if the chance ever did come up for us to permanently move in with Carter, we can spruce his house up too.

However, as amazing as our house was, it still got pretty lonely. I could hear Phoebe making a commotion in her office and it hurt me. She was stressed and upset and I wanted to help. Screwing her rules of not going in the office, I got up from the piano stool and went over. I could hear her grunting and slamming drawers and it broke my heart. Mummy was never this upset or angry. I knocked on the door gently and pushed it open. I peered my head around and saw her sitting in her office chair, head in her hands.

"Pheebs," I mumbled, walking in properly. I shut the door behind me and she didn't react. I went over to her and put my hand on her back just as she broke down crying. That hurt me even more. Phoebe never cried! Ever! I pouted, moved around and held her in my arms as best as I could. It was uncomfortable but I was trying to offer her comfort.

"It's all going wrong," she cried and wrapped her arms around me too. I moved, sat on her knee and held her tightly. It was the best place to sit to be able to hold her properly. She cried into my shoulder and I held her tighter.

"You can work it out. I'm sure you can," I mumbled to her.

"It's beyond me. I tried. It has to go to the top," she explained between sobs.

"Oh." I rubbed her back and played with her hair. "You tried your best, babes." I kissed her head and tried my hardest to comfort her.

"I could lose my job. Then this house and our life- Jess our life will just fall apart," she sobbed.

"No, it won't," I reassured.

"It will. Don't you get it? It will," she sobbed heavily into my chest and I couldn't do anything but hold her and silently beg that Carter came home soon. Yeah, Phoebe had been my girlfriend for 2 years now but she's only ever broken down like this once and calmed down pretty fast. This was so new and I had no idea what to do. "We have Carter," I whispered.

"We can't live off him," she replied.

"I can get a job," I offered- fully serious. At that thought, she laughed. I pouted as she sat up, smiling. But then her face fell flat.

"You're serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious!" I whined.

"Oh baby," she sighed. She wiped her eyes but I could see she was trying to hold back a laugh.

"It's not funny," I huffed, taking my arms from around her and crossing them.

"I'm sorry baby. I thought you were being silly."

"I wasn't. It doesn't matter anyway. You clearly think I'm not good enough." At that, I got off her knee and left the room. I get I'm her little and stuff- I understand that but I'm still capable of big girl things. I heard her coming after me but I shook her off and pulled out my phone- I was going to prove her wrong.

A week later, Phoebe's business was perfectly intact again. The big bosses managed to sort whatever problem it was but I was still adamant to prove to Phoebe and Carter that I was more than capable of getting and maintaining a job! In fact, I had a job interview today. I hadn't told Phoebe yet and I won't until I need her to drop me off because I know she'll argue with me about not going. I woke up big and managed to deter from any little treatment and now Phoebe was working in her office. I'd done some piano practice but was now doing my makeup. I wanted to look professional but not like someone who didn't care so I went for a gentle, natural look. I'd asked Phoebe to french braid my hair last night so when I took it out, it was all lovely and curly and I left that down. I took some business pants from my wardrobe from when I DID work with Phoebe and put on a smart, shirt- which wasn't actually mine but we can look past that and then went to Phoebe's office.

I knocked quickly, hoping she wasn't busy.

"Come in," she said. I pushed open the door and just as she was about to say something she saw my attire. Her eyes raised and she put down her pen. She then cleared her throat as if 'explain'. I smiled sweetly and shrugged.

"Please can you drop me off?"

"Where do you want dropping off exactly?"

"This place in town," I pulled out my phone. "I have the address here."

"Jessica. You didn't answer my question."

"Technically, I did," I replied, nervousness radiating through my voice.

"Don't need the cheek little one. Why do you need dropping off at this place?"

"I'm going to be late, can we please go?"

"Not until you answer my question." She sat back in her chair and kicked her feet up onto the desk making me groan.

"I have a job interview, okay. Now get your keys and let's go," I retreated from the door so she didn't see my face and well, so I didn't have to see hers. I heard a sigh though, a few taps at her computer before she joined me at the front door. She didn't say anything when getting in the car and stayed quiet too when we left the driveway. I fiddled nervously with my hands and kept my head down. Was she mad?

"Where are we going?"

I told her the postcode quickly and she tapped into her satnav at the edge of our estate.

"I think this job thing is silly," she mumbled, finally, after five minutes.


"Because you don't need a job. Carter and I support you. And, not being funny or mean but I don't think you could handle it," she said in a monotone voice.

I only whimpered in response. "Not in a harsh way, baby. I want what is best for you and on your worst days, you can't just book the day off because you'll never be in! I know how it feels to have the stress of a job and the pressures on your shoulders constantly. I don't want that on you especially when you struggle anyway," she explained. I stayed quiet, staring out of the window.

I suppose she had a point but I didn't want to tell her that. That meant she won.

"Jess," she mumbled, pulling outside the business office. I looked at her sadly. "I want what's best for you. As does Carter. We can drive away from here and forget any of this ever happened and you tell this place you have a job already. Or, you can walk through the doors, ace your interview and fall into a dark place as soon as reality hits you. Either way, I'll be here for you but I want you to put yourself first." I sighed and looked at her and then at the building. It did look a little overwhelming but I wanted to do this!

"Can I try?" I asked, putting some hair behind my ear.

"Of course you can. I'll be right out here when you're done," she leaned over the seat, kissed my head and opened my door for me. I smiled nervously and got out of the car before walking up to the door.

A few days later, I got an email from the workplace telling me that I wasn't offered the job but thanking me for trying and as deflated as I was, I was also so grateful. I don't think I really wanted it deep down but my stubborn ass just wanted to prove a point. 

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