Sleepover antics.

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I cuddled up to Carter on the sofa and we pressed play on our movie. Jess was upstairs with Ellie having a little sleepover and honestly, I think tonight had been going pretty well. We'd ordered pizza for dinner which they both gobbled up like greddy little piggies and then I bathed them together- as requested by Ellie's caregiver. Her and Alex were going out tomorrow for a wedding. He'd asked me to watch Ellie tonight whilst he went to the stag do. However, the wedding was around lunch time and we had to get her ready here before dropping her off at the venue on time as Alex was part of the groomsmen and didn't have a chance to do it himself. I didn't mind of course. After the bath, I got both of them ready for bed and put on a movie for them in Jess' bedroom. Jess wanted midnight snacks at 8pm but I obviously said no and let them know it was sleepy time as Ellie had a busy day tomorrow. To be honest, Ellie looked so tired when I put them down to bed. Hopefully, Jess got the hint and settled down pretty quickly too. It was about 10:30 now and in the last hour and a half I hadn't heard much at all.

"Beautiful?" Carter asked me and slid his hand up my t-shirt. I giggled, grabbed it and looked at him.

"We have two little ones upstairs and I don't think either will appreciate walking in on us doing the do dah," I smiled.

"The do dah, huh? Is that what Jess calls int when she's little?" he teased making me hit him gently on the chest.

"Be quiet and watch the film, perv," I moved closer to him and slid my hand up his top.

"And I'm the perv," he mumbled, making me smile. I loved him really.

"I was actually going to ask you a real question," he said a few minutes later.

"Oh yeah," I looked up at him, "what's that?"

"Do you think Alex would return the favour and have our little one one night in the near future?" he caressed my waist, making me shudder.

"Yeah, he would. Why?"

"Because I want to see how loud you can be." He smirked without missing a beat and I blushed heavily. I hid my face in his neck and took a deep breath. God.

"You really had to go and make me horny the one night we can't do anything?" I groaned.

"I did it to myself as well baby," he giggled and held me close to him before landing a soft kiss on the top of my head. "You're aren't the only one suffering."

I was about to make a comeback when I heard a little shuffle by the door, then Ellie's small voice saying "Phoebe?" I sat up and looked at her. She looked so sad and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey, sweetheart," I opened my arms for her and she came scrambling over before hiding her face in my neck and crying heavily. "Oh, darling. What's the matter?" I asked. I pulled her onto my knee and rubbed her back.

"I so tiwed," she whimpered, clinging to me.

"Why don't you go to sleep then, angel?" Carter mumbled, sitting up beside me and handing me a box of tissues. Ellie's head came from my neck and she took a tissue, gratefully.

"Jess won't wet meee," she whined before wiping her eyes and nose. "S'e keeps poke mwe when I twy an go seepy and den cwimbin in mwy bed sawying it no seepy it pway time. I twied twell her dat mwy daddy no bwe happy if I tiwed bu she no wisten an jus' waughin," she explained all very fast and all very sadly.

"Oh angel," I held her close to me, quite angry at Jess. I'd explained to her before Ellie came that it wasn't going to be an ordinary sleepover and that Ellie needed to sleep for tomorrow but clearly, she didn't listen to me. Carter rubbed my leg before getting up, obviously to go speak to Jess. He paused the movie on the way and I sat back on the sofa, holding Ellie close to me.

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