It's a bad day (TW mention of SH)

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I put Jess' food onto a small plate and went up the stairs to her bedroom. I'd let her sleep in today as she struggled to get to sleep last night. I knocked on her door softly and pushed it open. My baby girl was led, flat on her back, one ear of her bunny in her mouth and arms above her head. I went in and sat beside her on her little cot bed, after sliding down her bars.

"Hey princess," I muttered, rubbing her belly slightly. She whimpered and scrunched her face up tight.

"It's wakey time. Mummy has your breakfast downstairs," I said softly, moving some black hair from her face.

"Mummy," she whimpered, stretching up.

"Good morning, angel," I giggled and waited for her eyes to open but it didn't happen.

"I no wan gwet up todway mummy," she grumbled before rolling over and pulling her blanket above her head.

"Why not?" I rubbed her back.

"No wan two," she huffed. I smiled a little and went to turn the shower on.

"Come on princess. Let's get you in the shower, that should wake you up." I pulled her covers off, well plied them off of her and lifted her from the bed. Her pink, dino nappy hung between her legs and she grumbled before wrapping her arms and legs tightly around me.

"No mummy," she huffed.

"No choice princess. Shower time." I sat her on the toilet and got her undressed then helped her walk into the shower.

"Mummy will be back in ten minutes. I'm going to sort some things out and get your breakfast in the oven and I'll be back," I put a gentle kiss on her hand and left the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, I returned to the bathroom with a lovely, warm fluffy towel and some play clothes as Ellie was coming over today. However, upon hearing me, Jess squealed and her head shot up. I glared at her and couldn't help but notice the tear stains on her cheeks and how puffy her eyes were. On top of that, she was strangely holding her arm behind her back. My heart sank.

"Princess," I muttered. I put down her towel and began getting undressed.

"N-no mwummy," she whispered, shaking her head violently. After I was quickly undressed, I pulled back the shower door and stepped in next to her.

"N-n no mummy. No wan woo," she cried, a fresh set of tears streaming down her face. I picked up the razor blade from the shower floor and threw it in the bin before turning to my baby.

"You don't want me, what baby?" I whispered softly and tucked her wet hair behind her ears.

"No hewp," she whispered back, hanging her head. I sighed and pried her arm from behind her back to assess what she'd done. She whimpered and shut her eyes tight.

"You weren't meant to come back yet," she mumbled.

"Well I would have seen it anyway princess. What's going on?" I sighed, pulling her into me and letting her arm drop. She shrugged and cuddled into me. I held her tightly.

"Have you gotten clean?" she shook her head so I reached for her shampoo and body wash. I guess she needs mummy more than I realised today.

Once she was out of the shower, I wrapped her in a warm towel and sat her on the toilet seat. I handed her her toothbrush and I let her brush them whilst I went to find the first aid kit. After her bigness earlier, she slipped so far into her little space she couldn't stand up to let me clean her. I think today, she's struggling more than she's letting on. She'd been clean for about two months so seeing her now broke me. I returned back to her and she was just staring at the floor, not even brushing her teeth. She hadn't even put it in her mouth.

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