Christmas morning.

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I woke up to the sound of giggling. I looked over at the clock and saw my lovely boyfriend sat up in bed with two little girls dressed in matching pjs sat by his feet, all eagerly waiting for me to wake up so they could see what santa brought them. I smiled widely and stretched. 
"Mammaaa," Jess instantly screeched, catapulting herself on top of me. I grunted but wrapped my arms around her anyway. 
"Merry Christmas my little princess," I whispered kissing her head. She giggled and snuggled into me. I looked over and Ellie and opened my arms for her too. she'd been staying with us over a month now and still hadn't spoke to Alex. I didn't really blame her. Either way, she was more than welcome to stay here as long as she needed or wanted! She smiled and laid down beside Jess and I, cuddling into my side and closing her eyes. 
"Merry Christmas to you too little angel," I whispered, planting a soft kiss on her head too. 
"Where's mine?" Carter grunted after a few moments. 
"Oh shush," I teased, holding the girls tighter. 
"Merry Christmas Angel, Merry christmas Princess, no merry christmas to my lovely boyfriend who has absolutely spolied me and who I love very very much- I see how it is," he teased, getting out of bed. The girls broke out giggling and I just stuck my tongue out at him. at the door, he suddenly shouted that the last one downstairs was a rotten egg. Before I could even react, both of my screeching girls were up and out of the door!

I made my way downstairs to see three eager beavers sat on their knees in frotn of the christmas tree. 
"Carter. You're such a child," I laughed going over and helping him up. He smiled to and stood up, he instantly kissed me and wrapped his arms around me slowly. I giggled and kissed him back, trying to supress the butterflies. I loved this man. 
"Ewwwwwww!" The girls chorused together. I giggled as did Carter and we went to sit on the sofa. 
"Go on then, who's dishing them out?" I asked, referring to the presents. Jess instantly shot towards the tree, grabbing the first present and reading the label. 

We got to the last one under the tree and both girls had quite a few things, big girl things and little things. Jess reached in and pulled the last one out, reading the label slowly. 
"I can't read it," she muttered, trying to hide her smirk. She handed it to Ellie. "Help?" 
Ellie smiled and took it, she began reading the label aloud. "To Ellie, Merry Christmas, lots of Love Mummy, Daddy and-" she stopped, looking between us. 
"But I don't have a-"
"Shhh!" Jess screeched, launching forwards. "Open it silly," I giggled, as did Carter and Ellie ripped open the present. 

Jess came up with the idea to get her a little's pamper set. We got her a personalised bottle, a few pacis, a paci clip, a onesie and a teddy as well as a little book and a bath bomb. At the bottom, was a note, signed from the three of us. 
Merry Christmas, Els. We hope you have a fantastic day and we want to ask you a very special question. We know things have been tough lately and we are so insanely proud of you for being so strong. Don't be afraid to ever speak to us because we truly care about you! 
Would you do us the incredible pleasure of being part of our family for good? 
Lots of love: Phoebe, Carter and Jess xx

"Is this legit!?" Ellie asked, waving around the note, tears in her eyes. 
"NO! We're just messing with you!" Jess replied, giggling. 
"Shut up," Ellie cried, wrapping her arms tightly around Jess. Jess laughed and wrapped her arms back around her. Carter quickly sighed and went to join the hug, as did I. We sat in a little circle around Ellie as she wiped her tears. 
"I can't believe you just asked me that," she whispered through her tears, re-reading the note. 
"Why?" I replied, tucking some hair behind her ear. 
"Because it's a silly question. I would say yes if you asked me over the frickin dinner table!" She giggled loudly and launched into my arms. I held her, beaming. I finally had a second little princess to spoil. 
"Thank you," she mumbled in my ear. 
"Always," I replied, holding her tighter.

"Mammmmma! I wanna pway dis now!" Jess announced, coming over to me with her new colouring stuff. We got her a special breifacse you can colour on and it was filled with colours inside. 
"What do you say bubba?" I asked, taking it off her. She pouted a little but mumbled a please before sitting beside me. "Good girl. Go clean up your doll stuff whilst I open it for you," I said, kissing the side of her head softly. She grumbled but got onto her hands and knees before going over. Ellie was in one corner of the room, trying to figure out how to build her lego. I opened Jess' colouring things whilst she tidied, got together the rubbish and went to check on Ellie at the table. 
"Need any help sweet pea?" I asked, running my hands through her hair. 
"I no unstan the structions an an i just no fwind de pieces," she mumbled sadly, putting her head in her hands. 
"Oh that's okay," I said. I pulled out the chair next to her and sat down. 
"Where are you up to?" I asked, I took her instructions booklet and had a look through, assessing what she made so far. It did not look right. 
"It awll goned wong. I doned bad," she whispered, huffing to herself but I just shook my head, wrapped a hand around her waist and kissed her head. 
"No negative nancy on christmas day princess, look, we can do try again! It's all practice okay!" I said softly. She whimpered and leaned into me. 
"I wan Awex. He knows how do dis stuff," she grumbled, angrily. I sighed and held her tighter. 

"Mama!" Jess shouted, coming towards the table. 
"Yes bubs?" I asked, looking at her. She pouted seeing Ellie in my arms but I just shook my head, she just needed a cuddle. 
"I no get dis out," she mumbled, showing me a crayon. 

"Drinks ladies," Carter announced, coming into the living room. Jess and I looked at him to see two bottles in his hand and a cider for me. I smiled at him. He set them on the table in front of us and crouched down beside Ellie's chair. 
"Now, my lovely littlen'," he smirked, brushing some hair from Ellie's face. "Do you need the best craftsman in the land to help assemble the lego house?" he pretended to show off his muscles and Ellie giggled a little, as did Jess. 
"I nweed hwelp I doned it wong," she muttered, nodding and sitting up. 
"That's alright. We can just start over! There's no harm in that, is there Jess?" He asked, looking to the other giggling little one who had sat herself in another chair. 
"Nuh uh!" She shook her head, drinking her bottle. "Mama hwelp me colour and daddy hwel Ewwie build?" she said, tilting her head to the side. 
"Sounds good to me," I shrugged. I got Jess's crayon out and Ellie sat on her heels to help Carter. Jess rolled up her sleeves and I put on some christmas music.

This is how I liked to spend my christmas mornings, with my family. 

Do we want christmas afternoon with more drama or fluff? 

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