Day Out!

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"Wakey wakey little one," I whispered, caressing Jess's cheek. She whimpered and her eyes flickered open.

"Morning mama," she groaned, stretching.

"Are you excited for today, princess?" I giggled, kissing her exposed belly. She giggled and nodded enthusiastically.

Today, Carter, Jess and I were going to go to the aquarium. Jess loved the aquarium and Carter had booked us tickets hoping it could help Jess mentally. It's a whole day for her to be small and enjoy the day out with her mummy and daddy and hopefully, all the stimulus will keep her mind occupied.

I picked her up, carried her to the changing table and began getting her ready for the day. I put her in her favourite dinosaur print top which also had purple camo spots and then put her denim overalls over the top. I put her in a pull up.

"Mummy," she whispered, holding her teddy close.

"Yes baby?"

"I had bwad dweam."

"Oh," I replied sadly. "What was it about, princess?" I sat her up and began brushing her hair from the front.

"About my dad, mummy," she sighed, fiddling with her hands.

When Jess was about six years old, she and her dad were involved in a severe car accident. He was left paralysed from his chest down. Jess had a few broken bones but nothing as serious. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her head.

"I miss him mummy."

"I know you do baby," I replied, stroking her back and holding her close to me. We stayed cuddling for a little while longer.

I carried Jess downstairs once she was ready and Carter was in the kitchen with breakfast for us on the table.

"Daddy!" Jess cheered happily, reaching for him. Carter giggled and took her from me before kissing her cheeks over and over and over again. Carter had been super busy with work recently so this was the first time she'd seen him in over a week.

"How's my little princess feeling today?" Carter asked, setting Jess into her highchair.

"I soooooo sited daddy!" she giggled, clapping.

"I'm soooooo excited too, my little lady!" Carter replied, clapping his hands also. I smiled and grabbed Jess's breakfast and placed it in front of her then grabbed my own.

"Eat up nicely, munchkin."

Once we were all ready to go with everything in the car, I picked Jess up from her play den and stuck her on my hip.

"Mummy," she mumbled, gripping my top. I stopped at once, her voice and actions worrying me.

"Yes baby?" I said, moving some hair from her face.

"I nervwous," she whispered.

"That's okay princess. Daddy and I will be with you the wholeeee time," I smiled and kissed her cheek three times. She looked at me with a pouty face but I just kissed her again.

The whole way there, Jess was chatting about all the things she was going to see at the aquarium. She was yabbing on and on and Carter and I couldn't get a word in edge ways. Therefore, when getting to the aquarium, she wasn't prepared for the reins about to be put on her. Before Carter or I got her out, I got them out of her bag and held them in my hand.

"Good luck," Carter mumbled to me as I opened Jess' door. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled at Jess.

"Mummy out- no mummy. No dem," she whimpered, crossing her arms over her chest.

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