Over thinking.

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"I wan mummy now daddy," Jess whispered, snuggling closer into my side. She pulled her blanket up closer to her face and sighed heavily.

"I know angel, she'll be home soon," I replied, hugging her close to me. She wasn't well today. Her temperature was up way too much than we'd like- she had been throwing up and was complaining of a headache. We'd tried to keep her as settled and calm as possible but it was difficult when she's so restless as it is.

"I wan her hwome now daddy," she sighed and moved to straddle my knee.

"I know, baby girl. I do too but we can't make her go any faster can we?" I muttered, moving some baby hairs off her sweaty forehead. She huffed and flopped against me.

"Mama," she whispered and brought her thumb to her mouth. I giggled and held her close whilst scratching her bare back. She'd abandoned all clothes except her nappy this morning due to how hot she was and I don't blame her. Her breathing softened as I kept drawing the patterns and I hummed her a soft tune. She soon fell fast asleep. I had gotten a text from Phoebe saying she was going to get Jess's favourite snack for when she was feeling better but she had to go into town to get it and that was further than the chemist. I didn't mind though and I let her know Jess had fallen asleep so she was good to go anywhere for an hour or so.

I did feel kind of bad for Phoebe today though; she was planning to go out for lunch with her friends but half an hour before she was meant to go, Jess threw up all over her outfit and then clung to her for a good hour. Phoebe cancelled on her friends and she'd been a little down ever since. I was really desperate to do something nice for her but I wasn't sure what. I wanted a date night but I knew it was nearly impossible with Jess on the loose. I knew I could try and get her in bed for a decent time and then spend the evening with Phoebe but even then, she was up to her bedroom multiple times a night if she was worried and Phoebe struggles to settle down to sleep if she can't hear Jess! I can see they are both completely and utterly in love with each other and I love it but knowing they had so much anxiety being apart and knowing how Phoebe's worrying can get out of hand when not with Jess upset and worried me. I just wanted both of my girls to be happy but it was so hard.

An hour later, Jess was awake and attempting to eat some crackers. I had cuddled her until she woke up and then let her choose some food as she'd been complaining she was hungry- thankfully, she hadn't mentioned Phoebe. She still wasn't back but she was letting me know she was doing some shopping and meandering around town which I think was her therapy. She loved shopping and had begged me to go with her multiple times (purely to look after the little one). Jess didn't like shopping as much- the people, the vibes, all the dirty clothes and unorganised shelves often upset her, especially on a tough day so Phoebe avoided it. I sighed and ran my hands through my greasy hair.

"Dada?" Jess whispered softly. I looked at her and saw her holding a cracker up for me. "You has?" she mumbled, tilting her head to the side. I giggled and came closer to her.

"No thank you munchkin. They're all for you," I kissed her head and grabbed hold of her little legs which were sticking out of the high chair.

"Awe woo sad?" her eyes turned sad and she pouted a little bit as she analyzed my expression.

"I'm not sad, princess. Daddy is just trying to think of something for your mummy."

"Fwor mummy?" she put a cracker in her mouth and sucked it, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, baby. I want to do something really nice for her to make her happy. Can you think of anything?" Who better to get advice from other than her baby girl?

"Hm a dwate night daddy. She wolves dem cus dey make hwer feel special," she mumbled.

"What kind of date does she like best?"

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