Invaded space.

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Getting off the phone, I sighed. Phoebe's hand caressed my back and I turned to her, tears in my eyes.

"What's gone on?" she mumbled, still in a tired state.
"Tarken has been sent to hospital. They want to keep him for at least a week." I put my head in my hands and caressed my temples.

"What about Lily?"

"I don't know. Should I offer her to stay here, with me?"

"If you want to," Phoebe replied, eyes still closed.

"Okay. I need to go get her from the hospital anyway. I'm going to go now," I said, all very quickly and got out of bed.

"Baby?" Phoebe muttered.


"Will you be working tomorrow?"

"Not anymore princess, don't worry," I kissed her head. "Sleep tight, I'll try not to disturb you too much when I get back." Phoebe grumbled in reply and rolled over. It was 4am and I knew the hospital was quite a while away so I won't be back until at least 7am. I'm just hoping Jess and Phoebe won't be too worried about having Lily stay.

Tarken was my best friend, he has been for 10+ years and his little one was Lily. Tarken has had some underlying health issues for a good few years now and occasionally, they play up to the point of hospitalization. I've always looked after Lily in the past but never with my own little around really! This was new territory and I have all my fingers and toes crossed that Jess will cope okay!


I woke up again to the shuffling on Carter's side of the bed and questioned it as I knew that he shouldn't be back yet. I couldn't have slept that long and the sun wasn't up. I grumbled and heard a sniffle. It was Jess. I opened my eyes slowly and caught sight of my princess. She'd shuffled under the covers and was moving over to cuddle into me. Her face was tear stained and her cheeks a lovely rosy pink. I pouted and opened my arms for her as she slid into them. She buried her head into my chest and sniffled a little more.

"Bad dream baby?" I asked, running my hands through her hair. She only nodded before shuffling in more. I saw it was 6am on the clock but I was still so tired and Jess seemed to be too so I settled back down to sleep. Hopefully a few more hours won't hurt.

Waking up a third time, it was Carter coming home with Lily. I hadn't spoken to Jess yet- wait. Jess wasn't with me. I could have sworn she was in bed with me a few hours ago. I opened my eyes and sat up from my bed, looking around. Jess wasn't anywhere in here. I got out of bed, pulled on a dressing gown, rubbed my eyes and went to check her bedroom. She was in fact, in her little room. She was playing with her legos and was in her own world. I smiled and quickly left, she hadn't noticed me so I was going to go and check in with Carter and Lily.

"Hey lovely," I said softly. I kissed Carter's cheek and ran my hand over Lily's back.

"Hi," she mumbled back, shuffling from one foot to the other.

"Do you want some breakfast? Are you hungry?" I suggested, hearing her belly grumble.

"Erm, yes please," she replied, putting her hands in her pockets.

"Come on then," I smiled, holding out my hand. Lily was perfectly comfortable with me. She was just worried about her daddy and honestly, I couldn't blame her.

"Where's Jess?" Carter asked.

"Upstairs, playing. She doesn't know anything yet though," I sighed.

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