I want to go home.

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"Come on baby we're going to be late!" I encouraged Jess. I switched off the TV, put her diaper bag on my shoulder and held out my hand. She huffed, frustrated and glared at me.

"Now, now, don't give me that face. You're going and you're going to have fun." I took hold of her hand and pulled her out of the house.

"I no wan go mama!" she huffed, crossing her arms when I put her things in the car.

"You have other friends there baby, you'll have fun. I'm sure of it!" I put her in her carseat and then strapped her in securely. She groaned and wiggled but I was stronger and well practiced. She was being silly because Ellie, her all time best friend, wasn't going to be at her little group today. Ellie and Alex, her Daddy, were currently on holiday in the Maldives for Ellie's birthday and therefore, she wasn't going to be at this week's group or next week's. At first, Jess hadn't given it much thought but as time went on, she grew more and more annoyed that Ellie wasn't going to be there. The matter was though, she had plenty of friends there and she needn't worry about not having anyone to play with! I knew she'd be fine and her little, over dramatic mind was just being silly.

I got in my own seat, behind the wheel and looked at her. Her arms were crossed stubbornly across her chest, her teddy was firmly clasped in her hand and she glared at me.

"Oh baby don't be like that," I whined and turned the car on. She'd been like this all morning, despite Carter's and my own pleads to get out of her mood. Carter had gone off to work an hour ago so it was my problem. I let her put the TV on and didn't entertain her stroppiness but now, I had no option really.

In no time at all, we were pulling up outside the little store and Jess let out an almighty groan before hiding her head behind her teddy.

I giggled and climbed out of the car. I loved this group so much! I loved getting to mingle with the caregivers and see their dynamic with their littles. Not to mention, its location. The owner of the store, not having a little herself, wanted to meet new ones so I suggested opening a group. She invited all her customers- some joined, some didn't but we've all formed an amazing group and Hazel- the store owner- continues to host the little group every thursday afternoon. She has it in the back room which is meant to be used for storage but instead, she uses the spare room in her flat above for storage so the little ones can have more space. She's like an angel from above. She shows so much love to each and every little. Not to mention birthdays- she's all over them on their special days.

"I not gettin out of dis car mama!" Jess huffed and kicked her feet. I stood by her door and looked at my watch.

"Well then- you're going to be late and miss the snacks," I hummed, pretending not to care. I knew that if she missed the snacks she wouldn't be happy at all. She huffed again and I watched as her yellow bunny went flying past me and onto the dirty ground.

"Jessica!" I scolded, picking it up and putting it in the car. I undid her straps and got her up.

"Noooo!" she cried and whimpered in my arms.

"You're being a silly billy and getting yourself in trouble sweetheart," I mumbled and held her against me. Usually, cuddles helped. She whimpered and clung to me, she wanted cuddles. After a few minutes, I held her at arm's length and bent down to her height.

"Listen princess, we're going to go in and I want you to try your hardest to mingle with the others. You know them, you love playing with them when Ellie is here. I understand she isn't but mummy will always stay in eyesight and you can always come back to me. I know you love Ellie baby but you need to be able to do these things on your own too, okay?" I kissed her head and she nodded then wiped her eyes quickly on her top. She pulled it up revealing to the street her bra and I just giggled. And made sure no one saw.

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