(Chapter 30) What made me do this

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Everyone looks at Solomon whose mask shattered revealing his real face...

"Timewatch?!" Ch'en was aghast.

"Explain yourself!" Kal yelled as the man formed a smile on his face.

"Looks like my cover has been blown."

"Damn you!" Lucas rushed in, his blood boiled filled with anger.


He pulled also a Katana and blocked his strike. StormEye glared. "What a is hot tempered young'un. Unfortunately a false mythological entity has no place for the eternal utopia."

"That makes no sense at all, The only thing i care is about my buddy Yuuji, and i am here to avenge him- Guh!"

Ryo deflected StormEye's weapon and punch him in the gut, making the blonde man stagger.

"Utopia? What are you talking about?" Kal asked not understanding what his true intentions are.

The white cautus was the most hit here. That even though they are in a relationship. Timewatch had betrayed her and Rhodes Island.

Lucas got back up and glared at the manipulating bastard.

"It all started that day." He looks at the sky telling them his tale. "I'm sure Yelena had already told you."


A story of a man who borrowed a family name, just wanted something.

To make everyone he knew happy. An idealistic dream that can never happen, because the world ain't perfect, for evil is lurking in every corner.

Day by day as a mercenary his friends and loved ones slowly die, Neither of them survived.

And just like Lucas, he has fallen in the never ending pit called Vengeance, where there can be no way out unless you kept digging to find that treasure.

That treasure cost his life.

Surrounded by a wall of fire, he dies and was reincarnated into a new world.

But he never achieved happiness...

Humans are fragile beings, that only a small problem can be turned into a big one.

In other words. It was the stench of a world that made humans like this

"Yelena..." He called to his loved one and said. "In that world you died as i stood there only watching you and Amiya fight for your stubborn stupidity."

FrostNova believed because he told her about this vision.

"Talulah, if only you listened to Reaper you could even have a better life and destroyed Kaschey's soul. More than that have a family with him."

The draco's silently listened. "..." She placed a hand on her chest as the pain of her past began to resurface.


The lynx raised an eyebrow her heart filled with resentment towards this man.

"If only i could have chosen you instead of Theresa, you wouldn't be shouldering the responsibility of Rhodes Island."

"Don't you dare bring up that now, it's too late to regret your choice."

Timewatch chuckled hearing that. "Regret? Choice? No, none of that matters anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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