(Chapter 26)

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2 weeks have passed since the raid under the LGD HQ.

Reports of Reunion's movements are showing slow signs of actions and are laying low, making the city to open, but still with a curfew.

Ch'en on her desk sighed a she had bags on her eyes after pulling an all nighter for at least 5 days, since her assistant gone rouge, she was taking care of the paperworks on her own.

Though Hoshiguma and Swire was there, they are also tight on their schedule, since they lost a lot of their men, they have to double the patrol plan more than before.

There was a knock at the lung's office as she replied after emptying her mug of coffee. "Come in."

"You look like ass."

It was Timewatch who always greet her when she's in this state just to piss her off. She couldn't help but reminisce the man back when he's still alive.

"You look like you've seen Iberia."

A caster operator, Leize, the kylin who was deployed at Ch'en's team was the only one remaining with her.

"I'd rather hone my skills at Kazdel." The lung smiles and comments. "I thought the Juidical office called you back, why are you still here?"

For the past 2 weeks, even if Reunion slowly halted their movements, sags of shit kept appearing giving problems to Lungmen, moreover the other city's in Yan, had found terrorists, and was calling the high ranking officers for a meeting.

"This." She tossed a brown envelope, Ch'en took out the papers and read what file it is.

"Medical file?" She comments and opened the folder, reading all what was written there, she placed the folder down and stared at Leize. "Is this for real?"

"Let's get him back, and tell him everything. That he hasn't lost one thing." Ch'en stood up and took her sword.

"Thank you Ch'en, I'm in your debt."

"Just treat me to a bar, and then we're even." The lung simply replied as the kylin followed her to go and search for that one guy...

"So got anything of where he'd be like?"

"Hm, maybe he'll left some clues for that." Ch'en smiled confidently as the scene shifted to a dark warehouse where lots of gunshots were fired at.

"Stay away!" A union tosses a grenade towards the attacker to try and escape the pursuer.

But traces of lightning flew forward and formed into a human figure blocking his path.

"You asked for this..." It was the former journalist Lucas, firmly grasping the katana, he swiftly swung it down hitting the flesh part of it's leg.

A scream was responsed as Lucas wiped the blood of the blade to avoid getting it rusty, he knelt down and his eyes gaze at his target's soul.

"Where the hell is Solomon?"

"I don't know! I really don't know!"

Lucas clenched his fist and put all his energy punching the target at the face. "LIAR! i fucking heard your conversation with your fellow friends earlier! Spill it!"

Understanding that the union is resisting, lightning formed at his fingertips. "Fine then, guess I'll have to shock you, so then you'll tak!"

"I really don't know!" Lucas sighed as he was about to do it. "But please hear me out-"

"Go on..." Lucas pulled his hand back as he let him talk. "Alright, yes we were talking about that guy earlier, but the bastarad doesn't even give a care about us. Hell, even Talulah's power was influenced by her, along with Patriot too."

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